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I hate facing a trynda, duelling him in early and then getting critted while he has a Doran’s blade and a pot. It is a stupid mechanic with 0 counterplay. I would ban him, but sadly toplane is in a state where you realistically need 4 bans to keep your sanity. But I draw the line at this bullsh*ttery. And don’t come at me „if you face any champ who has a crit cloak you will also throw the dice“. Yeah. But that champ spent gold on a CRIT item. I can SEE the item, I know what might come.

Remove the crit per missing health (??? I think it is? Or is it flat? I don’t know as I will never touch this champ with a 5m pole) and give him. Idk. The windsh*tter treatment or something. Better remove him all together, but I suppose that might make the right hand user in the game mold inside out.

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almost 2 years ago - /u/Tryndamere - Direct link

Originally posted by RedditGaming345

He has the CEO buff, he is Marck Merill's champ.

His name on Twitter is also Tryndamere.

His user name on Reddit is u/Tryndamere

Hey, Guinsoo designed him, just sayin!

almost 2 years ago - /u/Tryndamere - Direct link

Originally posted by raphelmadeira

Oh! I believed that the champion was created by yourself!

Nah, the team just named him after me.

almost 2 years ago - /u/Tryndamere - Direct link

Originally posted by LezBeHonestHere_

Would you happen to know who designed the original Kayle? She was & still is my favorite champion, even if I can't play her anymore.

I don’t recall who did her kit, but Brandon and I collaborated on her original look and idea (justice Angel in plate wielding a flaming sword of righteous justice). In the early days, we had a very open and collaborative design process where everyone at the company could be involved in ideation if they wanted to.

almost 2 years ago - /u/Tryndamere - Direct link

Originally posted by raphelmadeira

I didn't know, can you share your favorite champion style? Melee or ranged?

I can only play with ranged champions because of my spine and my eyes. There are a lot of clicks and I always get lost in the confusion of champions, I prefer to stay away thinking strategically.

I like them both - just depends on what I’m playing. I go melee junglers and tops usually, usually ranged mids and obviously ADC’s. My favorite supports are Thresh and Lux - but I also throw in a Leona from time to time :)

almost 2 years ago - /u/Tryndamere - Direct link

Originally posted by patmax17

Can I ask where the name comes from? :D

One of my EQ characters - a Barbarian Warrior named Tryndamere on the Tallon Zek server. I was part of and then led a single team only PvP guild called Human Retribution. So when we were making a barbarian warrior - the team dug the name.