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For context I started playing in November 2022. I havent had much time to game though so I have played maybe 250-300 games in total. I am a godawful player.

However, this morning my MMR was around Silver. Well, I was Bronze IV but I would be queued up with people as far up as Emerald regularly but the majority of them were around silver.

But now I have lost 14 out of 15 games. My nautilus winrate is now 8%. I am no longer being queued up with silvers lmao. I used to get about 70LP per win and now i got 25 for that one win. So I have finally convinced the game that I am garbage.

This is not a rant post about losers queue or anything. My first initial losses were frustrating but playing with Irons is genuinely fun.

The things I have seen today:

  • Tristana jumping into both bot laners alone. She was not fed. She was not getting a gank. I had recalled. She just jumped in. (She died.)

  • Enemy Lux starting W. She would toss it at me to show it off. I dont think she understood it doesn't deal any damage.

  • My Samira pressing R to clear the wave. She somehow missed cannon too. Touche.

  • Enemy Lee Sin turret diving me as I were recalling as Nautilus. I was not very low. He died.

  • 4 AD champs against a Darius. I pointed out that this might not be a good idea since nobody can damage him once he builds dead mans plate. The response was that they will just have to build a lot of Armor penetration then. This was hilarious in itself, but the icing on the cake was that nobody built armor pen either. Darius built dead mans plate however.

  • 1000 stack Heartsteel enemy Tahm Kench. This game actually was frustrating because we could have killed him so easily if Viktor just bought Liandrys. Instead I had to go Demonic embrace on Nautilus.

  • My MF being Solo killed by Caitlyn. Behind turret. I was Nami and healed her and E'd her for speed. This was somehow the game we won.

And my favorite moment. Enemy Soraka steals drake. Our jungler was there and had smite. He saw Soraka. Soraka got the drake.

Anyway, just wanted to share my experience. My head hurts, my body hurts. It's 2AM and I started queueing around 6PM. I hope the curse is lifted tomorrow though because I have a very fragile ego.

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over 1 year ago - /u/Riot_Jetsetradi0 - Direct link

Story time. I have been playing league since it was in beta. I have played every role except jungle. I have never played jungle outside of a game with bots where I just wanted to see wtf was actually in the jungle (this was like, season 5 maybe?). Well, a year or so ago I was playing a ranked game and ended up filled as jungle. I told the entire team that I have literally no experience in jungle and I’d trade for any role. No one wanted to trade and I don’t like to dodge, so I stayed and asked if folks would be patient with me. I committed to trying my best if they’d commit to only flaming me in their heads. This is like, high silver maybe.

I pick Rammus because I figured if you’re a jungle you need to be smart or be fast and I sure as sh*t wasn’t bringing jungle smarts to the table. Well, I didn’t even realize that jungle specific items existed so I bought Doran’s and a potion.

I gave up trying to jungle the actual jungle after like 5 min and started rotating through all the lanes to gank. Ended up going 9-0-24 (I am genuinely good with Rammus because of ARAM). Team was incredibly helpful and midway through they all just hard-committed to making sure I didn’t die…like a f*cked up game of protect the spikey football. We won. I’ve never played jungle since.

TLDR: League can be weird AF and still be fun (if your team commits to the weird fun)

Edit: remembered that I didn’t take smite because I was panicking and f*cking around with my rune pages until the last second. Not having smite prevented you from buying jungler items.

over 1 year ago - /u/Riot_Jetsetradi0 - Direct link

Originally posted by L4rkes

How, how do you play the game all these years and not be aware that the jungle item exists, I actually refuse to believe that

Patch notes? Pressing tab? Opening the shop? Talking about the game with someone? Just any kind of interaction with the game with a single brain cell in operation

And those are the only things you get recommended in the shop when you are jungle, you actually went out of your way to purchase a Dorans item

Are you also not aware support items exist and play Dorans Ring Lux and Dorans Shield Nautilus as support?

And no less sporting a Riot tag, guess reading comprehension is not a necessary skill in modern hiring

And seeing wtf was actually in the jungle would only require you to move out of the lane???? What, am I having a stroke induced by 30+ hours of wakefulness or is this some kind of an elaborate troll...(but if you're part of the balance or game design team, it would explain some things for sure)

Dunno what to tell you, I just clicked on the first item that popped into my head for survivability. My runes and shop items were coming from some saved presets I had and I just picked my tanky presets.

As for the “what’s in the jungle”, I guess a better way to describe that would have been “wanted to see how jungle pathing/routing worked”.

Not quite sure why this post seems to have aggravated you so much, but I hope your day gets better.

over 1 year ago - /u/Riot_Jetsetradi0 - Direct link

Originally posted by L4rkes

How, how do you play the game all these years and not be aware that the jungle item exists, I actually refuse to believe that

Patch notes? Pressing tab? Opening the shop? Talking about the game with someone? Just any kind of interaction with the game with a single brain cell in operation

And those are the only things you get recommended in the shop when you are jungle, you actually went out of your way to purchase a Dorans item

Are you also not aware support items exist and play Dorans Ring Lux and Dorans Shield Nautilus as support?

And no less sporting a Riot tag, guess reading comprehension is not a necessary skill in modern hiring

And seeing wtf was actually in the jungle would only require you to move out of the lane???? What, am I having a stroke induced by 30+ hours of wakefulness or is this some kind of an elaborate troll...(but if you're part of the balance or game design team, it would explain some things for sure)

WAIT! Now I know why. I didn’t take smite, so the items didn’t pop up in the shop (a prerequisite to buying them is to have smite). Thanks for jogging my memory.

over 1 year ago - /u/Riot_Jetsetradi0 - Direct link

Originally posted by L4rkes

Reading that would have tilted me off the face of the Earth even if I wasn't so sleep deprived. It's like not knowing a neighboring country exists because you've never been there. Kudos to you for being content to live with 0 curiosity for something that has been a hobby for 14 YEARS of your life, actually apalling. I don't know how you manage to keep up that level of ignorance, but I honestly find it impressive.