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Dumb discussion starter, but I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s experienced it lol.

Have you ever found yourself drawn into a specific champion, be it interest in their abilities or design or anything else, but for their best/most-played role to be one you’re not very confident in? It’s something that’s happened to me a lot as I’ve found interest in specific characters, but from what I’ve seen they mostly find play/use in the jungle and personally that’s a role I haven’t really been good at fulfilling yet.

I was wondering if others have ever been in that spot and just do what they can in that role or if they try to play them in another lane or such?

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over 1 year ago - /u/HuntedFork - Direct link

Originally posted by 100Foxes

I adore Eveynn and Elise, but my jg is horrible. I used to play Eve mid right before and after her rework. Idk if now I can pull it off tho.

I was against a botlane of Yasuo + Elise, that destroyed me physically, mentally and spitirually. It might've been just the Yasuo windwall, but it gives me a glimmer of cope for Elise support.

Upvote for being a Midelynn enjoyer. I too used to enjoy going invisible and just watching the midlaner decide what to do about it.