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Post Update:


Thanks to everyone who's been checking out ARAM! Don't want to change too much given the coming map changes, but we want to loosen up the Heartsteel meta that's been forming. This will be shipping in 12.23:

Heartsteel Permanent Health Gained (ARAM only): 10% damage dealt >> 5%


Systems seem ~right, so we're doing champ changes. Tanks are weak, barring individual outlier synergy with items, so we're buffing them (over items) to avoid poaching.

JGL changes for balance & feel

Obj Planning: pinging spawn timer won't trigger a vote & autofire disabled

Champion Buffs





Shadow Kayn



Tahm Kench


Champion Nerfs







Champion Adjustments


Dr. Mundo

System Buffs

Sunfire Cape

System Nerfs

Ravenous Hydra

System Adjustments

Jungle Adjustments

Jungle Rules

20 true damage >>> 16 true dmg base dmg for pet

After first evolution, consume 2 bonus treats on kill of large monsters and get said benefits

The native 20% Damage Amp no longer works on epic monsters

10% of bonus AR/MR is converted to true damage for pet dmg

Bonus HP Ratio: 4% >>> 3%

Monster Kill Health per level: 3 >>> 6

Monster Kill Mana per level: 2 >>> 4

Treat Gold: 50 >>> 35

  • Jungle Gold is up a fair bit, pulling a lot of gold out of the treats.

Experience Multiplier: 1/1/1.025/1.075/1.15/1.15/1.25/1.25/1.35 levels 1-9 >>> 1/1/1.025/1.075/1.2/1.3/1.3/1.45 levels 1-9

  • Partial compensation of jungle experience nerfs from start of season


Gromp AA Range: 175 >>> 150

Large Razorbeak AA Range: 300 >>> 200

Leash Range Centers have been offsset from Camp spawn location giving more space for champions to move and kite


Tenacity Buff Duration 3s >>> 1.5s

Tenacity Type: Item >>> Champion

External link →
about 2 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by IamLevels

True but nerfing champs cause a certain class is meta is awful balancing. Same reason why rammus was getting buffs when he was at a 53% winrate, he's literally only picked in AD heavy comps and struggles his ass off if there arent 2+ AD champs on the enemy team.

So I agree that it’s awful balancing for competitive. But in the case of SoloQ, it’s the only logical path forward.

Should Vex or Annie sit at 56% permenantly because they play against mostly melee mids (the most popular class?). Of course not, because everyone will look at Lolalytics and see a winrate way higher than their champion.

Unfortunately we have to balance champions against the average game.