Yep, this is correct. Before 11.18, if you used empowered W on Renekton and didn't input a movement command between the 0.525s and 0.75s period, he would remain locked out until 0.75s passed (including e.g. basic attacks). This is now 0.525s for both regular and empowered W. We recognize that this was something that could be bypassed consistently by skilled Renekton players (or accidentally by anyone), so we standardized it as always 0.525s. The "before" clip in this video shows a player bypassing the 0.75s lockout by inputting a movement command.
Also, as an aside, we recognize that we overswung on Renekton here. I'm looking into buffs for him right now, and I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused by Renekton being too weak in the meantime, and generally that Renekton is weaker in non-pro play as a result of pro balance this season. Hopefully we can take larger steps to resolve this more permanently in the future.