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So yeah Wild Rift just got released on EUW and I've spent a fairly amount of time on it. I was happily surprised how the game was fun responsive and not buggy.

It's astonishing how everything is better in the client side :

  • Model Viewer in the shop instead of a still picture
  • Model Viewer in the champ select and item set page
  • Insane animation for each skin in the game
  • Animated splash art for each skin in the game
  • Event and Mission that are well done with simple quest
  • Lots of nice and free rewards
  • A beautiful and user-friendly interface
  • Quick and responsive with very few bugs
  • An hextech tab that actually loads without needing to click on the shop to make it work
  • Wild Rift allow all champions (even not purchased) in practice tool
  • You can honor all teammates instead of one
  • Changing language for both voice and text as you wish
  • A champion select that doesn't crash or dodge for no reason

Let's just hope one day we will get rid of the client we have now and have something a game in 2020 deserve.

EDIT : Didn't expect the post to blow up that much, thanks for the awards. I've updated the list with common thoughts.

To clarify, yes the models in the shop are not the same that are being used in-game but they are still super high-quality and could be use on PC. And still, there is overall improvement (ie Gothic Orianna).

And yes, building from scratch on Unity is easier than having to fix a huge spaghetti mess but it's upsetting that League is one of the most played game and yet has one of the buggiest client available on the market. There is nothing going on in the game apart of new skins and "event" (grindy unrewarding battlepass with gamemode that shouldn't be temporary) so fixing the client should really be a priority for 2021.

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about 4 years ago - /u/VegeterianOsu - Direct link

Originally posted by Klondeikbar

I've never really understood why Riot gates champions so hard. The money they make off of champion sales must be an infinitesimal fraction of what they make off of skins.

You'd think they'd want you having access to as many champions as possible since it increases the possible number of skins you buy.

My only other theory is that long term meta grinds increase eNgAgEmEnT so they just drip feed champions to get people to play more.

Its so people play the game more. Why give it to us now and we get bored, rather than us taking thousands of games to unlock all champs. It's like this in many games