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Rakan, sexy shirtless dude with a cape. Kayn, sexy shirtless dude with a scythe. Sylas, sexy shirtless dude with chains. Sett, sexy shirtless dude who punches sh*t. Yone, sexy shirtless dude with two swords. And now we have the Ruined King who is the sexy shirtless dude with one sword

The only two who don’t fit this mold are Aphelios and Pyke

Like, come on. Is this really what Riot can do? They have world class artists and the best they can drum up is “sexy shirtless dude”. It’s getting so boring. Will we ever have another Aatrox? Another Udyr? Another Jayce? Like, we don’t even necessarily need another Urgot but ANYTHING other than sexy shirtless dude will do


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almost 4 years ago - /u/Khagneur - Direct link

Good.... cosplay time