Original Post — Direct link

Exactly as the title says. I basically wanted to know which champs have the most mains and I think reddit numbers isn't a bad place to start. Also I was just curious and it seemed fun to make.


3,741 Sentinels / Created December 31, 2020


4,082 Members / Created November 18, 2015


4,250 Members / Created July 9, 2015


4,372 Iceborn / Created March 8, 2015


4,398 Members / Created July 21, 2015


4,420 yordle bombardiers / Created July 31, 2015


4,456 Members / Created July 31, 2015


4,561 Members / Created June 25, 2015


4,577 Members / Created March 2, 2014


4,594 Members / Created March 1, 2015


4,739 Members / Created July 10, 2015


4,821 Members / Created July 31, 2015


4,853 Drunks / Created July 31, 2015


4,875 Solid Rocks / Created July 7, 2015


4,941 Hexplosives Experts / Created July 31, 2015


4,974 Members / Created September 24, 2020


5,133 Members / Created October 21, 2015


5,161 Members / Created June 16, 2015


5,590 Total Members / Created July 7, 2015


5,689 Members / Created July 31, 2015


5,732 members / Created June 16, 2015


5,739 Members / Created December 31, 2014


6,016 Members / Created July 31, 2015


6,120 Members / Created October 21, 2015


6,302 Members / Created May 27, 2015


6,396 Members / Created November 18, 2014


6,711 Members / Created June 25, 2015


6,836 Void burrowers / Created July 10, 2015


6,916 Members / Created July 7, 2015


7,056 Members / Created May 13, 2015


7,091 Members / Created July 7, 2015

TOP 125


7,138 Members / Created July 31, 2015


7,143 Spears Ready / July 31, 2015


7,224 Waiting for Q cooldown / Created July 7, 2015


7,441 Members / March 7, 2015

r/thesecretweapon (Zac)

7,560 Blobs / June 24, 2015


7,556 Titans of the Depths / Created July 7, 2015


7,680 Members / Created February 1, 2014


7,743 Members / Created June 24, 2015


7,749 Brackern sleeping / Created June 16, 2015


8,056 Colossi / Created March 8, 2015


8,197 Members / Created June 25, 2015


8,220 Members / Created June 19, 2015


8,221 Members / Created July 7, 2015


8,240 Members / Created March 24, 2015


8,457 Jayce Mains / Created April 19, 2015


8,548 Members / Created November 18, 2014


8,709 Members / Created May 30, 2015


8,910 Members / Created October 21, 2015


9,115 Bandle Gunners / Created July 31, 2015


9,162 Adventurers! / Created March 1, 2015


9,253 Members / Created December 31, 2020


9,491 Members / Created June 23, 2015


9,723 Members / Created May 20, 2015


9,745 PILTOVER ENFORCERS / Created July 31, 2015


10,020 Cryophoenix / Created November 18, 2014

TOP 100


10,183 Members / Created February 28, 2015


10,303 Members / Created November 18, 2014


10,405 Members / Created May 3, 2015


10,554 Members / Created June 23, 2015


10,638 Ults on CD / Created June 26, 2015


10,685 Members / Created December 28, 2014


10,820 Members / Created April 20, 2015


11,009 Members / Created June 19, 2010


11,058 love honey / Created April 2, 2015


11,092 birbs roosting / Created March 26, 2015


11,254 Reloading / July 2, 2020


11,290 Members / Created May 17, 2015


11,345 Sion mains / Created March 9, 2016


11,362 Seeking the Hero / Created June 16, 2015


11,449 Members / Created December 14, 2020


11,890 Members / Created July 7, 2015


12,037 Members / Created May 9, 2015


12,078 Members / Created July 7, 2015


12,123 Sleepy Fawns / Created June 25, 2020


12,308 Members / Created December 27, 2014


12,516 Members / Created April 28, 2016


12,631 Members / Created July 31, 2015


12,818 superstars / Created June 30, 2020


12,941 Members / Created May 12, 2015


12,977 Members / Created July 7, 2015

TOP 75


13,391 Members / Created August 12, 2014


13,680 Members / Created July 28, 2015


13,721 Members / Created August 11, 2014


13,770 Members / Created November 18, 2014


13,880 Avarosans / Created May 14, 2015


13,963 Saplings / Created September 14, 2016


14,415 Members / Created July 21, 2015


14,595 Members / Created November 18, 2014


14,790 Members / Created March 2, 2015


14,970 Hearthblood Crafters / August 5, 2017


15,537 Lost in the Spirit realm / Created August 18, 2015


15,539 Deceivers / Created December 9, 2014


15,585 members / Created April 19, 2015


15,805 Members / Created June 16, 2015


15,829 Members / Created July 9, 2016


16,031 Ascended / Created November 19, 2014


16,544 Members / Created April 4, 2017


16,562 Members / Created July 7, 2015


16,727 Members / Created March 23, 2015


16,757 Star Forgers / Created February 18, 2016


16,788 Members / Created October 13, 2013


16,819 Fallen Angels / Created June 20, 2015


17,082 Waiting for Buffs / Created July 31, 2015


17,335 Members / Created July 31, 2015


17,934 Members / Created April 4, 2017

TOP 50


18,118 Leona Mains / Created May 20, 2015


18,625 Chains Broken / December 28, 2018


18,745 Members / Created April 24, 2019


19,039 Scaling / Created August 26, 2015


19,150 Tacticians / Created August 10, 2014


19,229 Members / Created May 17, 2015


19,434 in faith / Created May 28, 2019


19,889 updating their client 💻 / Created April 13, 2015


20,095 Eyes of Twilight / Created February 19, 2012


20,143 Sassy Queens / Created June 5, 2019


20,769 Members / Created November 18, 2014


21,164 Hemomancers / Created March 6, 2015


21,535 Trapped Souls / Created July 24, 2016


21,964 Kindred Spirits / Created September 15, 2015


21,758 Members / Created July 31, 2015


21,921 Prodigal Explorers / Created May 6, 2015


22,007 Members / Created June 16, 2015


22,883 Members / Created December 27, 2014


22,950 Members / Created June 5, 2015


23,698 Members / Created April 9, 2015

TOP 30


24,146 tomatoes / Created November 18, 2018


24,466 Members / Created July 7, 2015


24,624 Clones / Created February 28, 2015


24,844 Members / Created May 20, 2015


26,182 Ionian Contenders / Created November 27, 2019


26,943 Camille Mains / November 17, 2016


28,819 Parallel Entities / Created May 11, 2015


29,354 Members / Created May 10, 2018


29,401 Zoe Mains / Created August 25, 2017


29,410 Riot Shareholders / Created March 29, 2010

TOP 20


29,755 Laurents / Created May 16, 2015


29,818 Members / Created March 22, 2015


29,989 Members / Created July 7, 2015


30,963 Members / Created June 3, 2015


31,893 Pridestalkers / Created October 9, 2014


32,658 Members / Created July 21, 2014


33,270 Widowmakers / Created June 25, 2015


33,310 Shadows / Created November 18, 2014


34,176 Members / Created April 21, 2015


36,204 Stuck in Wall / Created June 27, 2017

TOP 10


36,905 waiting for Ruined King / Created September 17, 2014


38,253 members / Created March 12, 2015


41,131 Executioners / Created August 12, 2012


42,418 Waiting for dagger to drop / Created November 19, 2014


44,705 Void Hunters / Created February 16, 2018



48,766 Reset machines / Created November 18, 2014


49,389 Members / Created November 18, 2014


51,253 Following the Wind / Created November 18, 2014


53,272 Members / Created December 27, 2015


55,763 Kinkou Ninjas / Created June 17, 2015


Top 5 Champs:






Lowest Number of Members:






Newest Subreddit in the Top 20:


Oldest Subreddit:


Fastest growing subreddit (Members/Month):
N/A someone please do this for me I'm too lazy

Most disappointing Subreddit:

r/JhinMains (Not a single number 4 ANYWHERE not even in the members online number)

Most surprising subreddit:

r/neekomains (I didn't know there was a lot of y'all)

For champs with multiple subreddits, I chose the one with the most members. This wasn't double checked so there will be mistakes. Also, somebody please make a graph of this I want to see a visual representation of the numbers. This list was started August 30, 2021 and finished August 31, 2021; any updates or changes afterwards are not taken into account.

Also somebody take note of the biggest subreddit for each class (Mage, Slayer, Support, Etc.) I am curious but not curious enough to defeat my laziness.

Thanks for reading!

External link →
over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Naymliss

It's always been funny how neekomains is so popular but neeko herself is one of the least popular champs in league.

Neeko is FAR from the least popular champions in the game. She's actually on the high end of our "Niche" Champions. For context the further a champion is to the bottom left, the least popular they are. Top Right is the most popular champs


over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by mazrrim

If you filter on most unpopular you get

  1. Aurelion Sol

  2. Skarner

  3. Neeko

  4. Taliyah

  5. Udyr

This is plat+ soloq though, curious what metric is used to say "FAR" from the most unpopular.

Oh yeah forgot the picture


This is data from ALL Games, so includes non-ranked and blind pick as well

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by mazrrim

Does the really small line going right then up mean there are a really small number of neeko players who play her a ton (~2.2x more than the average player of a champion?). Do all champions have a similar branch off.

How does this graph have multiple data points for Breadth in general, especially with multiple data points on the same Breadth? How can Neeko have a Breadth of ~1.1 and for this Breadth also have a depth of both ~1.18 and ~1.3

Each dot on the graph is a patch. The thicker the line the more recent the patch. The thin line to the right is when she launched, Champs are always very deep the patch the launch (which is all the thin lines to the top right)

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Hey Reav3, can you please send me current state of Dr. Mundo, Nautilus, Volibear and Mordekaiser? Thanks a lot in advance if you do, would help a lot right now!

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Could you share the B/Ds for this year's releases so far like Viego, Gwen, Mundo etc, was there a marginal increase in engagement from releasing champs tied to one another

It's hard to say since so many things factor into a champ engagement


over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by mazrrim

ah I see, is this a continuous line for each patch since launch? What does the thickness of the line indicate?

It would also be a lot easier to visualise if there was a direction arrow on the line if the patches since release thing is true.

The thicker the line the more recent the patch

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Are you happy with where champs have landed so far this year? Since engagement at least seems pretty solid so far.

Overall yeah. Viego landed exactly where we shotcalled. So did Mundo (we weren't looking to increase Mundos B/D, just modernize him while keeping the same B/D) Gwen was also right on shot call until we nerfed her due to proplay. I think she will get back within where we expected, but we likely have to do some Pro/SoloQ tweaks to her at some point to get her back

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by YandereYasuo

Who is the top-right thin yellow line, being the most popular release?


over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by YandereYasuo

Interesting to see Yasuo and Lux being really close for the #1 spot. Has Yasuo ever been dethroned for being the most popular champ?

Yes. Kai'Sa was more popular then him for a few months at one point

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Coritylol

When can we expect another champion roadmap?

Working on one right now that should come out sometime at the end of this month

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by KitabuNagato

Hey Reav3, good to see you back again. Hope you didn't get harassed because of the sentinels event

Thanks, it was rough. Had to avoid reddit for a month or so. Back now. Don't get me wrong, their was a lot of constructive feedback from passionate players, and their is a lot we learned that we can apply to future events (hoping to put out a blog at some point going over what we learned from SoL Event) but a lot of it was just toxic and hateful. For my own mental health I had to take a small break from social media.

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by NeitherDistribution0

And hopefully excludes ARAM or rotating game modes, correct?

ARAM, yes. Depends on the the gamemode. It includes every mode players can CHOOSE their champion. So if its a gamemode where you can choose like Nexus Blitz, for example, they do show up here.

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Amy_Amell_4

Any chance you could show Jhin's position on the graph? It's okay if not. :) I'm just really-really curious since I wouldn't be playing League if not for him.

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Darkened_Auras

Hey Reav3, last I heard Rek'sai was in the top left, the niche category. Is she still up there?


She has been in a better place ever since we did the mini-rework on her, but she still isn't quite in the successful niche box. Still pretty good overall for a creature champ that doesn't even talk at all

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Could I ask what projects Maxw3ll and Twin Enso are working on now

Maxw3ll is working on a Champion with RiotEarp and SkiptomyLuo that won't release for along time (still in early discovery) TwinEnso is currently helping out SRT with some preseason stuff, but he will come back soon and start work on a new champ with LoneWingy and JohnODyin which would also be a ways off.

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Dm_Me_TwistedFateR34

Can you show TF's position on graph? I'm curious

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

I also saw you mentioned in another comment that you guys learned a lot from the SoL event, could I ask if that has impacted faith in lore events or visual novels, since I still enjoyed them as a concept

I dont think the format of visual novels is out the door or anything, especially since we have built out the tech for them even for with RoTS. That being said, I think it would be good to experiment with other ways to tell stories in events as well. I also don't think lore events are off the table, though I think LoLMoba was probably not the correct format to tell a story as massive and global as the Ruination storyline was. I think stuff like Spirit Blossom, which was smaller and more contained (Basically told the story of Yone and Yasuo finally meeting) is still very much something achievable in a event. This is assuming we can find something like SB again, that we can also make highly resonant skins for. I'm still excited about that, but I'm also excited about trying out a In-Client meta-game experience (like Spirit Bonds or Rise of the Sentinels) in a Alt Universe as well, since it's something we haven't tried yet.

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by raphelmadeira

Hey Reav3, how are you? Tell me we'll have a new support champion still in 2021. Rell's gameplay is super meh, this year nothing caught my attention yet besides Mundo's rework. Thanks!

I will have answers to that in the roadmap Im working on right now. You will have to wait until that comes out :P

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Strix101



over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by SaucesOfFieri

May I see Ornn's data? I have a feeling he's not as bottom-left as people would think.

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Anything to share about the second VGU of 2022? :C

No, we arnt ready to talk about that yet, since that is planned for 2nd half of 2022. We probably wont talk about that until next year

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Hyeonwoon

Reav3 i know youre not allowed to say something but im begging ya.. im waiting for vex since early this year when she got teased in the roadmap.. Can we expect to see something like a teaser trailer this week? this wait is killin' me.

Vex is sure enjoying everyone's suffering, even if it won't last much longer. I guess she's getting bored of it now anyways.

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by PixelButtz

Reav3 I'm the owner of the VexMains community and we're dying to know the answer to this.

Does Vex vape with Viego?

Also, for the ViegoMains; Is his chest dorito an Iron Man style Juul pod?

It's a hole in his chest where Isolde stabbed him after he revived her long ago. The mist pours out of his now missing heart. I'm not sure if Vex vapes with Viego or not, lol.

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Riozuro

Will it ever be possible for this chart to be viewable by the playerbase that updates per patch? I think that would be pretty neat to see how certain champions are doing and where new champs land and settle without having to ask you

LoLAnaltycs actually does do this, though like any 3rd party sites, it's not always as accurate as ours. But in general it gets pretty close

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Amy_Amell_4

Reav, since you answer lore questions here, can I ask something about Viego that's been bothering me a lot? You see, I like the character (and the champion for that matter, got me into jungle and everything) and I like to imagine that prior Isolde's tragic death he was a good husband to her, loving and caring. But lately I see many people suggesting that he was actually abusive towards her when she was alive, and she couldn't deny him because she was just a peasant girl and he was a King. But I can't find any evidence to that? Is there anything that indicates this was the case? A romantic in me hopes that's not true, but I fear those people know something about the lore that I don't. Can you confirm how it was in the story? Or are we not supposed to know for sure?

They loved each other once. He really only went crazy after she got poisoned. Was he selfish and spoiled, sure, but he wasn't abusive to her. They were happy once, long ago.

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by bz6


Boss how is the champions team looking? Has it gotten smaller, stayed the same, or increased in size relative to previous years?

Still about the same

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by RoarkeST

on the topic of reworks, can we expect another VGU poll next year for a rework either at the end of 2022 or sometime during 2023? also, are there currently only two VGUs planned for next year?

yes I plan on doing a 2023 VGU poll around 2022 Season Start like this year

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

What's Kindlejack working on? :( I heard he was meant to be working in Askhan but couldn't. So what's he doing now?

I really love his designs but it feels like we barely get one a year. Vs Lonewingy who makes like 4.

Kindlejack is working with Squad5 and griddlebones on the next support champion. Will have a section on that champion in the Roadmap later this month

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by RaisukiSM

If it wasn't a hassle, could you please show the Talon graph. I've tried looking for his name but can't find it.

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by IBurntMyToastToday

Who saw the most increase in play with the reworks? I know I came back because of the Fiddle rework (10/10 on that one and would love to see the graph if it shows data going back to pre-rework too)

Im not sure who the MOST was, but ones that had huge jumps were Akali, Irelia, Mordekaiser & Urgot

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by AobaSona

Have you seen what people have been talking about when it comes to VUs? It has become a more recurrent topic as time goes on. Champions like Ahri, Lux, Caitlyn, Janna, Lulu, Leona, etc who have fine gameplay and aren't on the VGU list have been showing their age for a while now and it really sucks that it doesn't seem like they'll ever get updated.

I remember that Riot used to have a team for VUs/VGUs separate from the champions team. Maybe something like that should come back since the champions team has shifted from being half-focused on VGUs and half new champions to prioritizing new champions a lot.

Yes, it's something we discuss a lot internally, and as our outsourcing pipeline gets more and more robust it's something we are interested in pursuing again. Can't make any promises, but it's a topic we have been talking about A LOT lately.

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

Yay :) I'm excited. Samira was so long ago now.

KindleJack also did the Mundo VGU

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Zarathielis

Could you share what Lonewingy is currently working on (in terms of new champs) since I love her work? I heard she worked on the botlane marksman for a while, is she on a champ for 2022 now?

Her and Sojyoo both worked on the next marksmen we will release. She was the artist on Vex, which is just hitting PBE. She is also working on a unannounced VgU for 2022, and soon to start a new Champion which is targeting 2022, but that could always change.

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Could you possibly share which writer and designer you’re thinking about assigning to the VGU

Its already in super early development with Skiptomyluo and Maxw3ll

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Penguin_Quinn

Is it the same champion that the previously canceled/abandoned VGU was? Or was that VGU going to be Udyr and that's why he was on the poll this year?

No that was Volibear along time ago. And then we iceboxed that, and then later he won the poll and we did him then

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by QUINN_VALOR_VGU_WHEN

Is it possible this champion may have been on the last rework poll? Asking for a friend. A feathery friend, to be specific. :>

It's not a Champion from the last poll

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

Hey a bit off topic but I was wondering if you'd be willing to share the breadth, depth, niche and popularity of the lil kidly champions, Zoe, Nunu and Annie? I don't recall ever seeing them anywhere

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by bz6


Been loving these graphs. I think League needs more niche champions. Not every champion needs to broadly appeal. What is your opinion on that?

For sure. I think for 2022/23 you are going to start seeing a bit more niche champs. Less broad appeal humans in general.

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Is it the VGU that was in development last year before the poll?


over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by BugMage

If the champions on the VGU polls are supposed to be the ones that are seen as "high-priorities for updates", why is the next VGU a champion not on the poll? Why wait on them even longer?

And if the champion that was picked really needs it more than any of them... why weren't they just on the poll instead in the first place?

Because choosing champions for VGUs is a lot more complicated then just choosing any high priority champion from the list. A lot goes into choosing a VGU champion. How many skins the Champion has, what the team is passionate about, what our resources are currently, etc. Like, for example, if we got a new designer on the team, and we want to give them a project, we wouldnt just throw them on Shyvana, since she is a pretty complicated project. We might put them on a easier project, and let them ramp up onto the team. Also we might want to do 2 VGUs in the year, and we might not have resources to do 2 VGUs with a ton of skins, or something like Shyvana who would have 2 forms for each skin, which would have a extended dev cycle. Udyr is already incredibly time consuming to make since he has multiple forms and also has a ultimate skin. So we wanted to choose something for the 2nd VGU that was possible to get done that year, and less intensive overall then a multiple form champion or a Champion with a massive skin catalog. We also were pretty strapped on design resources when we started that project so we wanted to choose something that wasn't like a full kit makeover that would require a ton of design time. Since we really didnt have it at that time. Also sometimes a specific, designer or artist is really passionate about a specific VGU candidate and pitches a design hook or draws some really cool concept art, and if its really exciting and the team is also really excited to work on it it usually leads to a overall higher quality project.

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Shiro_T_poisoon

Glad we're back to 2015 2016 again

I know a lot of players like the 2015-16 era. but I don't think we will ever swing so drastically back in that direction. While their was some "out their" and unique champ designs, many of them are some of the lowest played champions in the game. Making some really unique Champions that are praised for their creativity but that no one plays would not be successful imo. Every Champ doesn't have to be super popular with a super high playrate, but the playrate of some of the 15-16 champs is so low that you almost never see them in the game. Due to that we swung more hard towards broad appeal in the last couple years. For 2021 we made it a goal to add more ethnic and cultural diversity to the game, which also led to more broad appeal humans. We used tricks and techniques we KNOW work for making champion themes broadly appealing since we wanted to make sure the game itself felt more diverse, which means when you actually play a game of League you see more cultural diversity, which means the Champions need to be popular enough to get played in a lot of games. Diversity and representation is still a goal going forward but we want to inject more niche or just more unique human champions into the roadmap (stuff like Pyke/Jhin are good examples of this). We also we want to add more monstrous humans and creatures/non-humanoids back to the roadmap as well. So more of a mix between what we were doing in 15-16 and what we have been doing recently. One thing to note is that due to Champion timelines being really long you probably wont start to see this shift until like end of 22/2023

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by prxncebubblegum

hey Reav3! Little question about skins. At what point of production is the release skin chosen? Since Vex was delayed (meant to come after Gwen), was she planned for a different skinline, or is this defined later in dev? This also goes back to Seraphine too, who was held back to match K/DA's comeback. Was another skinline originally planned for Sera? There are some rumors about Spirit Blossom Seraphine going around lately

We never planned another skin for Seraphine, since we decided to put her in K/DA before we got to the skin selection phase. We generally choose the skin later in production after the base champion is pretty far along. Vex was originally going to have like a Unbound Vex skin. Basically the idea was that after you faced her in Freljord, she would go back to Viego, and he would give her a bunch of black mist and basically power her up. And then when you see her again in Pilt/Zaun she would be in her skin form. Once we realized we had to push her back we ended up cutting that since we didn't feel like the skin would have as much impact out side of the event.

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by _AIQ_

So, what I got out of that is.

Designers think Shyvana is hard. (in general)

No one is passionate about Shyvana and thus... back burner.

Quinn and Shyvana are screwed.

I can see the "new person" point as doing something you see as "hard" isn't a good start for them. So the only way Shyvana or Quinn are ever getting reworked likely is if they win a poll getting lucky to be on it and thus forcing Riot to work on it vs them wanting to do it.

But also note that these points only get harder over time, the more skins they get, that is more you need to rework. If their kits age more that's more that you need to solve. So why are you guys slowing down so much? 2 VGUs is a very low number for 2022 (unless you are planning more) Many champions feel awful even if they play okay.

Additionally if Shyvana is screwed over for another year (likely more) then why can't she get at least her kit updated to smooth out her AP/AD/Tank builds?

Actually many people are super passionate about Shyvana on the team, and had Udyr not won we might have worked on her as the next VGU, since she is also high demand from players. Doing two multiple form VGUs in a row would have been a huge amount of work, especially for our outsourcing partners who help us with the skins.

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by prxncebubblegum

Interesting, so was Vex planned to be released in the same event as Akshan? Like Lillia-Yone in Spirit Blossom. Just asking, because I can't imagine an unbound-like event on its own

Yes, she was originally planned to ship during the first patch of the event

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by TreeKeeper15

So basically the things that were said earlier aren't actually happening and are just getting pushed back more? It's almost impossible for more humanoids to come out next year and a creature champion and niche humans if nothing is changing until the end of the year. As someone who has been playing since 2012, this feeling of having my interests and wants be shoved to the side as a player really makes me want to quit being invested in a game that has been part of a very large portion of my life. I know that this is likely not your fault, and that you probably don't want this either, but the vague language being used earlier followed by this slap in the face feels like a betrayal of the one thing that was giving me hope in League as everything else I cared about was being torn down and stomped on.

No, I think u will start to see the shift in 2022, but you will see it shift even more in 2023

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by HopeSheNotices

Hey Reav3, thanks for all of your transparency through the Sentinels event and sticking to reddit even though i know you guys caught a lot of shit for the event. I know it must be really difficult to stay connected when it seems a lot of people are ungrateful.

Just a quick question - what are you thoughts on going through with your newer designers on the team and having them focus on more VU’s for champions like Orianna, Janna, Jarvan, Jax, etc? Seems like it could be a win for players but not require quite as many resources as full VGU’s. I think a lot of people would appreciate more Ezreal style updates.

VUs are something we talk about A LOT these days, especially since our outsourcing pipeline has gotten more and more robust. It actually take A LOT of resources to do fully in house since the vast majority of a the resources working on champions are artists. Basically each VU we do on Champions team would mean one less New Champ or VGU that year. Now if we can get to a point where we only do like 10-20% of a VU in house and the rest through outsourcing then it becomes reasonable. Believe me, I would love to bring back VU's, and hopefully it's something we can restart again in the future.

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by biokrekka

on an unrelated note, can you please share the popularity of Yone since his release?

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by OtherAnswer

Any chance you could share Taliyah's please? c:

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Sandalman3000

No graph needed, but I'm curious. What champion surprised you the most with how they trended?

Probably Volibear. We expected him to be more popular after the rework, but he jumped a lot higher in engagement then we had expected

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

I wanted to ask again for Akshan's B/D, are you happy with where he has settled now that he has had several patches.


Yeah overall I'm pretty happy with it. He's a bit less broad then we predicted but a bit deeper

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Evelynn_lover

Hey Reav3, I wanted to ask Evelynn's B/D, can u show me? :< (pls)

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

With Vex coming out this week, are you able to share if the next Roadmap is dropping this week as well

Early next week

over 3 years ago - /u/Reav3 - Direct link

Originally posted by GetrektMalphy

before the End of september?
