Biggest Red Flag after the Rework:
- The biggest problem I'm seeing with the rework currently is the oversaturation of damage, specifically, penetration. There is so much flat magic pen and % pen in the game, that when I did the math, (Build: Ludens -> Void -> Sorcerers Shoes -> Legend: Destroyer -> +Ludens Passive), if a person had all of the options, you'd need 121 MR just to not take TRUE damage. A tank with 240 MR would only have 48 MR against such a build. And this is with Ludens which isn't even the designated "Tank Killer".
- Even worse is armor penetration. The numbers I got from that were just ridiculous. I tested a build with Prowler's Claw (with its armor debuff active) and a bunch of lethality/Pen items and I was hitting for true damage until an unreal 280 Armor! At that point, tanks are being assassinated, and squishier classes literally do not have a build out there that could keep them from being one shot. The Legend: Destroyer rune needs to be deleted/replaced, or % pen needs a cap placed on it. The new penetration items also need to be nerfed across the board. League of Legends cannot function like this.