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Biggest Red Flag after the Rework:

  • The biggest problem I'm seeing with the rework currently is the oversaturation of damage, specifically, penetration. There is so much flat magic pen and % pen in the game, that when I did the math, (Build: Ludens -> Void -> Sorcerers Shoes -> Legend: Destroyer -> +Ludens Passive), if a person had all of the options, you'd need 121 MR just to not take TRUE damage. A tank with 240 MR would only have 48 MR against such a build. And this is with Ludens which isn't even the designated "Tank Killer".
  • Even worse is armor penetration. The numbers I got from that were just ridiculous. I tested a build with Prowler's Claw (with its armor debuff active) and a bunch of lethality/Pen items and I was hitting for true damage until an unreal 280 Armor! At that point, tanks are being assassinated, and squishier classes literally do not have a build out there that could keep them from being one shot. The Legend: Destroyer rune needs to be deleted/replaced, or % pen needs a cap placed on it. The new penetration items also need to be nerfed across the board. League of Legends cannot function like this.
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over 4 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

We're going to make changes soon.

over 4 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by KTMaverick

Really good to hear this, while the ability to get more pen from a variety of places and even stack it if we choose is a great part of this rework, it’s undoubtedly highly noticeable that the tank items from a defensive perspective fall short, and it’s far to easy to get pen. Pretty much any character can cut through even a super tank with ease as things stand right now.

Yeah we like the choices, but we have some tactics planned to avoid such heavy stacking or effectiveness.

over 4 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by HardstuckPlasticV

I know I'm a bit late, but I was just wondering when we might see such tactics being put into the PBE (and what they might be). Unless I missed something, it doesn't seem like the current PBE patch has done this yet.

Let me chat with team. I've been on tooltips and making item onhits benefit from lifesteal this week.