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For a champion as popular and skin-selling as she is, she sure is bad. She's been out of meta for 7 years, and even during the soft-rework that gave her a huge MS steroid on Q, she fell off in high elo matches.

Let's look at her current W.

Max Damage Single Target: 64 / 104 / 144 / 184 / 224 (+48%)

A 700 range ability with a delay, and this is the most damage it deals to a single target? What is this? That's just barely over the damage of Zoe's W -missiles-, and we're discounting that Zoe's W also steals abilities.

What does this ability do? Why is it so bad? A way to actually give Ahri tools to be a viable champion not reliant on her ultimate whenever a player looks their way would be to give it an MS steroid that increases with rank, and potentially changing the way the ability works. You would use the W to summon the foxfires around you, and then for a few seconds afterwards (with the cooldown starting from the time the first W is used) you can then cast it onto nothing to make it go with the current prioritisation system -OR- if your mouse is hovering over a target, all foxfires hit them. This is how Summoner Heal works, so it's not a new system.

Not sure what you'd do with her passive. Scaling true damage?

External link →
almost 5 years ago - /u/Aladin001 - Direct link

Ahri cannot get damage buffs until Glacial Augment is removed from the game