I'm not sure where this perception that Champs make so much more then VGUs came from. Some VGUS have made more money then new champs,(especially ones with big skin catalogs that get updated with the VGU) some niche champs make much less then the base line VGU makes. Also, after we VGU a champ we can still make skins for it, just like a new champ. At the end of the day it doesn't matter though. The Champions Team is part of the Gameplay initiative at Riot, whos main goal is engagement not revenue. Skins in general make waaaay more then any new champion ever makes, and it's not really a goal for the Champions team to make revenue. Our main goal is engagement, which is to say we want to make products that keep people playing LoL. One of the reasons we toned down VGUs was that we saw data that showed that whenever we do a VGU some amount of players quite the game completely, usually mains of the champ that don't like the rework. If we do A LOT of VGUs in a year like we did in the past, we actually start actively going against the main goal of champs team which is engagement since we would see less engagement with the game as a result of many players quitting due to the VGUs. Actually a couple years back when we did a lot of VGUS (and the class updates) we saw in player surveys at the time a pretty big upswing in players upset that we were changing way to much, way to fast that season. This has since come down a lot since we cut class updates and reduced VGUs. Now like I have mentioned in the past, we still want to do VGUs as we believe in the longevity of LoL and part of that is making sure the game feels modern and up to date, which means updating old champs that don't feel that way, but I dont think just saying "all players want vgu's" is a accurate statement, at least not according to real data we have from player surveys.