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We can now see champion information in the bottom right since that corner is split 50/50 between sponoros and info. It looks modern, kills are back in the middle, and very readable. Big improvement over last year's remodel which was really a step back compared to previous years.

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about 4 years ago - /u/SwampWTFox - Direct link

Originally posted by Ekklypz

Very good

Yes yes

Memes aside, definitely better than before.

I was pretty partial to Wildturkle myself.

Never push memes aside, they are the best way to laugh at our mistakes.

about 4 years ago - /u/SwampWTFox - Direct link

Originally posted by MibitGoHan

What part of "HEAD OVER TO OUR MAIN CHANNEL" was unclear?

In fairness, I can see how people read that and then thought "but I'm watching on lolesports.com, what other main channel is there?" We're tweaking the language a bit to be more clear. It's obvious when you watch on twitch.tv/riotgames, but less obvious when you watch through lolesports.