After 3 Weeks on PBE I am able to give a feedback how the meta will look like. I know PBE Isn't the best place to anwser but we did a couple of custom games filled with diamond players
Tanks are dead. I can practically confirm this , they will not be played with the new Items. The items are incredible bad and there is so much Armor Penetration that Tanks are losing to Assassin's on 1v1. Mages also complete destroy tanks with Lyandris. On PBE building tank items is close to trolling , they are somewhat ok early game but late game absolutely useless.
Healing is out of Control and Grievous Wound is a must buy every game. Riot wanted to change this but they made it actually worse. It turns out that even Assassin's are kind of a healing class thanks to Spell vamp in their Items and buffed Ravanous Hunter. Also some ADC still have insane Healing with Grievous Wound applied.
Sometimes it felt Grievous wound did nothing and Classes were still able to heal massive amounts
Assassin's and Mage are incredible strong and oppressive. Both classes will dominate the Meta
Jaggernauts are in a awkard spot , the Items are kinda bad and Trinity still is better in every Situation then most of the Items including Devine Devourer. Devine devourer is completely pointless to build, it does less dmg then trinity and has less burst. Also due the high Amount of Penetration and Damage , they aren't able to survive fights.
ADC looks strong but their Problems remains the Assassin's and Mage dmg output.
Some fighters look oppressive such as Aatrox Riven Wukong because they are able to abuse Assassin's Items.
In Summary
- Way more dmg then Now
- Faster One Shots
- Less Survive Ability then Now