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After 3 Weeks on PBE I am able to give a feedback how the meta will look like. I know PBE Isn't the best place to anwser but we did a couple of custom games filled with diamond players

  • Tanks are dead. I can practically confirm this , they will not be played with the new Items. The items are incredible bad and there is so much Armor Penetration that Tanks are losing to Assassin's on 1v1. Mages also complete destroy tanks with Lyandris. On PBE building tank items is close to trolling , they are somewhat ok early game but late game absolutely useless.

  • Healing is out of Control and Grievous Wound is a must buy every game. Riot wanted to change this but they made it actually worse. It turns out that even Assassin's are kind of a healing class thanks to Spell vamp in their Items and buffed Ravanous Hunter. Also some ADC still have insane Healing with Grievous Wound applied.

  • Sometimes it felt Grievous wound did nothing and Classes were still able to heal massive amounts

  • Assassin's and Mage are incredible strong and oppressive. Both classes will dominate the Meta

  • Jaggernauts are in a awkard spot , the Items are kinda bad and Trinity still is better in every Situation then most of the Items including Devine Devourer. Devine devourer is completely pointless to build, it does less dmg then trinity and has less burst. Also due the high Amount of Penetration and Damage , they aren't able to survive fights.

  • ADC looks strong but their Problems remains the Assassin's and Mage dmg output.

  • Some fighters look oppressive such as Aatrox Riven Wukong because they are able to abuse Assassin's Items.

In Summary

  • Way more dmg then Now
  • Faster One Shots
  • Less Survive Ability then Now
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over 4 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by DM_ME_LEWD_KINDRED

Riven and the new sterak, have a look


This was a bug we've since fixed. Riven has like 15 stacks of sterak's here when it's meant to be capped at 5.

over 4 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by DM_ME_LEWD_KINDRED


Did you fix it today or is it going live tonight? Legit question cause that happened yday night and i havent met any riven building sterak since then

I'm... Not sure. I think we did it Thursday last week.

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Appreciate the feedback here~ I can only speak directly for Lethality Assassins (as I work on that system), and we are planning iterations to address some of the damage creep for that class now that we've validated that all the items are effective and valuable. Looking to drop damage considerably between now and live launch, especially on the scaling side.

over 4 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by milotoadfoot

yeah, same. I've seen it on a riven in aram last night too.

Apologies. I'm trolling. We've not fixed it yet.

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by permanentban10293847

What is your opinion on new Duskblade? Do you think it’s healthy for the game and fun/fair to play against?

Duskblade is interesting because it's the item that's power is most contingent on the Lethality system's overall strength. To clarify, the stealth is powerful, but is only on take-down, so if the overall damage of assassins is tuned properly, they should still have to work hard to get that first stealth reset, because if they don't get the kill then the stealth is actually a useless power-budget sink.

That said, on PBE assassins have been overtuned generally, so they are picking up their kills too reliably and therefore accessing the stealth more frequently than normal. I don't see a reason the stealth can't stay, but it is very reliant on us doing our due diligence on the rest of the system to ensure it's not too reliable.

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Do you guys plan on just shifting power, since I'm assuming items are just balanced but power is skewed towards burst here. Unless they aren't

The item patterns are functional, we just need to tune the numbers to get it closer to live power.

over 4 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by Luxa_Gwenhwyfar

I can confirm that I saw a Braum with 30 sterak's stacks in an ARAM game 30 minutes ago.

Balllllllls. Ty

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by vangvace

K6 specifically had his ult nerfed because of the invisibility issues with it.

To reiterate, KhaZix and other stealth champions stealth to create kills, Duskblade stealths once the kill is already secured. Very different levels of power.

over 4 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by SkeletonJakk

Report rovient inting.

Whatever, I'll be dancing in fountain. Open mid.

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by mathY0

Did you play Tristana today?


over 4 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by kluy18

Hey mind if I ask: why are you trying to just get the numbers to be like live? I guess I just don't see the point in reworking the items if your end goal is for it to be exactly like it is now

Not just like live, but similar so that there isn't an influx of new damage.

The point of the item rework isn't to change how much damage/tankiness there is, but rather give players new choices to make and new interesting item actives/passives to play with that enable healthier and/or more interesting play patterns

over 4 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by baydew

You probably don’t need a second confirmation but I saw this bug in a practice tool on Sunday

Edit — and it was BC it could stack off of being in combat with minions (and monsters?). It still only applies 1 stack per unit

It's ok. I thought we fixed it last week but we didn't.

over 4 years ago - /u/AzuBK - Direct link

Originally posted by ZeysarSama

I really appreciate that you take the concerns here seriously, although OP and others including me are mostly ranting. I find your explanation on Duskblade really interesting. I assume the goal is to make assassins more useful in teamfights to give them a way to escape? I would really love to hear more about the goal/intention of some specific item additions. Will there be a post at some point about that?

Not sure if we plan to follow up with some dev articles, but I know I'd be happy to write about some of the more interesting items if we do. In the case of the assassin mythics, the goal was to give them some items that aligned themselves strongly with an assassin's wants and the different sorts of games an assassin might find themselves in. Duskblade is meant a really good item in a game where there are several squishies, making the first kill of a fight much easier to get. Prowler's Claw is meant to be powerful if you estimate getting one incredibly strong burst is your best avenue to victory (for instance, if they have a single champion who is the lynchpin of their comp, and applying very heavy burst threat with greater target access allows you to kill them or pressure them out of fights). Eclipse is meant to offer an opt-out for when you evaluate early on that you win condition is to generally avoid teamfights and aim for the splitpush or take smaller skirmishes—this is why it's tailored to being slippery and winning longer fights.

It was also a goal that these effects would inform a champion's pattern but not define it. So, Prowler's gives you an extra spell that allows you to reach further (both in distance and burst thresholds), but you only get one and you have to make it count on the right target, and the damage amp still asks you to do most of the legwork with your own kit. Eclipse asks you to angle for shorter trades and disengage/re-engage patterns. Duskblade asks you to wait until the fight is in just the right spot for you to go in, nab the first kill, and really muck up the enemy's backline. Of course, items will still tend to bind somewhat to certain champions that they're just really good on as a default, but our aim is that the additional context added between the unique effects and the stat-lines will make it more frequently correct to pick a different item and reward flexible strategic play.

over 4 years ago - /u/AzuBK - Direct link

Originally posted by guaranic

Thanks for the thoughts behind the changes! Super interesting to read. Eclipse is basically half of what it launched on PBE with, but glad to see things moving towards a reasonable state.

No problem! Eclipse was one of the final mythic items so it was coming in pretty hot with mechanical changes right before it hit PBE. The fact that it was in a heavily bugged state (that had variable output, at that—the bug meant that sometimes it did a lot more damage than it should and sometimes did much less) for a bit immediately after its last set of pre-PBE changes did not help power reads at all, either for us balancing it or for the player community trying to understand it. Like, one of the reasons it ended up that powerful is that this bug led us to believe, from playtests, that it was somehow weak despite its reasonable numbers on-paper, and so we buffed it pretty dramatically. I think it's much closer now, and we'll keep following up as necessary.

Possibly of note—Eclipse is meant to be an item that some fighters can buy. I see many players stating that it must be broken because e.g. Riven likes the item, but that's not a good litmus test because it's intended! Not to say it wasn't overpowered (it was, and could still be), but that wasn't an indicator.

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

Have you guys given any thought to the big tank complaints -- lack of mana in tank mythics and legendaries, more varied and accessible penetration options than ever before, and no suitable replacement for Adaptive Helm? I've only heard these secondhand (no PBE access), but they seem fairly valid from what we've seen so far. There has already been work undertaken to address some of the other complaints (like the mythic resistance profiles), so I'm hopeful these will at least be discussed.

We are addressing the concerns with mismatch between shreds and resists available in the overall system.