Yeah, ok, a comment that more drops will come is nice and all, but I've already been burned by the system to the point of losing interest.
Capped drops are bullshit.
Not disclosing the criteria for drops was just away to avoid lying like with worlds (numerous times there were no drops despite events that met the announced drop criteria) and let's you throttle drops as much as you want because this time we can't point at things like "a drop for every elder dragon".
Drops SHOULD have been an awesome way to engage the community, but it's been so horrifically executed during every single event/season it's been around that I actually find myself less interested in watching live.
I've only gotten 3 drops, two of which were the Bose sweepstakes which I refuse to actually count given there's no guarantee of earning anything, and the third was an emote I already had. You say "A ton of rare drops," I say abso-f**king-lutely nothing.