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Hello y’all! For some this will be your 9th preseason (like lil’ old me), or it will be your very first, in which case welcome! Here’s some information for newer players, or for those who need a freshen-up:

1. PRESEASON WILL BE ON PBE FOR 6 WEEKS. THAT'S 10.21, 10.22, 10.23.

The first things should appear on PBE on September 29th. Maintenance is every weekday, AROUND 12:00 pm PDT = 7:00pm UTC/GMT = 8:00pm CEST. There will be a LOT of still-in-progress work. Some things will probably be missing in the beginning. There WILL be heavy bugs and some out-of balance stuff. Please take this into account when making your bug reports and/or feedback.

A quote from Riot:

“That means some things will be a bit rough, with balance issues to fix, shop functionality that still needs to get finished, some significant bugs we haven’t dealt with yet etc. Please do call out whatever feels missing or wrong, and if it's not on the long list of things we're already planning to fix up, we'll add it to our list and see what’s feasible :)”



For example, the “cycle lockdown” between 10.21 and 10.22 is around 8-13 October (subject to change). Between this period, preseason cannot be tested, and will reappear with start of 10.22. Then there will be another “down” period between 10.22 and 10.23 two weeks later, etc etc.

There will be NO NEED TO REPORT preseason stuff missing during these times. It is normal and it will return ~half a week later. We will be removing posts questioning or reporting this phenomenon.

3.1 Other small, important notes

For bugs, follow the bug format.

For feedback, use feedback guidelines.

If Riot made a megathread for bugs and/or feedback, comment your bugs/feedback on the applicable subjects THERE. (We will remove separate discussions that belong in a mega thread.)

3.2 Lastly, Surrenderat20 will be your friend during preseason. S20 will list all changes:

patch-by-patch basis as well as;

an overall change list that compares current PBE state to live.

That should be all for now! happy preseason, happy Worlds, and happy holidays \o/

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over 4 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Hyped to see what you all think!

over 4 years ago - /u/CodeofBear - Direct link

We'll be adding some ranked and matchmaking changes in soon as well.