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All I can say is: MORE!! Watching the broadcast every time they went to a replay I’m in my head chanting “coms replay! Coms replay!” The coms weren’t even that spicy but it’s still awesome. So great. Also love the idea of bringing a player from the first game onto the analyst desk and then into a cast. Good stuff.

Although, in the IMT vs Gg? (I could be wrong about the opponent) where POE makes that great azir play on red side top river only to die to a turret shot. They have lives coms on only to stop them RIGHT as he dies to turret. That was a bummer. Maybe he said something that couldn’t be broadcast? But damn was that one moment where I was dying to hear what was said.

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over 2 years ago - /u/JackFelling - Direct link

Thanks everyone and appreciate all the feedback here! This was a test for us on a single day, and it's great to hear the reactions and thoughts around this experiment. If we decide to do this in the future, we definitely will work on the right mix between casting and comms. We went a bit heavy on it of course to make the most of being able to do this on Sunday and to test it as much as possible.

I saw a few comments below about whether they were live or not and YES -- in most of the games we did fully live comms with no delay. We also had several replay comms which are not live.

It takes a big effort (getting our teams to all agree to allow comms, working with players and tech to make it possible, and cutting to the right moments live and on replays) to make it happen so we definitely want to make sure if we do it again in the future -- we are doing it right and in such a way where it adds value to the broadcast <3 :)

over 2 years ago - /u/JackFelling - Direct link

Originally posted by SemanDemon22

Sure but I think doing everything they can to maintain/grow interest in the league is more important. Also coms can have an extremely positive impact on how players are perceived as well. We need to see more personality from the pros and this is a way to showcase that. My opinion is there’s definitely more to be gained than lost from this.

Agreed, we want to find more ways to showcase player personalities and feature our players as much as possible on the broadcast.

over 2 years ago - /u/JackFelling - Direct link

Originally posted by acecow

LCK includes comms when doing a Pro POV replay (some are hilarious) and during the last fight of the game that leads to victory. Obviously the Korean players are probably less prone towards anything that might be adverse to being broadcast, but it's always great to hear them and how they play out fights.

Thanks! <3

over 2 years ago - /u/JackFelling - Direct link

Originally posted by Mamacrowhelps

Are teams allowed to opt out of having their comms shown during the match?

Yes they can, but we really appreciate that the teams have been so helpful and understanding to let us test this.

over 2 years ago - /u/JackFelling - Direct link

Originally posted by Karpeeezy

Been watching LCS for 8 years now and it has never been better! Thank you, and everyone else behind the scene!

Thank you! That means a lot to us. Looking forward to continuing to get better and better with you guys!

over 2 years ago - /u/JackFelling - Direct link

Originally posted by LoathingLummox

We really really appreciate how communicative you have been on socials, keep it up! ❤️

Aw thanks. I do what I can in between meetings/work haha. Appreciate all the feedback from everyone, good or bad.