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I just had an amazing game with tristana in my promos, we were so far behind, enemy team had like 7k gold lead, ocean soul, more farm, more kills, vision control and everything, I was the only player in our team that had any impact so I started splitpushing while my team tried their best to defend because they needed two players to kill me, somehow an absolute miracle happened and while solo pushing bot I got a triple kill and ended the game with 17/6 scoreline with incredible comeback that shouldn't have happened so through my excitement I wanted to go to post game lobby to talk to my team about the game but "Skip waiting for stats" comes up... AND IT NEVER GOES AWAY.

How frustrating is that, I just had the game of my life and I can't even talk about it with my teammates, I know the client is all sorts of messed up but this was a really enjoyable game with amazing comeback and it completely took me out of the bliss once I realised I can't see the post game lobby. These awesome games don't happen very often these days and even when they do happen, I still somehow get screwed over. All I wanted was to chat with the 10 players about this cool game I had and I can't even do that.

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about 4 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Hey, Appreciate the feedback. Looking at this post, it seems as though there might be an issue on the server-side (server is having trouble sending through stats). We (league client) have fixed the client-related issues last year related to end of Game. Can you message me? we can try to look into your case and see if others are experiencing something similar.


about 4 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by OneBagOneWorld

Hey there! If OP doesn't get back to you I can help out as well, this happens to me like ~50% of games it feels like.

awesome, feel free to message me!