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This has to be changed ASAP. Aram games are FLOODED with people having ranked penalties running it down to lose as quickly as possible just so they can return to their beloved ranked games.

It has to be either changed into a separate queue so these animals would be all playing against each other without ruining normal people's games or changed into WINS instead of GAMES, it's better if they tryhard instead of running it down to lose as fast as possible.

I know, some people may say "are you serious? It's only aram". Believe me or not but HUGE part of League of legends community plays aram's only and right now they are suffering from this "innovative" change, completely ruining their experience and we all do know that reporting "feeding" on aram does nothing.

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over 1 year ago - /u/HuntedFork - Direct link

Originally posted by trustisaluxury

they literally required you to win normal games to be able to queue for ranked again as a punishment in season 2-3 and removed it, then we got riot lyte's social experiments performed on us.

not only could anyone see the outcome of this current system, but they already had the solution over a decade ago and ditched it!

We ditched it mostly because we lost it during the client upgrade/other backend changes rather than as an intentional "lets turn this off" moment.

But it's true, ranked restrictions were much maligned by players. This is because

  • They were way too harsh. 30-50 wins with stacking meant that players could feel buried without path to reform.
  • They were still stressful. You had to compete to win just as hard as in ranked, but now you were in an environment where your team was just playing to have fun.

So we're reimplementing the old system to accomplish the same goals, but removing the biggest points of frustration.

over 1 year ago - /u/HuntedFork - Direct link

Originally posted by TL_Rook

I was wondering why my aram games were such bad quality lately. With insta afks as well.

Fun fact: afks wont tick down ranked restrictions. Instead they will reset them.

over 1 year ago - /u/HuntedFork - Direct link

Originally posted by kakistoss

This is blatantly untrue tho

Riot does not permaban unless you run it down A LOT, so if you are giga tilted one night and choose to run it because your jg doesn't gank you, there will be no real punishment

However, if you do that twice Riot should tag you as toxic and put you in the toxic q, then if you are on good behavior for a certain number of games you can return to normal q,.but if you don't improve you stay there, and if those games only happen once or twice a week it won't be enough to trigger a perma

It's just a solid system, the only reason Riot will never implement it is because they want to be original and don't wanna admit Dota handles their shit better

The first time someone gets picked up by feeding detection they get a two week ban.

The second time it's a perma. (In most regions)

over 1 year ago - /u/HuntedFork - Direct link

Originally posted by bayonetworking123

Sounds like they were stressful and harsh for those who had received the penalty...but this just moved from concentrated costs for the punished player to dispersed costs for many more players.

Question: you note that there is a difference between ranked and normals with respect to playing to win...how do you reconcile this with "play to win" being the #1 rule in the Code of Conduct, with instructions "DON'T: Queue up if you’re not serious about trying to win?"

I don't think they're at odds at all.

You can 'play to win' without lpmaxing the way you do in ranked. You can play to win while picking a new champ, you can play to win while trying out a new role.

But when people are grinding ranked they are usually trying to max out their 'lp per time spent' function. We want players with ranked restrictions to do their best in their games, but not need to fret over every point of winrate.

We'll be watching to make sure they do, and we might make changes to the system if we find that players are dedicated to throwing in order to churn through their remedial games.