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Katey (@moonstonesxo), QA Lead (Skins) at Riot:

As we wrap up 2020, I’d like to speak a bit about feedback and how it affects our content (Skins).

Real change from feedback comes from passionate players articulating what they like and dislike, using examples and specifics.

Ex: I really dislike how Elderwood Xayah’s E isn’t cohesive with the rest of her kit and feels more Star Guardian.

We agreed, and made adjustments.

Angry mob mentality, spamming devs, or being crude doesn’t make feedback weigh in any heavier, or force anyone’s hand to change something. In fact, those tend to be skimmed over in favor of constructive criticism.

Ex: How f*cking blind are you, this sucks.

All we know is you’re unhappy, but why? It doesn’t detail what you dislike or how you’d want to see if improved to make it better. This feedback isn’t useful when we discuss potential changes.

Be kind, but honest, and be constructive. Disliking something is fine, but we cannot make meaningful change without understanding where you’re coming from.

Sirhaian (@sirhaian), Sr. VFX Artist at Riot:

Alright, I'm sorry, but I need to dump some of my feels here about giving feedback on skins and how we act on it. This might be a spicy thread.

It's upsetting to hear players saying that we don't listen to feedback on skins. We actually spend hours and hours just reading y'all's feedback whenever we release a skin.

We simply cannot reply to every Twitter, YT and Reddit comment we see, and we definitely can't act on every one (especially when they're conflicting, we can't make everyone happy!).

We have limited time and resources. We have deadlines, we have content to ship on time, we don't have armies of people working on a skin and available to act on feedback within a day's notice, and at the end of the day, we are humans.

A lot of feedback is hella good and constructive and we highly value those (and often act on them)! Some feedback, though, is downright rude and quite frankly destructive more than anything else, and we don't take much, if any, value from those.

We act on feedback and/or make changes when we think there is great potential to improve a skin, or readability, AND when it makes sense to do so within our timeframe/deadlines, as well as with our resources.

We try our best to communicate what we change and why, but sometimes we fall short because we are pushing to get the changes made over openly communicating them. We also try our best to explain why we cannot do a certain requested change.

Katey's already mentioned this type of communication is something we're looking to improve next year. I personally feel this is an area we can improve in, and I hope we do!

Feedback is vital to what we do, but harassing and spamming devs won't make a change happen faster.

And hell, it's so disheartening to see so many negative comments saying we don't listen and we don't care. We do care. A lot. We've made a ton of changes this year alone to all of the skins we've put on PBE this year. I hope you've seen them.

I hope you've seen our replies on socials as well. We're trying our best to make sure you're heard and feel heard.

But yeah, I'm sorry we can't act on every single piece of feedback from every player in the world.

Yeah, I know, it'd be great if we could reply to everyone and act on every single piece of feedback, but that's simply not possible. Again, we have limitations, we are humans, and we simply cannot do that all the time.

But, I assure you that when we see the opportunity to improve something and know it's within our means to do so, and we believe the change would be good, then we sure as hell do it. Every. Single. Time. I'm sorry if that is not enough for some.

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over 4 years ago - /u/RiotSirhaian - Direct link

Originally posted by retrospace4

How about all the threads about removing some of the unnecessary, noisy, and disruptive vfx on storm dragon lee sin? I feel like there was clear feedback that a lot of players disliked how noisy that skin was, yet nothing has been changed nor even responded to.

Edit: My mistake, there were some changes made to the skin - reply from RiotSirhaian here.

We did tweak some stuff on Lee Sin after release, though. I personally did the changes, mostly on the Q. We simply didn't communicate about it. It's not perfect, and if we had had more time, we would have changed more, but please don't say we don't change anything. This kind of comments (and frankly, everything else I see in this Reddit thread) is exactly why I voiced my opinion on Twitter in the first place.