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Source: https://u.gg/lol/tier-list

According to Riot games guidelines [released less than a year ago] there are currently 25 champions due for a nerf. There have also been 3 full patches since the new season has come out.

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about 4 years ago - /u/TheTruexy - Direct link

To add some clarity here, the balance framework takes into account winrate, pickrate, and banrate when flagging champions for nerfs.

In short, this means that just because a champion has >52.5% winrate, does not mean it is strictly overpowered by our standards.

That's not to say some current chamions are not 'OP' atm, but that I would be careful only using winrate as an indicator for what's imbalanced.

Our framework is also our system to point out distinct outliers. When we look at each patch, we also investigate champions that are close to our metrics, and evaluate if there's something that needs to be addressed.

As stated elsewhere in the thread, with our preseason changes, some of these champions may be beneficiaries of outlier items. If we think the class/item is an outlier, we may choose to hit the item instead of directly hitting the champion. The same works in reverse for potential buffs in preseason.

about 4 years ago - /u/TheTruexy - Direct link

Originally posted by __under_score__

just out of curiosity... how has camille not been touched at all? she has been so strong for so long. I also agree winrate is not very indicative of champion strength, as irelia feels insanely unfun and broken to play against if the user knows what they are doing and her winrate is trash. I get that you guys mean well and are working on creating a more balanced environment in the last couple of patches, but some champions seem to completely evade nerfs when they obviously deserve some.

Short answer: Camille's winrate and banrate do not meet the criteria for nerfs.

Long answer: Our data indicates Camille is strong. However, banrate (and to a lesser extent winrate), is a zero-sum game. Using a recent example, Darius and Graves/Yi ate up a huge portion of banrate/winrate in their role. This can cause champions right below them (say Camille/Kha) to not trigger the framework, even though they feel powerful and are very popular. It's by no means a flawless system, but it gives us a great place to start looking.