Hi everyone.
So way back in season 5 Champion mastery was added to the game. We get these cool, flashy emotes to let our opponents know we've outplayed them. I actually love this system, because of the most part I don't even have to be good at the game to unlock the emotes.
Unless I want cooler emotes. Then I have to get S- ranks and then S ranks.
So that's what I did in season 5. I played graves when he was updated and took advantage of how strong he was to get my S- rank. Twice, because I'm good at this game.
So now I've got 2 Mastery 6 graves token. I can either pay blue essence to upgrade it wait until I get a Graves champion shard.
I have not received a graves champion shard. Ever.
I try to keep at least 2 of every champion shard, and I only disenchant champion I hate or when a blue essence store roles round. But I've been waiting for a graves one for years. I'm level 446. I've had every other champion multiple times.
Graves is the only champion I have 2 mystery tokens for.
I just want my graves shard.
So, Does riot artificially restrict what loot you can get based on what other loot you have?
Has anyone else experienced this?
Am I just going crazy?
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