Riot Jag tweeted:
Hey all, hope you can take a break from Dr. Mundo for a minute so can I tell you about upcoming SR-T work:
-We're pushing back the Force of Nature changes by a patch. We wanted to ship them with 11.13's Mobility changes, but pivoted on the direction due to player feedback.
-The team is working on Lucian changes. Lucian's power as a flex pick and dominant mid laner has served to make him highly pro bound, where he maintains a very high presence there. On the other hand, he has a very low solo queue win rate in all positions, and despite this, most solo queue players still choose to play him in the bot lane. Our tactics are to increase bot lane bindings. Currently we're testing reduced base stats and some nerfs to his early abilities, but in exchange he gets new empowerments when he is Healed or Shielded by an ally. We're also testing increased damage against immobilized targets. As always, we can't guarantee that any of this makes it to live, but we wanted to keep you all in the loop here.
-Mages are getting buffs in 11.13. We've seen the class take a lot of hits this year in terms of satisfaction and power level, so we reduced AP Mana Mythics' costs by 200 gold. We know this doesn't solve all player pains, and we'll keep a close eye on them going forward.
-Finally, my hopes are high that 11.13 will be a very big patch. Between the Tahm Kench update, new top lane items, mage buffs, and major mobility tweaks, this will probably be the biggest meta shake-up we'll see for quite a while. Very excited to see how it turns out!
Edit: Update on Sona:
External link →Lots of questions regarding Sona updates.
We're still working on the art assets. Still aiming for a late summer release.