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This is according to a screenshot taken from today's video: https://twitter.com/JumaraloHexCore/status/1612471076562280450

It says at the bottom that the requirement is 1600 split points for iron, bronze, and silver, while the requirement for gold is 80.

According to Riot's ranked FAQ, you get 20 SP for playing without auto-filling and 25 for auto-filling (I assume this might be changed, given the stuff they said about SP now being earned by simply playing and not winning).

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about 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

SP values have been changed, you get 10 for a win and 6 for a loss. Those other rules for autofilling etc. are removed. So it'll be closer to about 200 games for Silver & below. Also remember that you still get chromas per rank, someone in silver will only have up to the Silver chroma while if you hit Plat you'll be able to flex that in game, no other way to earn those than improve

about 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by bz6

Pretty bummed out at the lack of Ranked updates from the season start videos. No mention of solo soloQ, flex improvements, Clash, and high elo moderation. Is there anything you can shed som extra light on boss? /u/Auberaun

Not a lot I can specifically talk about yet. The team is working on a lot of rune recommender & champ select followup/polish work now that the season is basically launched while we plan some of this year's bigger bets. For high elo moderation, we ran that for ~ a month (Nov-Dec) and have data, now that we're back from break we'll figure out how we'd like to proceed but the reviews themselves are paused right now.

about 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by Xanhomey

So basically half of the points we used to earn, but still earning even if we lose. Got it.

Does seem fair, since you guys did make it clear that the amount of games below gold will big.

Thanks for responding!

Edit: Sorry to bother you, but while I was looking at the screenshot yesterday I noticed that there's a border given as a reward for SP, so I was wondering if this is a new type of reward or the new ranked border?

The system is entirely retuned so the old values don't actually have any relation to the new ones, it was mostly convenient to keep the concept of split points and the associated systems to build improvements on top of. I'm looking at the screenshot on my phone so can't see too clearly but it looks like it might just be a placeholder icon? I know there aren't any borders on the rewards track at least.

about 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by bz6

Well I sure hope the high elo reports will be un-paused come start of S13. The community seeing swift and more importantly consistent action taken towards disruptive behavior (in all its shapes & sizes) will have a ripple effect to the lower ranks, especially if content creators are exposing the updated report systems.

The escalated content creator report path is a part of the trial that is just pretty clearly successful and we're trying to work on how to expand. The more general moderation had more mediocre outcomes, causes of which are likely fixable, might just take more time in the kitchen.

about 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

And 200 games for one skin doesn't seem a tad unrealistic to you?

We based the number off of how many games people actually play. It's also not intended to be easy to achieve or accessible by the majority of Silver & below, we wanted to keep the best way to earn it to be to climb to Gold or above. We'll definitely be watching to see how many players do earn it, and if it's below what we expect we'd make it easier to get.

about 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by Hamchickii

Do rank points gather on the same track for flex and solo queue? I usually split my time between both game modes, but do I need to just focus on one or the other in order to get my 200 games in a single track? I get gold but it takes all season so now with half the time to get there, I might need to focus on number of games instead. I just don't know if I can still do flex queue with friends or if I need to just solo only in order to meet the limit for the skin.

They do gather on the same track, so you're good to split your time