

22 Jan


Originally posted by Razetony

Depends on if you want to keep it "pure summoners rift" but faster or not. If you add too much it becomes a half baked LTO game mode.

Also as a primarily ARAM player, and as someone who has been playing since almost launch on league in general, be very careful with the adjusted nerfs and buffs please. Unless someone becomes an absolute menace it feels really bad to pick up a favorite champion (Sivir, Ashe, Teemo, etc) only to find out they're hyper nerfed, although obviously makes sense in ARAM. On the flip side, you don't want to bait new players into enjoying a champ only for them to find out how much more buffed they are than normal (Akali, LeBlanc, etc)

I can speak a lot on this, but those are the absolute top thoughts I can think of.

Currently trying to stay close to being able to call it a Summoner's Rift experience rather than some other game mode. Hear you on balance changes that are too significant being warping, overall it's looking like we'll just need small tweaks since the characters are already designed and balanced for base SR as opposed to something like ARAM that puts really different demands on every champion's kit to perform equally.


Originally posted by Rexsaur

How about the mastery grading bugs, are you guys looking at it?

The other day it was stuck giving D- to everyone no matter what, and then after it was giving A to everyone, it was working fine like a week ago but then something happened that broke it.

We had some issues over the weekend yeah, are you still seeing unexpected mastery grades currently?

21 Jan


Originally posted by Genericfantasyname

Some sort of "late" game escalation mechanic with a non-gold output.

something like clash towers rotting away after a set time.

Or maybe you get a rift Herald with your baron, like in Ultimate Spellbook.

Just some way for a winning team to close out a game once we are past the intended game time.

Yeah for sure hear ya, those are the types of things we're looking at right now!


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Given Swiftplay is part of the core SR experience, is there any concern that it havibg its own specific balancing might be confusing for players or add complexity

Not a ton of concern but those are costs, yeah. Balance bands are broader than standard SR, similar to ARAM, and we'd stay away from doing anything that changes a champion's identity. There is a responsibility to balance this mode since everyone has the ability to choose specific champions without bans as a release valve, and winrate data, so it'd be pretty bad for the experience if there were a 58% winrate Kayle in every game you play.


Following thread. Interested in if you think Swiftplay is for you, what you think could be better about it.

Biggest thing gameplay-wise on our minds right now are outlier game lengths. The game length is on average shorter than standard SR (excluding surrenders for both, yes) but the experience breaks down a bit when everyone on both teams gets to full build and then are there for a long time. Those 40 minute Swiftplay matches shouldn't really be happening.

11 Jan


Originally posted by CohesiveMocha34

why would they not mention anything about swiftplay matchmaking?

no ways its intended to be this terrible

There were some pretty severe bugs on launch, as of a few hours ago those should be fixed. Doesn't mean everything's perfect for sure, but should be meaningfully better.

10 Jan


Originally posted by Beans2618

eternals still don't level up in swiftplay, but mastery and challenges do. is this intended?

It's not, sorry. We were able to resolve Mastery and Challenges like you noticed, Eternals are still in progress but we didn't forget! Hoping to have that fixed today for the weekend.

09 Jan


Originally posted by Invincible7331

This has to be a bug, I recall seeing a rioter stating you can lvl up eternals, mastery etc. on this subreddit

Yeah, we're looking into it now.


Should've just been fixed. If you're still can't see them, can you try relogging and tell me what server you're on?

19 Dec


Originally posted by Deadedge112

Clarity: "Am I a joke to you?!"

Clarity's gonna get an update too


Originally posted by GreenCyborgNinjaDude

Thank you Auberaun :) That was my only issue here tbh. Hope you and the team at riot have a happy holidays.

You too!


These were accidents btw, should be reverted next deploy


Originally posted by Random_Stealth_Ward

They all look dulled down. I assume it's probably the images that they used for the post for some reason being like that, rather than how they will actually end up looking.

Yeah that's correct, they're not actually dulled down side-by-side in game or client.

03 Dec


Originally posted by Prestigious-Wall-183

Please pull the graves nerfs. Not because they arent justified or good for the game, but because i personally want graves to be OP forever.

I respect the honesty

27 Nov


Good catch, she still had her manual overrides from launch, this'll be fixed for 14.24.

25 Nov


Originally posted by imworthlesscum

i think the logic is any 3 void grubs counts as 1 epic monster


enemy team takes 1 void grub, you take 2

enemy team takes a second void grub, you take the remaining 2

→enemy team has 0 epic monsters, you have 1

That's how i understood it



Originally posted by Cowboy_Slime100

What is merc threads passive?

Basically same thing but magic shield.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Did Endless Elixir still make the cut

It did not


Originally posted by PrivateVasili

It's a pretty minor detail, but is the new teleport "dash" unstoppable? Or can you run into a random Poppy W or something and get interrupted. It says Unleashed TP is very fast, so maybe it doesn't matter, but I can imagine players having the reaction time to knock people out of it if it's possible, whether that be from Poppy or Alistar or whoever.

It also could spoil some otherwise very good TP flanks if you can just see the person flying past you. I think it's fine to have a travel time, but I'm not sure if they should be visible to enemies while doing it.

It's unstoppable yeah, think like a Hexgate.


Originally posted by LonelyMail1938

is atakhan gonna stay just one season?

Nope, he'll be sticking around