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basically, if you issue an auto attack move command while rooted you will not fire an auto attack even if the enemy is standing close enough to tickle your balls. this turns roots into full on stuns and is absolutely devastating for gameplay ESPECIALLY with the upcoming morg jungle meta. while this mostly f*cks ADCs whos entire damage comes from auto attacks; it also affects junglers who use attack move to kite camps (f*ck you tiny golems), top laners who play stuff like kennen/kayle/gnar/urgot, and midlane mages.


p.s: a map movement toggle for attack move click ONLY would also be immense for quality of life.

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almost 4 years ago - /u/GreaterBelugaWhale - Direct link

Originally posted by clarkx100

/u/GreaterBelugaWhale I also want to ping you but just to say hi!
