Ya I think, if orange is ruinous atakhan.
orange is for the orange-red atakhan (Voracious)
Ya I think, if orange is ruinous atakhan.
orange is for the orange-red atakhan (Voracious)
Riot: we are increasing the pace and intensity of the game
Me: I am going to pick flowers for 30 minutes and there's nothing you can do to stop me
unfortunately they stop spawning when atakhan spawns. no mist of pandaria here
Kinda happy they are getting rid of the boring row in domination for something more interesting.
Early minion and ward tp is interesting to see, but will heavily depend on slow you are to get across the map.
Correction on Grisly Mementos - it is now 4 Trinket AH (2 Summoner AH on non trinket modes), stacking up to 25x (no longer infinite). We made a tuning change recently after the article was written
Oh shit, unrelated but did I just catch you in a Deadlock match? Could swear I saw your name
no my steam ign is different from my reddit one (i'm captain gameplay anywhere that isn't reddit)
Ok I see what you mean after going on PBE myself. My assumption after hearing this was that the minons would start with X movement speed and then they'd lose Y movement speed per minute until they reach 325 ms at 14.
But they lose movement speed every minute, and the amount of movement speed they have drops as they approach the lane instead.
ya on live they start with X bonus ms pre 14, and it drops to 0 as they approach the lane crash
now, they start with X to 0 bonus ms pre 14 (decreasing as time approaches 14), and that bonus ms still drops to 0 as they approach the lane crash
Is there going to be an aram-only tweak to account for the increased difficulty stacking?
I have a feeling sharing waves with 4 other people and not having camps to hit will make it hard to stack.
reasonable request, i will bring this up to the team working on aram
Is it a linear reduction in the minion movement speed or does it increase over time as 14 mins approach?
its a linear reduction to the max MS each side wave starts with, but their MS also decays over time so its not an easy "this is what it is" statement. Don't really think it needs to be either since your roaming efficacy will vary heavily game to game based on how you are doing and how the lane you are looking to roam to is playing the wave. For most players, you will simply notice more opportunities to roam if you are even paying attention to that. for coordinated play, you will probably eventually start adjusting wave management around this and actively looking to set up roams
A change i have not see in the datamine is that minion crash wave timings have been adjusted for 14.22
In mid season 13, we adjusted side lane minions to move much faster pre 14 minutes, so the lane met at around the same time as mid. This was to reduce the power of roams, but that was perhaps too effective/undesirable. It is currently thought to be one of the main reasons adcs are showing up mid in pro - roaming from mid lane was nerfed heavily by this timing change so champs that wanted to roam more (read: not adcs) lost a portion of their power budget to this.
in 14.22, we are again adjusting minion timings so that the first wave will match live, but over 14 minutes the side lanes will gradually slow down (as opposed to immediately becoming slow at 14 minutes). This means roam timings will gradually open up over the first 14 minutes - so level 2/3 gank timings will still be just as unsupported but roaming towards the later half of laning phase will be much more r...
Read moreIs there any logical reason why you have to stack the crit chance first? It only appears to be there so they can still stick to that „no crit,ad, as item philosophy“
Honestly one crit start item that gives both ad and as would be really good, as that‘s a niche that is currently not met. We got ER for casters and Collector for burst/high ad marksmen, what‘s missing is ad/as for champs like Jinx, Aphelios etc
The current crit item starter ecosystem is 3 big AD items, which tend to favor AD casters (ER has AH, Collector has Lethality, Yun Tal supposedly being the 3rd with its non-scaling bleed damage on crit)
This leaves crit users who actually want to primarily auto attack at a loss for a first crit item that doesn't push them into a more AD caster territory than they might want (your Caits, Jinxs, Aphels etc, even Yasuo/Yone). Yun tal is being moved into that slot.
However this AS+AD+Crit stat line is really ideal, so the item needs a weakness, so we built a few in: it has a harder build path (BF sword), it doesn't get all its power upfront (stacking crit), it has a long CD on it's AS unique (window to trade), and it strongly incentivizes pushing the wave constantly (stacks/cd refunds on autos)
Ehh since the items and changes are all very recent it’s completely possible it’s just a mistake on PBE. Especially since 2 Riot sources are saying it’s supposed to be on-hit
Edit: Beluga responded, it’s meant to be on attack.
no its meant to be an on-attack rune. the tooltip will clarify that shortly. we may re-assess this when tuning it later
Are you worried about lethal tempo doubly scaling with attack speed? Attack speed not only increases the on-hit damage, but also means that those attacks come out more often.
I'm not complaining cause Jax will be happy about it, too, but I wonder if the double scaling is intentional? Of course the amount by which LT's on-hit damage scales with each % AS could always be nerfed, so it would just be a matter of finding the right numbers
no, it'll be tuned to whatever state it needs to be for AS to be good purchases on LT champs. the current tuning may not be it.
If they manage to make LT, which is now an:
On-Hit, AS Scaling, Auto Attack enhancing RUNE
Bad on the: On-Hit based, AS Steroid, Auto Attack Champion that Irelia is
I'll be genuinely impressed
is that a challenge
give kevin
Design is constantly about making compromises. The only issue with Darius was his E, Apprehend which scared our Live Balance team to no end. It used to be a bit longer of a pull with an even bigger knock up.
This is the funniest part to me. Darius E is a good ability but hardly something that makes him a menace, especially compared to current champs
its a far more concerning gameplay effect when there werent other hoops to jump through in the kit (Passive Noxian Might and Q having a long enough delay to be unreliable were added later)
Judging by the QnA it looks like the gameplay designer used to also be responsible for the characters appearance - nowadays, the gameplay designer is
entirely separateEDIT: entirely separate individual from the art designer. For example, aurora was first conceived as concept art, and different kits were trialed for her. One such kit was sylas, which they decided to ship with a different visual due to the clash between bunny girl and diver-that-killed-you-with-your-own-ult.I cannot, however, explain what OP meant by "product".
nah gameplay and visual are intricately married in any reliably functional product
The comment describes an active and a reactive play pattern and says both are bad, so how do they intend someone to play him?
Ah i see whats going on. allow me to qualify the statements made.
these two play patterns are undesirable when they account for the degree of importance that is observed on live atm. you will obviously still shield yourself or your ally in trades, and often hold your Q. These changes simply pull some of the power out of the self E > AA pattern in favor of asking you to take some risks with looking for opportunistic Q harass when you think you can get away with it, while also making it significantly better to do so.
Read moreAgreed. Its honestly embarrassing that anyone at Riot thought these changes made any sense.
Like what the f**k?
Did /u/GreaterBelugaWhale lose lane to a Milio and choose violence?
anti frog league rise up
what’s the reason for milio adjustments? he doesn’t seem to be OP or bad atm
on live, milio has two play patterns that are not desirable: E yourself and auto attack the enemy level 1 where you outtrade basically everyone else; never cast Q except to peel
Pulling some power from early level E>AA to feed power into Q so you can cast it in in poke/harass rather than purely held as a disengage
Any updates on the Assassin changes Phreak talked about?
not that im aware of. i am only adjacent to tuning/balance atm