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If you are after the prestige skin or the mythic essence, after doing the math from how much points you get per game and the missions experience https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/9716138458771-League-of-Legends-Worlds-2022 you need to get more points from games in order to get the 2000 to the 2200 tokens.

Precisely you need an extra of 2150 points compared to previous passes, that is 430 minutes/7 hours of game with 50% win rate.

Before you got 200 points from buying the pass, 1000 from weekly missions and 300 for free missions. The missions completed alongside the token grind so in the end you needed just to obtain 700 tokens, that was 70 missions with 10 tokens each. Now the equivalent would be 35 levels.

The problem is that now the missions only give 5850 experience points (to make things worse observe that 50 will be left over since repeatable missions give 400) that is 14 and a half levels.

In conclusion, the new system is just the old system with less token gains, 120 less tokens to be precise. Which is awful if you want also a chroma.

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over 2 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

You get 10,000 XP from missions.