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over 4 years ago - /u/Am1t8 - Direct link

Originally posted by baseballlover723

rip no fix for the client thinking I'm a new player every time I open the client.

Hey, our team has been working on trying to solve this issue for a while now, we have introduced a couple of fixes over the last few weeks, and it did resolve the issue for a good amount of players from reviewing our support tickets, but some have reported that the issue is still occurring. It did not make the patch notes, but we are deploying one more fix in this patch, to help try and alleviate the issue.

This has been a pretty complex one for us to solve, and we are putting in metrics to determine how widespread this issue is for our global player base. Hopefully, this new fix yields positive results


over 4 years ago - /u/ItsLowbo - Direct link

Originally posted by Band_

Nah it’s based on winrates.
The problem is lower MMR games have bad LB players that are making her appear weaker than she is.

Hello! Leblanc actually has a very low split between low/high MMR - she wins 0.5% more games in high MMR than low. (The top 3 are Kha'Zix, Rek'Sai, and Lulu, who all win >7% more games in high MMR)

That being said, we're trying a new framework to incorporate high elo statistics in ARAM, which resulted in the Ezreal, Nidalee, Nocturne, Ryze, Sona, Vayne, and Yorick changes this patch. We're always trying to improve our balancing strategy, and hopefully this iteration will make ARAM games at high ELO more balanced and enjoyable.

over 4 years ago - /u/ItsLowbo - Direct link

Originally posted by codester2124

wow super cool insights! i’ve been picking up Kha’zix more after playing against some really good ones and realizing he might be way more viable in ARAM than i had initially thought, so it’s cool to see that suspicion somewhat confirmed.

if you have a chance, is there any data you could provide on Akali? i’ve been scratching my head at her not receiving nerfs when she seems to consistently do so well in games i play with or against her, and the +18%/-15% dmg just feels insane in the hands of a good Akali player. would love to hear if she’s on the radar for nerfs in or or high elo and what the winrate discrepancies for her are between the two

Yeah, Akali came REALLY close to getting a nerf this patch. About as close as you could possibly get without hitting the line. She has a medium size high/low MMR split. She's pretty balanced in low MMR, but RIGHT up against the line of our definition of "OP" in high MMR.

over 4 years ago - /u/ItsLowbo - Direct link

Originally posted by RuthlessSlimeStaff

I'd imagine the player itself is more important than the mmr. Lb in the hands of an lb player is a nightmare in aram.

Yeah, that's the tricky part about balancing ARAM in particular. It's really hard to find the balance where assassin mains don't take over the game, but people who roll into the champion can still have fun playing them. In other modes we know that assassin players have opted into it, so that makes things a lot easier.

It's still an imperfect process and we're always trying to make it better!

over 4 years ago - /u/ItsLowbo - Direct link

Originally posted by rage1212

As a Kha Player on rift, whenever we get Kha in aram, my friends just give him to me. Every time it’s just a free win. I still wonder how people lose with kha in aram

Because they don't have experience with him, like you do! I wouldn't know the first thing to do with him if I got him in ARAM.

over 4 years ago - /u/ItsLowbo - Direct link

Originally posted by L1veShyn3

Does the team ever play aram or are the statistics 100% of your reasoning for changes?

We do play ARAM, but anecdotal experience is very biased compared to statistics. We're all in NA, in medium-high ELO, etc. The statistics allow us to get a complete picture of what's happening in ARAM worldwide, with hopefully as little bias as possible as long as we are careful in what lessons we are drawing from them.

over 4 years ago - /u/ItsLowbo - Direct link

Originally posted by r4zenas

what about premades? How do you normalize solo vs 3/4/5 premade win rates?

We don't take this into account, under the assumption that a champion is equally likely to be rolled no matter what sort of premade is in the lobby - so it shouldn't impact the statistics.

over 4 years ago - /u/ItsLowbo - Direct link

Originally posted by L1veShyn3

Is it possible for the team to begin showing a bit of bias? Or have you tried this before and it went terribley?

There are certain champs that just feel dogshit or blatantly OP. Like akali stats might not show how strong she really is because aram players cant always play her. As opposed to sona who is largely being told to just stay off of aram

Doesnt it feel like aram should be balanced with a bias of fun over competitive integrity?

ARAM isn't a ranked or competitive game mode, so I (personally, not speaking for the team) don't have a problem with biasing for fun over competitive integrity.

However, we need to find a good measure for "fun" here. We could use pickrate, which does tell us SOMETHING about how fun a champ is to play, but many of the champions people complain about are high pickrate themselves. So unless we can isolate a good measure of what people consider "fun" to play as or against in ARAM, we can't really do this without biasing the game towards what WE consider fun (rather than what the players themselves consider fun). Does that make sense?

over 4 years ago - /u/ItsLowbo - Direct link

Originally posted by LtSarahKerrigan

Hi there, aram player here. Will aram balance team ever consider ability tweaks specific to aram? Specifically powerful zoning tools, e.g. Ziggs E, Veigar cage duration? It's probably been thought of before, I'd just like to know why/why not. Thanks!

Yes, that's something we're considering, especially after the success of doing things like that in URF. We can't commit to anything at the moment, though.

over 4 years ago - /u/ItsLowbo - Direct link

Originally posted by ordinaryhappenings

Does ARAM have its own MMR ladder or is it simply fed from ranked SR and/or normal SR? Thanks :)

ARAM has its own MMR.

over 4 years ago - /u/ItsLowbo - Direct link

Originally posted by TheAlmightyChanka

Hey I have a Question, do all Champions in ARAM have the same chance of being selected? I have seen Samira 4 times in a spam of 10 games however, I noticed a champion like Fiddlesticks doesn't appear as much

as a Fiddle main that pains me

All champions have an equal chance of being picked, but are rolled from each player's pool of owned champions. So if a champion is owned by more players, they will be more likely to appear.