Hijacking top comment to drop some life math on ya'all.
Let's say you do this, and FF@8 in ARAM as quick as possible. Ignoring queue times, you can earn 30 tokens an hour. Now if you play ARAM normally, the average game is 17 minutes, and assuming a 50% win rate you can earn 21 tokens an hour. So instead of playing the game and having fun, if you decide to "farm" you are gaining a whopping 9 tokens an hour!
Now for the sake of argument, let's double that and say this trick gets you 18 tokens an hour. (It doesn't, but this will just show how poor a use of your time this is) It would take approximately 9 hours to get 160 tokens. In the store, a 10 orb bundle is about $20 and comes with 160 tokens. So if your goal is simple mind numbing farming for tokens, you're better off doing something with your time that can get you at least $3 an hour...
The token gains are designed to be a cool reward for doing what you already would be...playing League and having fun! They're a bonus for playing the game you are already going to play and enjoy! If you alter your behavior to avoid League and not have fun, there are way more efficient uses of your time to get those tokens.
EDIT: Just to make it extra clear...I'm not saying "Don't grind". You should use your recreation time to have fun, Play League, and enjoy the game! And we'll reward you tokens for it. I'm just advising against turning your recreation time into a boring "lose as quick as possible" grind.
EDIT2: Checked with Player Behavior on this one. If you play these 8 minute games pretty normally, likely no action would be taken. If you AFK or Feed during these 8 minutes and get reported, that ban would be upheld.