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A lot of players get angry or annoyed by one of their teammates and drop reports that are actually misused but their ego blinds them. Lets talk about the reports and an example of correct reports and incorrect reports.

Pregame Lobby:

This is for when in champion select.

Report Correct Example Incorrect Example Explanation
Mute Always None You don't need a reason to mute someone. If you don't like what's said, drop a mute. I'd recommend go into every game and instantly mute everyone.
Verbal Abuse Don't play that champion it's literal dog sh*t. You're going to feed on them. I just had you in my last game and you're f*cking garbage. Could you pick a tank? We're fairly squishy. I don't think Morgana top is going to go too well. Verbal abuse should be fairly self explanatory, if a player is abusing you with speech saying things that are toxic and flaming they should be reported for this. But general questioning or statements against you are for a mute not a report.
Refusing to play position Person A gets support, and asks to switch for top. Top says no, so person A locks in Fiora anyways and ignores everyone. Someone got support, so they picked Pantheon support. Refusing to play position, is someone attempting to force someone to play another role so they get the role they want. While Pantheon support is a bit unconventional, if they are actually supporting as Pantheon then that is not a report, it's off meta or a kill lane but it's not refusing to play role.
Griefing / Hostage taking You know the guy, he got autofilled support so he locks in cleanse + clarity urgot with summon aery and is trying to force someone to dodge. Picking anything unconventional, or not dodging a game because someone looked up your OP.GG and doesn't like your 49.9999999% w/r The correct example is someone trying to force someone else to dodge their map or to grief because someone banned their champion. While the incorrect is someone else trying to bully someone out of a game instead of dodging themselves. Another example that may or may not be a correct report because it's controversial is banning someone's hovered champion. If your teammate is hovering Yasuo and you ban it anyways, that is considered griefing, but that may not actually be enforceable and is up to debate.
Unskilled Play None All Similar to the old "unskilled player" report, it's a Placebo that has no weight what so ever. When climbing people have good and bad games, reporting someone for a bad game is counter productive for ranking. You also can't tell if someone is unskilled in champion select. This report isn't actually doing anything.

Postgame Lobby:

This is post game when the game is over.

Report Correct Use Incorrect Use Explanation
Negative Attitude Giving up or griefing. When it's 8 minutes in and someone calls "GG," and from that point on refuses to coordinate or cooperate. Or sitting in fountain saying "Open mid." Someone saying something to you you don't like. Or someone building incorrectly. In my experience, this isn't really abused too often. This report is for the people who throw games because they believe it's over or they're mad their jungler didn't gank so they're taking their jungle.
Verbal Abuse Akali is raging and being incredibly toxic, saying things such as "What the f*ck are you doing??" "Literally the worst Top i've ever seen." "Do you clean your helmet with the glue you eat?" Akali states "Hey try not to go in next time, we can't win a 4 v 5." "What was that?" "You can't fight him." Verbal abuse should be fairly self explanatory, if a player is abusing you with speech saying things that are toxic and flaming they should be reported for this. But general questioning or statements against you are for a mute not a report.
Leaving the Game/AFK Summoner has disconnected for a reasonable amount of time. Someone who has completely left the game. Someone who is sitting in fountain, and even if they're walking in circles and typing. Someone has high ping and they disconnect for 10 seconds. Someone is waiting in fountain for 20 gold for their item. This one is super self explanatory and the fact that people misuse this one astonishes me. Someone not participating or leaving the game is meant for this report.
Intentional Feeding Someone is purposely running down mid lane all the way to inhib and feeding kills. Someone who is walking and stands still as the enemy kills them. Someone who buys all tears and just executes over and over. SOMEONE WHO IS A sh*t PLAYER This is the biggest abused report that actually needs one of the strongest punishments but is rarely punished because people misuse it. A kayle that is 2/14/2 but is buying correctly, attempting to play better but is getting dumpstered is not intentionally feeding. You can say all day "They should play back. They should just not feed." No, that is not inting. Someone being a bad player is not purposely trying to lose the game for feed, they're just bad and you will have bad players in your game. YOU have been that bad player, there isn't a single person in this game who has never wen 0/10. It happens, it's super annoying and aggravating, but it is not intentional. The key word in the report is INTENTIONAL, someone who is going out of their way to give kills because they are trying to make you lose. Just because you know the basics, or you have better game knowledge than them, doesn't mean they're inting. That's like reporting a level 10 player for inting, they don't know any better. And then also there is limit testing and unexpected variables that can lead to someone feeding.
Hate speech Calling someone something derogatory such as racial slurs , mental disability and sexual orientation insults. Someone flaming. Someone lighting you up and flaming you to hell would fall under verbal abuse.
Cheating Someone who is using scripts to dodge all skills shots and land every one. Not the Xerath that combo'd you 6 times in a row because he put his abilities down when you're CSing This one is fairly rare but they're out there, but just because someone had some insane reactions doesn't mean that they're cheating.
Offensive or Inappropriate Name Having a name that is derogatory, a play on words for an inappropriate word or incredibly insensitive: BigCochk, GeorgesNeck, AbortedFetus etc. Someone's name being something you don't like. I don't believe I've used this report except for once. Generally you know when a name is not okay, especially since this game allows people to play at 13

This thread was a lot of unneeded effort, but a lot of people are misusing the reports making it harder to actually punish people who deserve it. There was a game on stream where an Ezreal built his manamune late and went triforce instead of iceborn, and his team and the chat said they were/should report him for griefing. Someone itemizing incorrectly or sub optimally is not griefing. If there's a game where the top lane Teemo is getting wrecked by Garen, but Teemo is itemizing correctly and building defensively, but is dying due to jungle ganks or poor vision/positioning is not inting. A lot of players think someone getting sh*t on or feeding is synonymy's with INTENTIONALLY feeding. Most players play ranked on mute to focus on their own improvement, if they lose hard, then that's just part of the game. Running it down and purposely trying to feed the enemy laner is what the report is for. People try to argue "It's not that hard to play safe. If the give more than 4 kills then they are dying on purpose" but that is not always true. I play Tryndamere and have dove people over and over or gone all the way up to their tier 2 turret just to thirst for a kill because their jungler is non-existent. That person isn't trying to give me kills, but i'm forcing them too, me as the "better player" is taking advantage of any mistake i see to help me.

I want to see the Darius that went 0/2 in 5 minutes and then AFK'd get banned. I want the Yi that flamed the entire time to get chat restricted. I want the 0/19/ full dorans rings Dr. Mundo get banned for feeding. But as long as the player base continue to report people for the wrong reasons, or because they're mad, the longer it will take to actually punish the people who are ruining these games.

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over 4 years ago - /u/Riot_R1ggs - Direct link

Idk about this take. Report what you want. If we designed the system so that false reports affected other penalty avenues, I probably would have raised many many concerns about that

over 4 years ago - /u/Riot_R1ggs - Direct link

Originally posted by Pinanims

Thank you for commenting! How does the system differentiate someone who is reported falsely vs reported genuinely? Not only so that people get consequences, but also keeping "innocent" people from being wrongfully punished? Would love to hear more from you

short answer. it doesn't. reports are a player tool that we use as a guide for action. reporting can result in specific actions and evaluation but won't necessarily cause it. I can't go much deeper than that though. In general, report what you want to report, false reports are not a concern. I have seen some silly ones though

over 4 years ago - /u/Riot_R1ggs - Direct link

Originally posted by AhriMainsLOL

If I’m being 100% honest, a lot of effort has been focused this year on punishing others via reports but there’s been zero focus on actually reforming players. The last time anyone talked about this was when Riot revised their stance on indefinite banning of players.

Legit, if I could see the progress I was making in a visual form, it would actually help a lot. Nothing sucks more than thinking you’re getting better and then seeing a punishment issued after a bad game and going back to square one. It’s demoralizing at least.

Reformation and how we track and encourage that is often at the forefront of our conversations. We're spending a lot of time making sure our existing systems work for the multigame environment that Riot has right now. To be clear, I'm not promising anything in terms of action or future systems, but it's not like my team is sitting around saying "how can we keep more people from playing our game?"

over 4 years ago - /u/Riot_R1ggs - Direct link

Originally posted by AhriMainsLOL

I never meant to imply that your team is saying anything close to that, as that would be extremely counter-intuitive to the survival of any game. I apologize if anything I said implied that. With the rapid rolling out of TFT Mobile, Valorant (and its anti-cheat sidekick, Vanguard) and - hopefully soon - League Wild Rift, it's to be expected that y'all are focusing proactively on making sure the systems in place can handle it.

A good portion of the past few months' more-publicized conversations have been more focused on the punishment side of things (i.e. champ select reporting, notifications when punishments are issued, etc.), but I'm grateful that the other side of the coin is not forgotten. Thanks again for the quick reply. Stay safe!

oh totally, no worries! The punishment systems exist and have proven to be effective so we gotta make sure those work. The encouragement systems are much less of a known quantity so they'll take more time so that we can get it right. We just want everyone to play nice tbh