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So I've played about maybe 10 or so games on various champions on the new PBE patch and I instantly noticed that games were ending significantly faster than normal. I wrote this off at first as PBE having so many different ranks mixed into one pool but then I started to realize literally everyone is doing so much more damage once they have there mythic item built. I'm not sure if this is a set of specific items or just the new items overall seem to be better and ending games faster than the old ones did.

The reason I'm making this post in the first place is to see if everyone else has noticed this damage creep so that when these items go live we hopefully won't have every game only lasting 15 minutes. Thanks :)

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over 4 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by RiftHunter4

There's damage creep and even worse: it's very uneven. Some items got damage boosts and others got very little.

So far, the ADC Mythics feel more like nerfs. Immortal Shieldbow seems to be the preference so far with Kraken Slayer feeling too slow and Galeforce being worthless. Trinity Force seems like a better pick than Galeforce, especially with the crit nerf.

There's also issues with some of the mechanics. Duskblade now grants invisibility without a cool down. This let's Pyke makes multiple kills without being targeted. We also found that there isn't a cap for Armor Pen.

Also, Essence Reaver's Mana return is gone, meaning that ADC's are usually mana starved now. For some of them, this doesn't mean much, but ADC's that rely a bit more on their abilities, it forces them to take Mana flow Band and still be low on mana most of the game. It's a significant decrease in damage.

There's absolutely a cap on % armor pen, but it's not communicated very well right now. All % pen items are part of the Unique Group "last whisper". You can only own 1 item at a time from a Unique Group.