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about 5 years ago - /u/AzuBK - Direct link

Originally posted by Caenen_

Alright this is a pretty old one, and afaik happens to all allied shields spells that use 'spell wrappers', ever since Guardian was introduced. Targeting an ally with Rakan's E2 puts some allied buff on them which allows Guardian to trigger, even if the 'actual spell' never actually started casting on them.

It appears to be decently well known for Rakan mains, so the Rakan in this clip probably used the bug deliberately. +1 for soloQ map awareness!

The fix here would be to stop Guardian from using the engine level targeting thing it uses right now, and have it be managed on script level like literally any other effect does.

Fixed for 10.4! Lots of our older wrapper spells aren't very precise about what you can target with them, since afterward the script interprets the command and actually triggers the spell correctly (and sometimes we still want to allow you to target someone out of range, so that we can then let you know that you're out of range or display a range circle or similar). The real culprit here was that Guardian never cared whether you cast something tagged as a buff or helpful effect—it triggered when you targeted an ally with anything, including totally untagged "spells" that have no gameplay effect, like wrapper spells. So, Guardian now correctly only triggers on helpful ally-targeted effects, similar to Summon: Aery.

about 5 years ago - /u/AzuBK - Direct link

Originally posted by haji1823

wait no stop. ive been using this for months to save people D:

edit: also it works with spellbinder. rakan can stack a spellbinder in 2-3 e, if you e1 to an ally and spam e2 to someone far away. (if you are gonna mention one might as well mention it all)

Oh ffs

about 5 years ago - /u/AzuBK - Direct link

Originally posted by AzuBK

Oh ffs

/u/RiotKingCobra make me fix this please

about 5 years ago - /u/AzuBK - Direct link

Originally posted by haji1823

is that a ffs for “thats a different bug that shouldnt exist” or a “why does that also work?” lmao

I want to say I can't believe it triggers Spellbinder...but I can believe it

and I'm not happy

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotKingCobra - Direct link

Originally posted by AzuBK

/u/RiotKingCobra make me fix this please

Noted. Will make you fix this next week. _^

about 5 years ago - /u/AzuBK - Direct link

Originally posted by Caenen_

Fixed because Shakarez pinged you, or fixed because the fix was coincidentally underway already?

Edit: I just read up on the comment chain. I assume you caught the part where the 'cast' trigger for spellbinder and co was in the wrapper, not the actual spell, too?

I fixed this one earlier this week coincidentally, and I should have the spellbinder bit sorted out for 10.5 since 10.4 is already locked.