

25 Jan


Originally posted by 2th

For his R, do you mean that ONLY the next casting of it will be The Skies Descend or is it a permanent upgrade? If it is only the next cast, how often are you seeing Asol collect 75 stardust in a match to where you get that empowered ult? If it is once in a Bronze 2 match, that does not seem very satisfying.

You should expect about 2-3 empowered ultimates per match once you get the hang of stacking his passive. Maybe more if you really optimize it!


Originally posted by Random_Stealth_Ward

Is it only effects that stops movement or does silence count too

I don't think silence interrupts your flight - but it will interrupt your Q.


Originally posted by Crazybigfoot28

So is their a maximum distance on his flying ability? Or he be able to fly fountain to fountain eventually with enough stacks(probably impossible in a real game)

No max distance on the flying ability. As long as you keep gaining stacks you'll keep gaining range!


Originally posted by Benji_Danklin

Will you stop flying during W if you take damage like on live?

No, you can take damage while flying, but CC will interrupt you.

24 Jan


Super excited to be able to share all this info with you. If ya'll have feedback for us, please leave it in the thread! We want to hear your thoughts! Mecha A Sol videos will be posted as soon as we are able to - the tech issues we've been dealing with impacted our ability to get them all recorded.


Originally posted by Guest_1300

Hi! Is there a max range or a max duration for his W?

The max range scales infinitely with the amount of Stardust stacks he has!


Hello, everybody! I’m Riot King Cobra, one of the producers on Champions Team and the producer for Aurelion Sol’s comprehensive gameplay update (CGU)!

Due to the tech issues we've been facing, Aurelion Sol's gameplay update PBE debut will be delayed. Since the team wants to hear your feedback before he launches in two weeks, I’m spinning up this thread anyways and including some videos of Aurelion Sol’s abilities for his Ashen Lord and Storm Dragon skins along with detailed information about his base stats and abilities. We will update this thread with videos of his Base skin and Mecha skin VFX and SFX as soon as we are able to do so. We've got about a week before we have to lock any proposed changes for his release, so I'll be monitoring common themes in this thread to share back with the team for possible adjustments.

There is no estimated date for when Aurelion Sol will show up on PBE at the moment, but I will update this thread as soon as I have more shareable ...

Read more External link →

15 Jul


Originally posted by GrandMasterOfCool

So how do the producer and designer roles differ?

As the producer, my responsibilities include things like making sure that what we're making is on track to hitting our project goals, making sure that folks on the team empowered and able to do their work to the best of their ability, and making sure we stay on schedule.

For example, we didn't have a super easy way to scale the size of the VFX of the spell you see in the video, so one of my tasks was understanding what issues the artist was facing and working with them and our engineer on the project to figure out what solutions existed, what the feasibility of them were, and which we should go for.

The designer, as the name implies, is responsible for designing Aurelion's abilities. This isn't to say they're off on their own though. The development process is very collaborative so everybody on the team is always sharing ideas, feedback, etc. :) The designer may bring an idea for a spell to the table, and then work with our artists (VFX, SFX, animation) to figure o...

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18 Nov


Originally posted by MildCurryUHKL

The same thing happened with Twitch and now his aa don't even deal any damage anymore with ult at max range

Going to be fixing this too!

17 Nov


Thanks for bringing this up. We're going to be fixing it in 11.24.

10 Nov


Originally posted by aamgdp

Aphelios can't stack lethal tempo with abilities that proc attacks (severum q, Infernum q, attacking calibrum marks also doesn't count). This is something that he should very much be able to do.

Aphelios should be able to now. A designer just worked on fixing this bug yesterday. Thank you for the report! :)

04 Nov


Originally posted by Jephya

Please enable First Strike!

This Keystone is one of the more game impacting Keystones due to it affecting a champions income, yet this is the only Keystone we aren't going to be able to the get a full 4 week testing cycle on...

We're working on getting First Strike enabled on PBE. Running into some unexpected roadblocks that are making it a bit tricky. >_< Will have it working as soon as we can!

19 Oct


Objective Bounties are heading onto the Rift!

Objective Bounties will appear soon on PBE! As players who get a first hand look at this upcoming content, we want to hear your thoughts! Drop your feedback in the thread below!

External link →

The Hextech Dragon is descending onto the Rift with:

  • New dragon buffs
  • New dragon soul
  • New terrain

The Hextech Dragon and Hextech Terrain will appear soon on PBE! As players who get a first hand look at this upcoming content, we want to hear your thoughts! Drop your feedback in the thread below!

Most useful feedback:

  • VFX and SFX
  • Excitement
  • Frustration
External link →

Keystone Changes are heading onto the Rift with:

Adjustments to the following Keystones

  • Glacial Augment
  • Lethal Tempo

Adjustments to Glacial Augment and Lethal Tempo will appear soon on PBE! First Strike will appear during the next PBE cycle! As players who get a first hand look at this upcoming content, we want to hear your thoughts! Drop your feedback in the thread below!

External link →

The Chemtech Dragon is descending onto the Rift with:

  • New dragon buffs
  • New dragon soul
  • New terrain

The Chemtech Dragon and Chemtech Terrain will appear soon on PBE! As players who get a first hand look at this upcoming content, we want to hear your thoughts! Drop your feedback in the thread below!

Most useful feedback:

  • Visuals and Sound Effects
  • Excitement
  • Frustration
External link →

09 Sep


Originally posted by Minishcap1

  • Server: NA
  • Type of Bug: In-game bug
  • Description: Predator still 45% buff did not go live? tooltip still says 45% also
  • Video / Screenshot: 370 base MS so predator is not giving anywhere near 60%
  • Steps to reproduce: Pick predator and use it
  • Expected result: Predator got buffed
  • Observed result: Predator did not get buffed
  • Reproduction rate: 100%
  • System specs: not relevant happening to everyone

Tooltip is definitely not correct, but the amount of MS that you are getting is correct. Movement speeds buffs have a soft cap. With 345 base MS, 25 flat MS from boots, and the 60% buff, the expected total bonus movement speed should be 526. If it was still 45% we would expect to see ~498 movement speed.

12 Aug


Originally posted by Sulfurion_

Thanks for all of this info! :) I'm going to send all of this along to our champ team to investigate!

11 Aug


Originally posted by Sulfurion_

• Server: EUW

• Type of Bug: In-Game Bug

• Description: Kassadin E stops working

• Expected result: Kassadin gains a Void Energy stack each time he or a nearby champion uses an ability, stacking up to 6 times. At 6 stacks, Kassadin gains the ability to cast Force Pulse (E).

• Observed result: When Kassadin reach 6 stacks, he do not gains the ability to cast Force Pulse (E) but remains with the 6 stacks for the rest of the game and will never be able to use E again.

• System Specs: Intel i7-7700HQ Processor, Windows 10 Home 64 bit, 16GB Ram, Nvidia Graphics card GTX 1060

Hi, u/Sulfurion_. Sorry that this happened to you. :\ Do you think you can tell me a bit more about the game that this happened to you in? I tried to find your but don't see the game.

Can you provide me a list of champions that were on the enemy team? I can see who was on yours thanks to your screenshot.

Did you experience anything else unusual this game such as disconnecting and reconnecting to the game?

Thanks for taking the time to report this here.