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Hey, I recently made a new acc, because my mmr on my main was too high bcs I played a few games with friends (all diamond or master).

For context: i am really, really bad at the game, bronze at most (really)

I started playing on the new acc about two weeks ago with another dude who i managed to convince to playing League from playing cs2.

We played for a couple of games and git our ranks. He got his rank first, cause he started playing ranked first, he came in iron 2. Just for context: hes about as good as I am.

But one game later i came in plat 1!!!

Now there are two problems, the first being: iron and plat cant play together.

The second being that i'm getting enemies who are wayyy to good. I mean i dont even stand a chance.

And tye guys in my ranked games now say to report me cus feeding. I'm on a 10 or 15 loosing streak rn. What can I do?

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12 months ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Originally posted by LoquatFar164

For those who are wondering here's my op.gg: https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/ILikeSujuk-420 I'm a bad player, you dont need to point that out.

Thanks for the report on this. Will do some triage... Can you dm me the acc name of your friend? You should have been placed similar to them if things are working properly...

12 months ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Originally posted by Makiavelzx

/u/phroxz0n an account where placements may have been going awry



12 months ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Originally posted by TheKidGambles

Amount of new accounts in plat and high gold is still too damn high

There's some accounts we intentionally want to put there though, like smurfs, etc. But agreed with the general sentiment. We are on a continuous battle to try and do a better job with seeding

12 months ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Originally posted by Vic-Ier

I think they already do this.... on the korean server

And it's not particularly effective. Bad actors use their grandma's id, neighbors, etc.

12 months ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Originally posted by LoquatFar164

For those who are wondering here's my op.gg: https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/ILikeSujuk-420 I'm a bad player, you dont need to point that out.

OK so I looked at your opgg, I think you're heavily underestimating your skill level!! You're not an iron player, you're doing pretty well in Gold/Plat games!!

That said, Gold/Plat in normals is probably not Gold/Plat in ranked, so we'd already been thinking about adjustments to move people even further down if we see that.

12 months ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Originally posted by PantsOfAwesome

Is the fact that OP is playing support factored into this at all? It’s the role that would most likely let a player perform decently in games where the average elo is higher than the player’s true elo.

yes, but it's one of those roles that's really hard to estimate

It's funny cause I was literally talking with someone the other day about how it's hard to estimate performance with 0-11 blitzcrank who could be having the game of their life. And then this thread came up 🙃

12 months ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Originally posted by Impossible_Town_9397


Lost 3/5 of my placements iirc, am not good at the game in any way, and got placed plat myself.

Friends that are way better than I are ranked in bronze silver or gold.

It's miserable getting flamed in ranked games, and kinda lost the motivation to even attempt ranked.

yeah :( You seem to have played your first game before we pushed the fix to the incorrect seeding issue. Really sorry, but the only way to go about this is to play your way down