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6 months ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by Spideraxe30

/u/RiotMeddler would you have any updates on the integration of TrueSkill2 to League's matchmaking system? As well as the Client Cleanup Campaign, its been a very long time since we heard the current state of the client.

We'll be talking about our matchmaking thinking and plans in the next dev update.

Nothing major I can share on the client, though we'll definitely be getting rid of a lot of the current notification ping spam shortly

6 months ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Originally posted by iuppiterr

I really hope we get the old sound back aswell when you flash it ingame

Working with sound soon!

6 months ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Originally posted by ViraLCyclopes25

Ok those new masteries actually slap.

Edit: Holy shit Saul Goodman Azir


6 months ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Originally posted by Tokyo-Snow-Trip14

the new masteries look so much better

i'm not saying that bullying works but-


6 months ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


The risk of being pretty out of date is why we tend not to talk much about current balance/state of meta in these videos. So often whatever we could talk about at time of filming is either an old issue, still unfixed, or has evolved since we recorded.

Auto fill changes got pushed to patch 14.17, so will go live next week

6 months ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by TheBluestMan

Yo an Azir skin

I look forward to once again deciding that maybe I can learn Azir after all, doing atrociously for a dozen games and then going back to less mechanical champs.

6 months ago - /u/RiotSakaar - Direct link

Originally posted by ZanySheep

I know the mock up is very early but I'm hoping the current honor system of giving an honor based tiltproof, friendliness, or strategist gets expanded to the enemy team in the form of honoring their mechanics, friendliness or just sending an honor as a gg since I like the current system and being honored for a set of things.

I'll mention this to the gang! Unsure currently if the "categories" themselves are changing but good time to take a look.

6 months ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by memesarenotbad

Surprised they're bringing back honoring opponents, given how, iirc, this was removed as people used it to flame the worst performing member of the enemy team. Are there structures in place to prevent this or is Riot just letting it rock?

I'm not sure if people using it to flame poor performers was a major part of our decision to remove it at the time (I wasn't very involved with the prior changes).

If it was though I think that was us over focusing on an occasional negative use case at the expense of the much more common positive cases

TLDR: If true, we were wrong

6 months ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by Phoenixness

Those masteries are looking great, Im glad y'all took player feedback into account. From the video, my feedback would be:
The orange gem for M9 should probably be brighter to pop a little more.
The Gem for M7 does look a little off and might benefit from being either a touch bigger or a touch higher or both.
Mastery 9 and 10 could have one more set of 'wings', in the old system, m7 was extremely distinct because it had so much extra wing. Also I think the shield getting wider looked really good on the older ones, 9 and 10 here look visually a bit smaller.
I don't know if the sound is getting changed, but the metallic ring of the old system was extremely impactful compared to the glassy sounds they have. To be clear the glassy noises are not bad, but I think for M8-10, the sound could be a bit longer with the metallic ring sort of 'punching' through at the end.
I don't know what particles will be associated but those gems best be shining with their coloured particles.
Please don't neglect the mini banners under champion icons, right now 7-10 are indistinguishable, the colours and gems should pop here.

Detailed notes appreciated, will make sure the team see them.

6 months ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Originally posted by ZanySheep

I know the mock up is very early but I'm hoping the current honor system of giving an honor based tiltproof, friendliness, or strategist gets expanded to the enemy team in the form of honoring their mechanics, friendliness or just sending an honor as a gg since I like the current system and being honored for a set of things.

We're actually removing the honor categories as a part of this change.

Here's why:
- Most players honored Stayed Cool, which not so coincidentally was the center of the card
- We're going from choose 1 of 4, and then choose one of 3 options to: Choose 1 of 9 up to 4 times.

The additional complexity, the usage patterns we saw, and the blocking nature of the honor screen caused us to simplify.

6 months ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Originally posted by Baam_

Love these changes. Another thing you might consider is not putting honor so "in-your-face," and giving a little more real estate to skip honoring. Imo honor means nothing if its something given out by default every game. I'll often randomly click a player that was quiet or played well over clicking the skip. The system shouldn't pressure players into giving honor, it should be a gentle reminder. In my opinion.

Great choice sneaking AntonioBanDarius in there, excellent name

He's one of our oldest mock names, alongside xXLordoftheLeashXx

6 months ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Originally posted by RiotMeddler

I look forward to once again deciding that maybe I can learn Azir after all, doing atrociously for a dozen games and then going back to less mechanical champs.

Calling off the duo.

6 months ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by sorendiz

Clearly her name has to be spelled Ytwomi with a silent Y to match her brothers Yasuo and Yone, otherwise this is irreparably immersion breaking. Don't f**k this up Riot

I was thinking Ytwoaami with the two 'a's being silent but highly important lore wise

6 months ago - /u/RiotSakaar - Direct link

Originally posted by CoogiMonster

Sorry to everyone who doesn’t play Zeri, Swain, Diana, and Caitlyn on the prestige front. That said 3 of those are my most played champs across all accounts and another sign that Riot has clearly been listening to me specifically.

I can't wait to die gloriously under a Prestige Swain ult

6 months ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by CoogiMonster

Sorry to everyone who doesn’t play Zeri, Swain, Diana, and Caitlyn on the prestige front. That said 3 of those are my most played champs across all accounts and another sign that Riot has clearly been listening to me specifically.

In case you were wondering we made the call after Vanguard gave us all your fanfiction about them

6 months ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by BarackProbama

Calling off the duo.

Like we're eligible to duo anyway

6 months ago - /u/RiotSakaar - Direct link

Originally posted by Wambolam

u/Riotmeddler , vanguard disables the drivers on my HP laptop which prevents the touch screen from working. Just wanted to note that.

Vanguard demands you submit to M+KB supremacy. On a real note, I'll send that over to the Vanguard squad to take a look at. Mind sharing the model of the laptop to give them something specific to look into?

6 months ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by dschneider31

Great format! Nice to have just some standard questions answer instead of focusing on one or two topics. These are good to break up the normal dev updates but shouldn’t replace them.

Excited to see the new modes information. From the outside, it seems swarm was really positive. I’m hoping to see either a permanent mode added or an emphasis on cooperative modes that allow a more collaborative environment instead of a competitive one

Thanks for the feedback on the format. We'll probably do this approach again occasionally if we don't have enough regular content. Unlikely to be a frequent thing and certainly not a replacement for stuff we'd otherwise talk about

6 months ago - /u/RiotSakaar - Direct link

Originally posted by palomani

any chance that this would re enable league on linux? I know we are a small population of gamers but feels bad having to dualboot and restart my pc to swap to windows every time a friend wants to game

This would not sadly. No plans still to support Linux but if that changes we'll update y'all.

6 months ago - /u/RiotSakaar - Direct link

Originally posted by Swyteh

I see your sql query in the Vanguard dev blog and it makes me wonder, would it ever be possible to have access to read only databases to make such queries? I would spend my days just looking at data and make random graphs with it u/RiotMeddler

We already have a hard enough time keeping u/mirageofpenguins in line with graphs. I don't know if we want to unleash more of you all onto the world.

6 months ago - /u/RiotSakaar - Direct link

Originally posted by DogAteMyCPU

Was there any articles about the day vanguard was down and kicking players out of the middle of matches?

If it's the specific moment I think you're talking about we actually talk about it in the Vanguard article we put out today

Should be in that "Vanguard Event" section. While it was more of a consistent issue, the day this started really popping up had a lot of posts about it.

6 months ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by FriendlyGhostLady

does she get 3 swords?


6 months ago - /u/RiotSakaar - Direct link

Originally posted by Kymori

august 8th, in what world does a multi billion company need 2 full weeks to edit and publish a video like this, sry but thats actually insanity to me

Editing and Localization times! For context every time we publish something we have to ensure it gets localized in all the languages we support. That's like 27 languages. So we have to get all these articles, and all the subtitles localized in those languages. ON TOP of everything else that we're already doing. It's actually a crazy lift when you step back and look at it all.

6 months ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by GalleGutsito

Will you also talk about what we can expect from the anniversary? It's good to know about the rewards and stuff, but what I'd like to know is if there will be any news about the IP. Series, movies, big changes to the game... I understand that you can't go into details, but it would be cool to know if you're cooking

Focus will be just celebrating LoL and its community, not on any big reveals. So some rewards, some light stuff to engage with, bit of reminiscing and general discussion. No big reveals or wider Riot news though

6 months ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by shaidyn

I've counted "We'll talk about that in the next update" at least three times, and I'm only at 3 minutes.

Seriously. Why bother? Why start with "We're going to answer your questions", and then not actually answer the questions?!

Other option was to skip this video and just wait until the next one (around a month from now most likely). We concluded even if we couldn't give specifics yet on some stuff it was better to stay in the habit of talking regularly and answer what we could.

6 months ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by dfjhgsaydgsauygdjh

/u/RiotMeddler what are you doing about smurfs ruining rankeds at every level of play?

I think pretty much every single player has been affected by this recently, it's absolutely out of hand.

I think it's one of our bigger issues too. We've got some matchmaking work underway as one part of that. We'll talk about that in the next dev update which should be sooner than usual (so about a month or so from now is the current plan)

6 months ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by Zarathielis

I thought there would at least be something like a teaser for 2025 changes, or what direction to expect etc. , is there any reason why no announcements?

We'll talk a bit about direction for 2025 gameplay and other changes around September, then a lot more about details sometime in November.

6 months ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by Strax_lol

When are you going to talk about why 2025 is going to change league forever?

We've got some cool stuff coming in 2025 and will share more about it later this year. Having said that I think "Change League forever" is a bit of an oversell though. I'm really glad @RiotPupulasers is super excited about things being worked on, we're not redefining what LoL means, upgrading everything at once or anything at that sort of level though.

6 months ago - /u/RiotSakaar - Direct link

Originally posted by rfomlover

This is great. Valorant is the only reason I even still have a gaming PC. Use my Mac for everything else. Can't wait to downsize.

uh whoops I'm so sorry I thought this said Vanguard for Mac. Apologies for the confusion there. Maybe the League subreddit shouldn't be the place to ask Valorant questions lol

6 months ago - /u/RiotSakaar - Direct link

Originally posted by Wambolam

HP SPECTRE x360 - 15t-ch000

Just saw this! I’ll pass it along! Thanks for following up with the model.

6 months ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Originally posted by osiris753

hi riot meddler,

could you please look into checking with the Challenge team and see if they can fix a few challenges, especially "Dream Team"

Pls give as much detail as possible on what's happening with Dream Team. Trying to track this bug down but its quite tricky.

6 months ago - /u/RiotSakaar - Direct link

Originally posted by Wambolam

HP SPECTRE x360 - 15t-ch000

Okay it looks like it's due to an outdated driver that was vulnerable. It might work now if you update those drivers.

6 months ago - /u/RiotSakaar - Direct link

Originally posted by deinonychus1

I had the same problem. I sent in a support ticket a few months ago which I was told was forwarded to the Vanguard team. Will greatly appreciate that being fixed!

Apparently it was blocked due to an old driver being vulnerable. Try updating those touch screen drivers and it might work now

5 months ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by FriendlyGhostLady

since u said 1 month later, am I right to think next dev vid is next week? just asking cause it's also start of world playing so busy week

Yep, next week's the plan