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S Tier: Yasuo, Ekko.

These two champions have periodically shown up in the meta throughout the years without being too overpowered or too weak, and with having clearly defined strengths and weaknesses that make them thoughtful situational picks. Not bad!

A Tier: Ahri, Zed, Lissandra, Viktor.

The problem is that they go through long periods of sucking. In fact, they actually are really bad champions right now (maybe not Viktor). But they have very fair and quality designs, and sometimes have been a part of the competitive meta without being oppressive aside from S3 Zed and the Crown Viktor meta.

B Tier: Karthus, Veigar, Anivia, Lux, Fizz, Neeko, Brand, Vladimir, Vel'koz, Heimerdinger

Unfortunately these champions are just pretty bad. Neeko's the best of the bunch because she has the best escape tool, but they have outdated designs and are now relevant. But they were great pre-powercreep game designs.

C Tier: Katarina, Twisted Fate, Kassadin, Malzahar, Mordekaiser, Morgana, Cassiopeia, Orianna, Akali

Katarina is completely worthless in competitive and would be worse if people knew how her daggers worked in soloQ, Twisted Fate is gamewarping and lame but got powercreeped out a bit, Kassadin is bad but hard to balance due to the community (as other champions like Vayne/Jax are), Malzahar has always been on the strong side and frustrating to play against, Mordekaiser is almost always bad, Morgana was a 0 interactivity champion who belongs support, Cassiopeia is relatively balanced for a champion that's shown up in competitive so much, Orianna used to be an abomination before even worse terrors were conjured up by Riot, Akali mid was pretty neat but undeniably a little too much before she got slapped a million times.

D Tier: Galio, LeBlanc, Talon, Sylas, Syndra, Aurelion Sol, pre-"rework" Taliyah, Azir, Corki, Ryze

Pre-rework Taliyah and Aurelion/Talon/Galio are gamewarping 0 interactivity roamers. Sylas/LeBlanc are in the same category of oppressive early games which make them too good when coordinating with your jungler, Syndra's ult damage is overloaded for how good her DPS and utility is (and the fact she "gains" damage from missing her Q), Azir/Corki are ADCs who are too safe for how good their smooth scaling into lategame carries is, and the same applies to Ryze. If you have to rework a champion like ten times and they're still overpowered, maybe you're not reworking the right things.

F Tier: Yi Funnel, Pyke Mid, pre-rework Soraka mid, Urgot mid, Sion mid, Camille mid, Irelia mid, Rumble mid, Renekton mid, Pantheon mid, Gangplank mid

Champions that should have never been permitted to mid lane.

Zoe Tier: Zoe

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Aladin001 - Direct link

Sylas has oppressive early game??????