Original Post — Direct link

Hey guys!

Two weeks ago I made this post: https://reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/17icv8t/i_made_aramguessr_a_game_where_you_have_to_guess/

It had a decent amount of success and my small site was not ready to handle so much traffic.

Riot dev team was very responsive and provided me with a Production API key (For reference the rate limit was 100 requests every 2 minutes, now it's 500 requests every 10 seconds)

The goal is still the same: you'll have to guess the outcome of past ARAM games only based on team comp (think loading screen).

Link: https://aramguessr.lol/

The site was revamped and I took most of your feedback into consideration:

  • No daily limit of games played

  • Better performance overall

  • You don't need an account to challenge friends in a guessing match

  • Thanks to Riot dev team, you can now log in with your Riot Games account (no need to create an Aramguessr account if you want to keep your score/winrate)

  • New feature: When logged in with your Riot account, you can play against your own ARAM history (random sample

I display a small amount of ads to just try to break even with the maintenance cost.

Thank you all for your help and I hope you guys enjoy it

Again, I welcome every feedback and any new feature ideas, Thank you

External link →
over 1 year ago - /u/soudle_noop - Direct link

I'm very curious to see the prediction accuracy of human agents vs a machine learning model.

over 1 year ago - /u/RiotBlake - Direct link

Originally posted by noobcs50

How you build your champ matters almost as much as your team comp.

I've seen countless teams throw away their chances of winning because their only tanky champ wanted to be AP carry #3 instead of building tank. Or their only ADC builds poke/lethality into 2-3 tanky enemies instead of DPS. Or 3+ players all wanted to play an ADC. Or nobody builds grievous into a heal comp or serpents fang into a shield comp. The list goes on and on.

I got a bunch correct in a row by just selecting the team with more tanks until I picked a team with Tahm/Voli/MF that all decided to build full AP.