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Unsure if these are bugs or unmentioned changes:

• Amumu R is now an AoE Stun instead of a Root + Disarm. Difference being that you can no longer use spells or items while Amumu ulted. The death-recap tooltip is updated to reflect this change, but didn't see any mention of this change anywhere.

• Lich Bane's cooldown is 2.5 seconds currently on the PBE. All other Spellblade items on PBE and Lich Bane on Live have a 1.5 second cooldown. This is overal pretty weird and not mentioned anywhere.

If these are intended changes I would like to see some confirmation.

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over 4 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by ZanesTheArgent

Lich Bane is absolutely intended.

They are normalizing its base AD scaling to akin other Spellblades and making so you never end up losing damage when upgrading it (for the odd situation where 50% of your AP isn't bigger than 25% of your base AD, aka as-first-item scenarios or as your only source of AP). But that can't exactly be done without fearing abominations such as pre-rework Lich Bane (50 flat + 75% AP) in the hands of old Kayle and Ahri.

So slower recharge time to justify its usual identity of a Sheen proc used for absolute burst instead of DPS.

Yup! And yes, amumu now stuns.