Five years ago, I felt disconnected from my 17 year old son. All he talked about was League and I had never played a computer game in my life. I did not understand why he couldn't just stop mid-game when I needed him to. I did not understand his love of esports. We were drifting apart.
So, I asked him to teach me how to play.
To say that it was a steep learning curve is an understatement. But I kept at it because I loved him. The more I understood about the game, the closer we got. After some disastrous games on Summoner's Rift (where I was rightly flamed for not knowing how to ping), I switched to just playing ARAM because it forced me to learn what all champions do. It was also more chill.
While I was never very good and never tried playing ranked, I understood enough to enjoy watching the LCK, MSI and Worlds. In 2019, my son and I travelled to Taiwan together to watch both of the semifinals of MSI. It is a memory that I will always cherish.
Now that he has grown up and left home, I don't play anymore but I am so grateful that I made the effort to understand the game he loved. Definitely worth.
Edit: Thank you so much for your kind words and awards (never had awards before so they mean a lot to me). To those who doubt that this was posted by a old woman like me, you have totally made my day.
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