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I don't have much of a league friends, so wanted to share this with somebody. Here am I.

I'm #24 on the list right now - Total Level - ChampionMastery.GG

I did 85-90% of this alone, by myself. On a particularly difficult champs I did duo with a friend. Most of it in normals, a little bit on URF when it was active.

It looks all good and shiny, isn't it?
Well... Here's how it ACTUALLY looks like.

That was one of the most tilting, horrible, miserable experiences in my life. Never struggled so much, nor was I so unhappy for a long long time. It made me literally worse version of myself.

I find it much harder than achieving any kind of high rank, for various reasons.

Learning base mechanics on 150 champs is hard enough, but Getting 3x S ranking for level 7 on some of them is so goddamn hard...

If your team surr at 20 min there's no way to get good grade. If enemy team surr at 20 min it's almost equally impossible. So basically on some champs (especially late game scaling champs that are weak early, Vladimir sona, etc) you are getting 1 game in 8-10 try where you legit can get S and one have to play PERFECTLY. One mistake, one misposition, death and you have to waste another bunch of games... I don't know how I endured mentally, lol.

Just look at my last champ and you will see the struggle... B1TCHCR4FT - Summoner Stats - League of Legends (op.gg)

I needed 60+ (!!!) games on yone to get 3xS on it.... Like game literally threw everything on me very last time.

So I guess that's it... Wanted to share my struggles and achievements (xD) with someone else.

Also, if anyone struggles with leveling up particular champion, feel free to AMA. Will be happy to give some advise. Got quite lot of experience getting those S grades and I know what works.

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almost 4 years ago - /u/Bellissimoh - Direct link

This is my long term goal that I’m not sure I’ll ever actually hit. Grats on the achievement. Hats off to you.

almost 4 years ago - /u/Khagneur - Direct link

Incredible. GG!!!!!!!