Original Post — Direct link
almost 5 years ago - /u/The_Cactopus - Direct link

The new comms approach on this is to provide a detailed update at least every two months sharing progress on client work. The first blog was about 6 weeks ago, so expect the next one within the next two weeks.

I think we do ourselves and you all a disservice when we put out vague promises to “fix it” (as we admittedly did a year ago in the post referenced by OP). So instead, we’re gonna use blogs like the one coming out in the next two weeks to share very explicit technical information about not just improvements we’re making, but also setbacks—with no bullsh*t about the reality of it. Then we’ll share our next steps to address those setbacks.

Check out the blog I linked above to see what I mean.

almost 5 years ago - /u/The_Cactopus - Direct link

Originally posted by mit_trading

Honestly a great response. I can't imagine how hopeless it must seem to when everyone just bitches about the client when you have half the world trying to use it at the same time.

We’re feeling hopeful. We know it’s on us to deliver a better experience so people don’t have reason to complain.

almost 5 years ago - /u/The_Cactopus - Direct link

Originally posted by GreatSirZachary

Cool. Thank you for explaining the communication approach.

No problem, and thank you back.