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What if he had a 20%+ pickrate minimum across every elo at minimum and at lowest was at around a 48-50% winrate when played at Silver? What if it was Yasuo or Darius?

What if it wasn't Zed, but actually Lee Sin according to u.gg statistics? Would you think these are some very abnormal stats that are only justified by a lot of people going "well, he's a hard to play champion, which means that if i lose to him then there was probably counterplay?"


Did you know that Lee Sin's most common gank combo doesn't involve hitting a skillshot at all, but instead he has enough damage from R-Q due to damage powercreep from buffs and runes and new items to no longer need to hit an ability to kill you? It's also pretty easy to get in range to use it, since he has a dash from W and is in the third highest MS bracket at 345 (more-or-less second highest, since only two champions -- Pantheon and Yi-- are 355).

It seems curious that he's been such a dominant champion in all of soloQ and all of competitive for so long but there hasn't even been a whisper of nerfs towards him yet. You'd expect his winrate to be much lower in soloQ too, given that he's supposed to be a hard to play champion.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Aladin001 - Direct link

Originally posted by daryl_fish

Lol my favorite excuse is that he has a 48% winrate at most levels of play. As if the idea of a 48%wr champ getting nerfed in unfathomable. Nope never happened before.

The only reason his winrate is low is people trying to do dumb flashy sh*t that doesn't end up working.