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It's 18:46 into a match and split-push Top Teemo is knocking on your inner tower.

"No Problemo", you think to yourself. You are, after all, a rocket-propelled robot with a taste for grabbing fleeing yordles. In another life, you were painted up as an officer of the law. And this lane pressure is a crime.

You're coming up the river. Mobos on, waterwalking. The impact will be felt in fountains.

Imagine my surprise as this little rascal hits the NOS button and starts to pull away. No matter, I'm so over-engineered that I am literally sentient. I press a W of my own and begin to enter Q range.

But, only for a moment. Quickly, my rockets burn off and I become withered Rell slow as I watch Teemo's juiced out legs scurry away for good.

TL;DR I'd give Blitzcrank the gift of Overdrive no longer having a self-slow when it ends. This was the case prior to patch 5.7, glory days.

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about 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Jetsetradi0 - Direct link

Kassadin's ult is now global.