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I finally got enough clears on Asol so I have unlocked lissandra and swain! What are some tips and info I should know Going into either of them?

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about 2 months ago - /u/Dan_Felder - Direct link

For Lissandra, buying cards in the first shop is a VERY good idea. I always spend some rerolls there to get some new cards in my deck with broken epic items that patch a key weakness of the champion or give me a key win condition.

In previous adventures, buying cards from the shop is underwhelming due to higher prices and worse items. In Lissandra, it's very powerful because the items are stronger and the cost is cheaper. The focus is much more on building a powerful deck than anything else.

I don't recommend automatically going top path and hoping to get lucky on ethereal remitter, I reccomend picking a path based on the enemies you have to beat on that path. Many encounters are brutal for certain champions while other encounters are easy for them. There's a huge emphasis on variety in encounter type and random bonus power to encourage not playing the adventure the same way every time, with the same character every time.

Also, don't assume you need to rush to deal as much damage as possible int he first few turns. The adventure gives enemies a lot of health and strong initial spikes, but often - unlike the Asol adventure - once you've stabalized you can be very comfortable and work for a win. Slower decks that can defend themselves and build long-term gameplans tend to perform better than in other adventures, while fast champions that try to burst their opponent down struggle more.

Lissandra herself has 4 things you need to be able to deal with in order to win:

  1. A steady onslaught of 9/9 Overwhelm units.
  2. A single massive unit with a terrifying attack trigger (the watcher)
  3. Buried in Ice (locks enemies in frozen tombs for 2 turns) and Triple Ice-Shards (deal 1 damage to everything).
  4. A win condition that can eventually get through 99 Nexus Health.

Your champion and relics should deal with some of these naturally. For example, Kindred with the 2x Everfrost and 1x Guardian Angel relic build can handle points 1 and 2 easily since she can infinitely stun Lissandra's board at fast speed. The Guardian Angel also provides resilience to the 3x Ice Shards. This means all you need to worry about during your adventure is picking up a win condition since her deck doesn't have a good one for that amount of health, and something to handle the Buried in Ice situation (or just play around it, which is quite possible with this build, as Buried in Ice demands so much mana).

about 2 months ago - /u/Dan_Felder - Direct link

Originally posted by Enyy

As someone that S-ranked all but two champs so far (have to wait 2 more days to get beast within) I dont agree with the first half at all.

I never use rerolls on the first shop as it is a waste of rerolls and has too much spread. If there is a great upgrade right away, I will buy it otherwise I will move on. It is SO MUCH better to save rerolls for the last shop as you already went through MM and have a lot of gold, thus the chances of getting extras for your key cards is extremely high and if you managed to aggressively cut with MM you can even get strong buffs for curve-fillers.

There is no reason to not go top path really as ER can scale your run super hard, for some champs it is a must have and even for the ones that dont require it you can easily drop 1-2 rerolls to look for something useful and then move on.

IMO it makes more sense to restart a run around encounter 3-4 than to frontload your rerolls and expenses just to fall short at the end because you cannot properly utilize ER, MM or the extra power nodes/last shop in the latter half of the run.

I never use rerolls on the first shop as it is a waste of rerolls and has too much spread. If there is a great upgrade right away, I will buy it otherwise I will move on. It is SO MUCH better to save rerolls for the last shop as you already went through MM and have a lot of gold, thus the chances of getting extras for your key cards is extremely high and if you managed to aggressively cut with MM you can even get strong buffs for curve-fillers.

You can also take this approach, but it will kneecap you early on (espescially if you're burning a lot of health in cutting cards at MM) and often isn't necessary to try and stack items on existing cards in deck to win the adventure; you can consistently pick up powerful cards in the very first shop and use them to inform your other decisions during the run. Otherwise you'll end up having to restart repeatedly.

IMO it makes more sense to restart a run around encounter 3-4 than to frontload your rerolls and expenses just to fall short at the end because you cannot properly utilize ER, MM or the extra power nodes/last shop in the latter half of the run

Exactly, this is the natural consequence of this approach. It would be one thing if the power offered by the first shop couldn't give you enough strength to beat Lissandra, but it definitely can. I often end up going bottom path after buying some broken cards from the shop to shore up my weaknesses and give me new powerful interactions. That lets me get a whole bonus power and not need to hope remitter highrolls. All depends on the champion in question and whic of the 4 aspects of the lissandra fight I still need to shore up with upgrade.

It's worth noting I'm not trying to get more items on my existing cards through the shop, I'm looking for new powerful tools that fill in for my weaknesses. Lissandra is more about dealing with specific threats rather than needing to break the curve with overwhelming power. If you have tools to deal with her Thralls, Watcher, and Sweepers then you can actually win a war of attrition quite comfortably. She runs out of cards and stops scaling.

about 2 months ago - /u/Dan_Felder - Direct link

Originally posted by Enyy

Exactly, this is the natural consequence of this approach. 

I mean its restarting early vs restarting late. It is not like rolling early will guarantee a finished run. it just makes it easier to beat the first ~2-3 encounters. If you dont get a lot of deep runs going then sure go for it, but similar to Asol I feel like it makes much more sense to build towards beating liss rather than trying to get to liss.

I also dont like the concept of "covering weaknessess" as it is even more niche to find cards that do that successfully and you can generally cover a decent chunk of the weaknesses by the default choice of support champs. And IMO PoC conceptually is more about emphasizing the strengths rather than covering weaknesses, most pronounced when it comes to your main champ and direct synergies to it. Definitely something that other rogue likes/lites do very differently.

And contrary to "ER highroll" - ER will give you a variety of tools that help against liss that you can get more consistently and more impactful than just going for random cards in shops. For most champs there are multiple ER powers that work really well and can easily be hit within just a few rerolls - it is not just helia or bust. It also is easily visible if you look at the compiled lists of early liss clears/experienced runners. it has an overwhelming amount of people that have an ER power (and doesnt even include people that still went top path but didnt hit).

I mean its restarting early vs restarting late. It is not like rolling early will guarantee a finished run. it just makes it easier to beat the first ~2-3 encounters.

Other way around. You die early more frequently if you forgo early advantages and so need to restart more often, but you can still choose to restart if you miss anything useful in the first shop. You'll be able to comfortably finish out the first few encounters and try again. Then you also know early if you're on track for a good run, and what remaining tools you need to pick up along the way (which can inform your routing choices).

This is rarely an issue though, since I draft to ensure I have the tools to deal with Lissandra rather than for raw power, I have a pretty consistent win rate. I had a pretty consistent win rate on her even when the adventure was harder too (pre-release). I know what I need to pick up for each champion in order to deal with her 3 types of threats, and can proactively do so during the run. There's no need to try and brute force the adventure by hoarding rerolls.

Asol encourages creating an overwhelming force because he scales powerfully and can outvalue nearly any champion, but it's Lissandra was designed to be possiblle to out-value and harder to rush down. She was designed to be opposite to Asol in many ways. The adventures are quite different.