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Ezreal is already one the most unfun encounters in the whole game but it seems they cooked really hard to make it even more uninteractive and horrible to play against. You play a minion, it gets ping for free and get destroy at the start of next turn. You summon multiple minions, too bad Ezreal play 15 mana worth of spell and obliterate your whole board. You miraculously managed to have one minion survive, well it's your opponent's turn and you can't block because your stunned. You worked hard to have a giant minion, syke ezreal plays this b*** that's swap health and now your minion is worthless.

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10 days ago - /u/Dan_Felder - Direct link

Originally posted by hirowix

Is Kayn really strong ? Because I had him unlocked for a while but didn't play with him at all. I think I have enough to make him 2 stars but I would prefer to keep my fragments for other champions if possible

He’s great in certain monthlies. Needs 2-3 stars to shine though. For monthlies many champs that aren’t as generically powerful are amazing st certain challenges - like how Tahm Kench is one of the most used champs in monthlies because he’s so good against the encounters that deal damage to the player’s units. Or how yumi is great vs the ones that set your units to 1/1 when summoned.