Hey folks, we're aware of an issue in the Sentinels event where a repeatable quest won't be replaced with a new one after it's been completed; we're currently investigating.
The battle for Runeterra rages on, and it looks like Sentinels is pulling ahead! Keep earning that Event Pass progress and checking the results to see where your side stands. Winners will be announced on 8/10 and earn exclusive rewards!
➡️ https://riot.com/3wIZxWjhttp://pbs.twimg.com/media/E6bs_ytVEAUmCMF.jpg
Even with Runeterra’s fate hanging in the balance, your emote game is half the battle 🍿 Pick a side and earn Event Pass progress to claim your new Sentinels and Ruined cosmetics now. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/E6NuH6wVEAAwhow.jpg
"Head high, chin up, scissors ready!"
A stitch here, a cut there, and Gwen is all ready for the new expansion! Forces from Beyond goes live on July 20. http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FXuaYIWVEAIEo46.jpg
A seamstress is nothing without the threads that hold their pieces together. The strongest thread? Why, friendship of course! http://pbs.twimg.com/media/FXuQCU9VEAI19Qr.jpg