over 1 year
ago -
Legends of Runeterra
Direct link
Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | this is so hard |
3s | foro King down oh there's so many |
5s | buttons to click |
8s | we have three different three different |
11s | game set up each with one of the new |
14s | champions from the latest expansion |
17s | the top right we have the poor King |
20s | above me we have a jungle cabin |
24s | right here we have a Nico deck three two |
28s | one here we go |
33s | dude I I just hope we can win a game |
36s | soon all right cool top left looking |
38s | good uh bottom left looking good okay we |
40s | want this one we won one on the top left |
44s | we actually did it on the first try |
47s | let's go yes oh my God |
52s | I'm sweating like crazy over here dude |