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Because I'm only missing 3 champion cards right now in regions that aren't maxed out yet, so I'll get them very soon through the reward track.

Playing expeditions at this point feels like a waste, but I don't know whether it's better to save the tokens or just play to bank the shards for the next expansion. Right now all I have is rumors from internet strangers how they are not going to let us use banked resources for the next set, but that would feel really bad. Especially as someone who paid for expeditions 2 and 3 plus wildcards every week to get to this point so I can experiment with all the cards.

Please Riot, we need some info already. Having a cash shop but not being straight forward about the future of the game's economy is a no-no.

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about 5 years ago - /u/Riot_AlphaLvSim - Direct link

Hey there! Hopefully I can take some worries off your mind: we have no plans to limit your resources before the next set drops.

On top of that, if we make any future changes on how you can use your resources, we would not spring them as a surprise on players.

about 5 years ago - /u/Riot_AlphaLvSim - Direct link

Originally posted by abetadist

Any thoughts on changing the old wildcards and shards into a "legacy" version which can only buy old cards that slowly converts to normal resources on a weekly basis?

We have thought about "legacy" systems like that, but we were not confident, at least for now, that we could build one that would feel good to players.

Overall, we want to make sure that we respect the resources that players have worked hard to earn, so we are extra careful any time we think about modifying the stuff you have.