over 1 year
ago -
Legends of Runeterra
Direct link
Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | welcome to keyword gifts hello Neil we |
3s | have a challenge for you today Frank we |
4s | have a challenge for you today are you |
5s | up for the challenge yes I am up for the |
7s | challenge I'm gonna hand you this phone |
8s | you're gonna hit play then hit pause and |
10s | then tell us what your challenge is |
12s | [Music] |
13s | I'm safe |
15s | let's see what we get |
16s | [Music] |
18s | says I'm safe I'm very what does that |
20s | mean you're safe let's try this again |
23s | Neil |
24s | all right here we go |
26s | [Music] |
28s | I got barrier again well that's a wrap |
31s | folks |