over 2 years
ago -
Legends of Runeterra
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Transcript (by Youtube)
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138s | thank you |
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993s | my God |
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1195s | hello there internet and welcome to the |
1197s | Awakening Legends of Frontera seasonal |
1199s | tournament for the emea region I'm |
1201s | Maguire joined by Canada how you doing |
1203s | buddy doing great great to be back in a |
1205s | seasonal tournament especially what as |
1206s | important as this one with world's |
1208s | qualification coming up very soon |
1209s | players are doing their best are trying |
1211s | their hardest to make it to this point |
1213s | and to try and maybe even go for that |
1214s | top eight like some players will have to |
1216s | do to try and make it to world's |
1217s | qualifiers I know we have a common |
1219s | narrative at the beginning of these |
1220s | tournaments we're always saying how |
1221s | stacked they are but today it's more |
1223s | real than ever because today we really |
1226s | see the fruits of of what is essentially |
1228s | having everything on the line like the |
1230s | importance of this tournament in order |
1231s | for World qualification is above others |
1234s | and we have a very stacked lineup and |
1237s | some players that we thought qualified |
1239s | after having a 7-2 performance in the |
1241s | qualifiers and a really high placing on |
1244s | the ladder but being barely left out |
1246s | like our fellow Spaniard sir Donald so |
1249s | it's going to be like we pretty much |
1251s | recognize almost every single name in |
1253s | the top 32 and it's just going to be as |
1256s | usual Cutthroat as around one half of |
1259s | these players are going to be eliminated |
1260s | and that's gonna be it's gonna be sad |
1262s | and we're gonna make for a very exciting |
1264s | show nonetheless so I don't know it's |
1265s | gonna be really tight today for sure one |
1267s | thing of course as always I'm gonna even |
1269s | get ahead of you asking me what the |
1270s | seasonal tournament is and just get it |
1272s | right back yes it might be new to |
1275s | competitive Ventura and want to find out |
1276s | you know what this tournament is what it |
1277s | means and why we're talking about you |
1279s | know World qualification what all this |
1280s | means in kind of the bigger picture uh |
1282s | seasonal tournament is the end of every |
1284s | season in Doterra usually a two-month |
1286s | window where players are able to compete |
1287s | on ladders or gauntlets and then |
1289s | eventually qualify into the open rounds |
1291s | tournament which happened yesterday it's |
1292s | all in one weekend now and that is gonna |
1294s | be a thousand or so players competing |
1296s | for just 32 spots in this tournament in |
1299s | the top cut which is what every |
1301s | competitive player is aspiring to every |
1302s | single season |
1303s | you either make it with a 9-0 score one |
1305s | player is able to do that and that just |
1307s | means pure dominance in the open rounds |
1309s | an 8-1 score which a few players can do |
1311s | but the most likely is always that 7-2 |
1313s | score line yeah now many players can get |
1316s | that 7-2 score line and the tie breaker |
1318s | comes off of the ladder uh ranking the |
1320s | top ranked ladder players have the |
1323s | chance to actually make it through a 7-2 |
1325s | and many others as you're mentioning |
1326s | like sir Donald actually could not do it |
1328s | despite being 28th on ladder in this |
1330s | season so it all comes down to Granny |
1331s | throughout the season making sure you're |
1333s | in those top top spots online or to have |
1335s | that 72 tiebreaker working in your favor |
1337s | and then qualifying to today's |
1339s | tournament a seasonal top cut a five |
1341s | round single elimination tournament |
1342s | where |
1343s | 32 players start but after just one |
1346s | round it's already down to 16. after two |
1348s | rounds we're down to eight it's always |
1350s | jarring for both of us how quickly these |
1352s | players uh disappear and really don't |
1354s | really have a chance to compete further |
1355s | after just one round loss and just the |
1357s | best of three in a card game so it is a |
1359s | capital tournament there's no space for |
1361s | mistakes if you make a mistake at this |
1363s | level especially in this tournament |
1364s | today you're most likely out of |
1366s | contention and maybe even can't even |
1368s | make it into Worlds to further the |
1370s | season |
1371s | tough for the competitors great for us |
1373s | and our entertainment as we're going to |
1375s | be looking into the prize pool as we're |
1378s | going to see how much is on the line the |
1380s | champion will take home 10 000 US |
1382s | dollars as the runner-up will take up |
1385s | 3500. God we got my English good there |
1388s | 800 for the semifinalists and then for |
1390s | the quarterfinal is 400 as every single |
1393s | competitor today will be taking at the |
1395s | very least 150 dollars home |
1399s | look at the schedule for today this is |
1401s | of course going to be one of the key |
1402s | things about runetera is that we have an |
1404s | in-game tournament client that means |
1406s | that we are at the mercy of this client |
1408s | no delays powerful and all you know |
1410s | usually very good first of all because |
1412s | that means no delays everything is |
1413s | running on schedule uh but that means |
1415s | that pretty much every new round will |
1417s | start in one hour increments starting at |
1419s | 1 pm Cesc we'll have the first round |
1421s | starting up with some delay of course |
1423s | due to the uh delay on stream and then |
1425s | we will have one hour after that the |
1427s | next round and sometimes if matches end |
1430s | very quickly we'll have a big gap and a |
1432s | bigger break between uh rounds but most |
1434s | of the time it comes down to the final |
1435s | wire because then the last uh maybe 10 |
1437s | or 5 minutes a small break and then the |
1439s | next round coming up so overall if |
1441s | you're going to be going away for a |
1442s | snack whatever it is you know that every |
1444s | single hour increment from 1 pm onwards |
1446s | we will have a new round of bronterra |
1448s | waiting for you take a screenshot of |
1450s | this and that way you won't miss a game |
1451s | let's take a look |
1454s | yeah I know right the hack the life hack |
1456s | we got the top 32 here let's take a look |
1458s | at the bracket and the competitors who |
1460s | will be fighting for Glory today as we |
1463s | can see it is stacked and we know a lot |
1467s | of names uh I recognize the vast |
1469s | majority of them actually we got Center |
1471s | Rock right there because Robo Master we |
1473s | got Pinas representing Spain facing off |
1476s | against noletics Aragorn acaray champo |
1479s | from um the LFR I I keep forgetting what |
1483s | that team name is |
1487s | against the champion against the world |
1489s | champion really excited to see Alan make |
1492s | it to this season oh he missed out on |
1495s | qualifying in the prior season and that |
1497s | was a bit of a sad moment because I I |
1498s | love seeing the world champion go at it |
1500s | and it's gonna be very exciting to see |
1502s | how uh if he changes up his lineup from |
1505s | what he brought in the qualifiers which |
1506s | we were talking about earlier is |
1508s | expected to be the go-to lineup or at |
1511s | least the lineup to counter today in |
1514s | which uh because things change from the |
1515s | qualifier uh environment to a top 32 |
1518s | environment with a single elimination |
1519s | you can be more aggressive with your |
1521s | targeting and uh but if we do see a |
1523s | standard lineup it's gonna be the one |
1524s | that liquid Alan Z brought on the other |
1526s | side of the bracket we have broken ball |
1528s | against black Sal Italy versus France |
1531s | right there we got spikes versus gouda |
1533s | we have a a with Soleil well and I'll |
1536s | never be able to pronounce his name |
1537s | properly and then like I like I said I |
1539s | know all these guys they've been at it |
1541s | uh again and again on the top one on the |
1543s | top German players yeah at the very top |
1544s | of the bracket Ultraman the top player |
1546s | from Belgium and just overall top |
1547s | players in ladder and in tournaments the |
1549s | one player that we don't see here that |
1551s | seems what not quite made it is bad |
1553s | attack the player that I thought had |
1554s | made it but maybe also due to the crazy |
1557s | Cutthroat cut off this time around true |
1559s | is no longer in the season what happened |
1561s | to see in every single term I think he |
1562s | went 72 but we just didn't have to cut |
1564s | off this time around here |
1565s | two ghoster driver the player that went |
1568s | 9-0 yesterday in the open rounds always |
1570s | an incredibly hard thing to do against a |
1572s | very stacked field nine rounds of single |
1574s | elimination essentially is uh you know |
1576s | very very tough but in this case coach |
1578s | driver was able to do it and isn't |
1580s | coming to this tournament with a whole |
1581s | lot of confidence knowing that yesterday |
1582s | he did really well but Top Cut is a |
1585s | different piece Mogwai sometimes players |
1587s | will change a lineup depending on open |
1588s | round you want to have a more |
1590s | generically good lineup you're able to |
1591s | face against |
1593s | not bad players but maybe not you know |
1595s | the absolute excellent players you |
1596s | facing topics gotta keep it if you wanna |
1599s | you wanna have a more a more open kind |
1601s | of lineup that can just do well against |
1602s | everything and then in Top Cut that's |
1604s | where kind of more strategy comes into |
1606s | play where players are trying to say hey |
1607s | these are the top players what are they |
1609s | trying to bring am I trying to counter |
1611s | them am I trying to soft target certain |
1612s | things am I trying to just ban the |
1613s | strongest deck like Nami TF for example |
1616s | um it's a little bit more strategic uh |
1617s | also a little bit depend on the seating |
1619s | and who you think you're facing the |
1620s | first two rounds of the bracket for some |
1622s | players more than others especially in |
1623s | this tournament the ten thousand dollar |
1625s | prize pool is great winning seasonal is |
1627s | great but some players are really just |
1628s | aiming for getting to the top a game to |
1630s | the top four to get those points for |
1632s | wolf's augmentation I know in the case |
1633s | of Allen for example he needs to make |
1635s | the top eight so he needs to make it I |
1637s | believe it's maybe top four maybe twenty |
1638s | to win three rounds to actually make it |
1640s | to World qualifiers what I'm really |
1642s | intrigued is in such a you know |
1644s | stressful environment and when there's |
1645s | so much on the line uh how much |
1647s | targeting are we gonna see if any |
1649s | there's different forms of targeting |
1650s | with your lineups you can go soft |
1652s | targeting or you know hard targeting you |
1654s | can design a lineup that's specifically |
1656s | made to counter a deck but if you don't |
1658s | run into that deck then all of a sudden |
1659s | you can have a very weak strategy going |
1661s | and you can just get eliminated right so |
1663s | uh it's gonna come down to you know how |
1667s | that plays out and I think I think at |
1669s | least from Alan's side you know there is |
1671s | well there is yeah okay there's a pretty |
1673s | sailored lineup but there's a change in |
1674s | the last deck right here from what he |
1676s | played prior as we see there Alan Z |
1678s | playing Lee sin action Nami twist of |
1681s | fate Heimer Dinger Jace facing us |
1683s | against jumbo who's running Yasuo |
1685s | Katarina probably not the right regions |
1688s | displayed there should be Knox instead |
1689s | of the mafia We Got Annie Jin and Lee |
1693s | sin Nami |
1694s | and Mogwai this is what some players |
1697s | were very very scared of going into open |
1698s | rounds you bring Nami you know it's by |
1700s | Far and Away the strongest deck and |
1702s | strongest champion in the game right now |
1703s | as it has been in the past in certain |
1705s | minutes |
1706s | but players were always scared of |
1708s | players that are just you know going all |
1709s | in trying to directly try and counter |
1712s | this Nami deck and it is one of these |
1713s | scary matchups where all of a sudden |
1715s | shampoo decides hey I'm gonna be the bad |
1717s | guy in this tournament I'm gonna bring |
1719s | the Yasuo Katarina I'm gonna bring ninja |
1721s | suit is the bad guy what |
1723s | he's the hero |
1740s | maybe they were scared of facing they |
1742s | were scared of players that would take |
1744s | the risk of bringing this line up and |
1745s | trying to do well with it in the top cut |
1746s | I'm intrigued like I'm not exactly sure |
1749s | uh how yaso Katarina matches up against |
1753s | a high level Nami twist of fate um the |
1756s | stuns can come into play a lot against |
1758s | Lee sin for example but it doesn't feel |
1760s | like this is the best overall match of |
1762s | Florida yasu Katarina has been a deck |
1764s | that's been performing extremely well as |
1766s | of late and we're gonna be venturing |
1768s | here into game one and there it is with |
1770s | the win set paylock and we're going up |
1772s | against of course Nami TF with Shadow |
1777s | aisles |
1778s | there's a deck that has just very good |
1780s | massive tables against some of the |
1781s | strongest decks in the current map which |
1782s | is why it's being brought here and why |
1783s | it's getting a lot of popularity in the |
1785s | past few weeks on ladder that's what |
1787s | Katarina matches very well against |
1789s | European matches very very well against |
1790s | Lisa NAMI so overall uh we'll see how |
1794s | it'll do in a tournament setting we |
1795s | talked about it ladder stats don't |
1796s | always mean everything in a tournament |
1797s | setting some of the you know the the |
1799s | skill at which these players Elevate |
1801s | some of these decks makes it so that |
1802s | some assets are completely different but |
1804s | for the most part I do think the yes |
1805s | Katarina here should be favored for |
1807s | shampoo |
1809s | we see beside the disciple drop down |
1811s | turn one for Allen and it gets quietest |
1814s | immediately but disciple is a one drop |
1817s | that we're gonna be seeing a lot today |
1818s | ladies and gentlemen and the one drop |
1820s | that not only enabled Nami justificate |
1822s | another Ionia Dexter's ride but also is |
1824s | insanely good for ya so Katarina because |
1827s | it replaces the morn for a card that |
1829s | allows you to cycle through your deck in |
1830s | this never-ending engine |
1832s | that also helps you level up your main |
1835s | Champion as down goes Beyblade pillar |
1837s | facing off against the coral creatures |
1839s | who generates another out of the main |
1841s | deck quietest already a card that is run |
1844s | as a three of in most of these shadow |
1846s | aisles variants and a great card to have |
1849s | that can just immediately knock out this |
1851s | Beyblade Turtle for just one Mana here |
1855s | when I was talking about the best |
1857s | players playing elevating these things |
1858s | this is what I meant the quiet is being |
1860s | generated of course the graphical error |
1863s | here should be flipped the players are |
1864s | of course Allen's EQ should be playing |
1866s | the Tommy deck and it should be shumpo |
1868s | on yeah true Katarina true hopefully |
1870s | that can be fixed very very soon |
1872s | not not today am I gonna see Alan Z |
1875s | playing yeah so unfortunately |
1879s | I I like that arachnoid Century played |
1882s | by the way that was a very good call by |
1883s | Ellen uh essentially playing around the |
1886s | quietest by getting the Boost happening |
1888s | because apply this it's a slow speed |
1889s | spell so shampoo had no way of chaining |
1891s | that and now Fey is out of its range and |
1895s | even though we've already seen one |
1896s | there's no reason why there should be a |
1898s | second one in champo's hand so that that |
1900s | call right there which may not seem as |
1902s | intuitive really allowed this family |
1904s | throw to stick on the board and start |
1906s | snowballing and threatening with that |
1907s | big Power combined with the quick attack |
1910s | keyword double vial Feast drawn by |
1913s | shenpo here as he's building towards |
1914s | those verbal fishes but no Champion yet |
1916s | I know you're a player Mama that has |
1918s | played a decent amount of Katarina in |
1920s | the past your Yasuo enjoyer as I think |
1922s | everyone on the I played it before it |
1924s | was cool I I know that Jason seizure guy |
1926s | likes to say I'm the yaso guy I was the |
1928s | yaso guy before you even born buddy I |
1930s | got two masters in the rising Tides map |
1932s | data with the also catering and we have |
1934s | no winsteps hillock all right thank you |
1936s | for sharing my bike yeah it has to be |
1939s | known now that it is known now I will |
1942s | ask you the question you know how does |
1943s | this deck what's the kind of the |
1944s | gameplay function for this deck what is |
1946s | what is the the mission now in the mid |
1947s | game for yesterday outside of the match |
1949s | of itself just in general yeah yeah you |
1951s | got to build up your your yeah so level |
1953s | up because when you level up yasso |
1956s | your wincept hillock uh starts |
1958s | essentially eliminating the strongest |
1960s | unit on the board every single turn |
1963s | right uh especially combined with a |
1965s | leveled up Katarina so right now you got |
1967s | to focus on trying to apply pressure |
1969s | with your Beyblade twirlers and and you |
1972s | gotta especially in this particular |
1973s | matchup you gotta try to use your early |
1975s | game to deal as much damage as possible |
1977s | and try to force your opponent to react |
1979s | to your board so that you have enough |
1981s | Tempo to set up the wins to play lock |
1984s | and go for the yaso controller game the |
1987s | problem is we're facing off against a |
1989s | shadow house variant of twist of fate |
1991s | Nami which means that because of the |
1993s | Shadow owls region Splash you have |
1995s | access to a full set of Vengeance not |
1997s | only that but you have the shadow aisles |
1999s | tell Stones as well which can lead to a |
2001s | crumble so this deck has a very easy |
2004s | time eliminating yaso more so than uh |
2008s | just Ionia versions right |
2011s | so that's going to be the big the bigger |
2013s | issue here for for example like you've |
2015s | mentioned like twist of fate Nami you |
2017s | know yeah you also could have the the |
2019s | match of Adventure but it depends on |
2020s | what region is is being combined here |
2023s | and this the removal is just really |
2025s | really |
2026s | extremely uh available here for uh Allen |
2029s | and we already see Avengers in hand and |
2031s | it's just the beginning like that even |
2033s | that's that strafing could draw into a |
2034s | tell stones that could lead to a crumble |
2036s | as well so keeping yasu alive is going |
2038s | to be difficult |
2045s | and he's low on cars as well like if you |
2047s | if you realize like he's already down to |
2050s | like he obviously he has a lot of |
2051s | momentum going on on the board right but |
2056s | there's just two cards I thought there |
2058s | were three but there's just two cards in |
2059s | hand |
2064s | oh |
2066s | I seem to have some problem with it we |
2068s | have some tenant yeah I I was I was |
2069s | wondering like yeah because because |
2071s | there was a third card and it |
2072s | disappeared and then like the it was |
2075s | frozen so we have some technical |
2076s | difficulties uh we'll be we'll be right |
2078s | back with you in the meantime you can |
2080s | enjoy us talking about card games and |
2082s | stuff yeah we can't talk now a bit about |
2084s | because we haven't had a chance to talk |
2086s | about the players for sure a chance to |
2087s | see declares either from that first |
2088s | match because we got right into it right |
2090s | away but I think everyone knows Ionia is |
2092s | incredibly strong right now yeah both |
2094s | Lee sin and Nami of course Nami with TF |
2096s | or uh in some cases simonami was being |
2099s | played as well uh just with better |
2100s | spells being played in the open rounds |
2102s | and then Lee sin usually paired with |
2104s | Nollywood in this case you're trying to |
2105s | split up those Champions to have two |
2107s | strongness of just one in uh that's the |
2109s | form we have now for riots uh |
2111s | tournaments in the seasonal tournaments |
2112s | especially and that will be Lee sin |
2113s | akshan as a second maybe strongest deck |
2115s | in most of these lineups third deck is |
2117s | Fiora Pantheon the Buffs of Fiora now |
2119s | mixes up Pantheon and Faded is back into |
2121s | the mix of things with Cam4 in the mix |
2123s | as well with Eula as a support card as |
2127s | well an overall deck that some people |
2128s | were very tired of back when Yumi was a |
2130s | thing with Pantheon now is back maybe in |
2132s | a better version even right now I think |
2134s | it's healthier overall and we are back |
2137s | but yeah yeah speaking about that real |
2139s | quick just um |
2140s | uh I I do like seeing Cam4 back in or |
2144s | like not back in like actually being a |
2146s | card and relevant and things as we are |
2148s | Gracia quite as they're being used to |
2150s | remove the uh equipment that was |
2153s | equipped on this availability trailer we |
2154s | did miss that play as we see the |
2156s | Windswept tellock has already been |
2157s | developed and uh shampo is well spread |
2162s | out here as uh Alan can start attempting |
2166s | Alan is the one playing |
2168s | Alan is the one playing yeah so uh it |
2170s | was the graphical error it was the |
2172s | graphical error Outlet is breaking oh |
2174s | look it's bringing yasu oh my God oh my |
2178s | I |
2180s | think this day would come we were |
2182s | talking about oh we played Yahoo |
2185s | like players like that being the the |
2187s | ones trying to risk it and try and |
2189s | counter that Nami instead it is Allen |
2192s | actually taking the strategy thinking |
2193s | that I only need to make it to the top |
2194s | four top eight to get that look up |
2196s | against the spot I'm gonna try and do it |
2198s | matching up against Nami in three |
2199s | different rounds Alan has a key I repeat |
2202s | Allen has a key as we're gonna see |
2204s | shampoo play I assume this could be |
2206s | Avengers or |
2208s | uh we we don't we can't really see |
2210s | shampo's hand uh from from this |
2212s | perspective but we can speculate you |
2214s | know it's gonna be an absorbed Soul onto |
2216s | the spiderling knowing that this kind of |
2218s | play won't be disrupted with only three |
2219s | cards in hand you don't want to waste a |
2221s | stun or any sort of uh like a nopify |
2224s | even onto this |
2226s | gonna heal up |
2229s | still have a lot of blockers but most of |
2230s | them are |
2232s | elusives you know that Yasuo struggles |
2234s | with uh just dealing direct damage right |
2237s | you got to worry about the rally effects |
2239s | but that's only going to really happen |
2240s | if you leveled up Katarina which hasn't |
2241s | been the case here |
2244s | things which is allowing you to spawn a |
2247s | blocker at burst speed while you refill |
2249s | your hand pretty good card in my opinion |
2252s | as uh here we are back at it we see both |
2255s | hands and this is what I was talking |
2256s | about man Vengeance and double tail |
2259s | stones three sources of removal for yaso |
2264s | even though shampoo is out of range from |
2266s | killing him this turn which can be |
2268s | relevant uh it'll be knocked out next |
2270s | next round no Champions still for shampo |
2272s | here though |
2275s | uh Panda you're you're muted I think I'm |
2279s | back now |
2281s | I don't even know Mogwai from the past |
2283s | seasonal we have fixed the small issue |
2285s | we had with the overlay now we are no |
2287s | longer covering the Oracle eye so |
2288s | viewers are able to see what kind of |
2291s | damage is being done before it's |
2293s | actually accepted by the players |
2300s | gonna be using that to preserve the |
2302s | arachno essential Island and still |
2304s | trying to preserve their board uh |
2306s | there's a mark of the aisles |
2308s | Shuffle is thinking about using a mark |
2310s | of the aisle is to remove what I assume |
2312s | is the uh well how definitely a big tour |
2315s | alert yeah yeah it it could be on the |
2317s | zap exactly |
2319s | yeah eliminating one Beyblade trailer is |
2322s | a very big deal here |
2325s | it seems shumble is on his way to uh to |
2328s | stabilizing |
2329s | Alan has run out of gas has a yasu in |
2332s | hand and a ravenous flock but that's |
2334s | just nothing compared to the might of |
2336s | Shelley Shelley would with the |
2337s | tailstones in hand with that yetisen |
2342s | reporting for Duty |
2344s | well that road ain't gonna be somewhere |
2346s | you like uh yeah so this is not looking |
2349s | good for one Samurai available for uh |
2352s | one son of the very least but a lot of |
2354s | elusive damage coming in 14 HP in the |
2355s | next is four I don't do queue very |
2357s | smartly takes the hit before any other |
2359s | spells can be played except before your |
2361s | horn has a chance to add more spells to |
2363s | the stack yep very very good call right |
2366s | there I I definitely would go for uh a |
2367s | Vengeance here they're down to two cards |
2369s | so if you get a counter out of them then |
2371s | you can just enable it for next round |
2372s | you still have the ability to |
2374s | potentially kill something at fast speed |
2376s | with the shadow house tell Stones you |
2378s | could go for the spirit Journey instead |
2380s | jumbo is going to actually develop |
2383s | a line This is a bit of a risky play uh |
2386s | because what if Alan Z is a madman and |
2389s | is running intimidating Roar it just |
2392s | knocks his horn out my wife it's enough |
2395s | that Allen zq is playing y'all okay |
2396s | don't don't go too far okay okay okay |
2398s | you can't ask for so much well good |
2400s | dreams just please baby |
2403s | that just goes down and now in response |
2406s | we're gonna see uh interesting to see |
2407s | the compressor pump onto the uh |
2409s | non-illusive unit I don't know why you |
2411s | wouldn't Target the um the purple fish |
2413s | right |
2416s | maybe I assume that the blockers are |
2417s | gonna have to come in here with uh eight |
2419s | HP and X's with they also now let me |
2422s | killed off of course but we have the |
2423s | three two coming in as well and no Mana |
2425s | available for Sean Paul for this |
2426s | upcoming open attack Allen's EQ |
2428s | essentially thinking hey there's gonna |
2429s | be one stone coming in on the Shelley |
2430s | there are gonna have to be blockers I'm |
2432s | gonna have better combat trades only |
2434s | these purple fish here to block |
2436s | whichever words comes in as well able to |
2437s | refuel so important at this stage of the |
2439s | game where you really need to do so you |
2441s | can develop though we have triple double |
2443s | trouble in hand for shumbo he has ways |
2445s | to create more blockers but there's a |
2447s | Katarina Katarina is extremely tempting |
2449s | because the Cat arena does not get |
2451s | stopped it may force a spirit Journey |
2453s | very likely we'll Force the spirit |
2455s | Journey out of shumpur uh they are gonna |
2457s | they're gonna go in with the stun wow |
2460s | he's he's yeah he's going for blood |
2462s | he's trying to get the win here he knows |
2463s | it maybe the next attack tokens during |
2465s | her chumbo would be too dangerous to |
2466s | survive considering his hand considering |
2468s | his option although his palm could have |
2469s | been used defensively next turn in this |
2471s | case looks like trying to go for the win |
2472s | if Spirit journey is used early here |
2475s | the yeah Spirit Journey could be used |
2478s | onto the Fey blade twirler but I don't |
2480s | know why you would use it |
2482s | now oh yeah you're using on your own you |
2484s | know what a play |
2486s | what a play |
2489s | but that now Katarina goes down |
2492s | nothing goes down the problem is you're |
2495s | really vulnerable to an open attack you |
2497s | can however use the blades Edge onto the |
2500s | other burble fish and eliminate blocker |
2502s | one less blockers and one less open |
2504s | attacker yeah like it's it's really this |
2507s | is really important here |
2508s | and one of these double witness cannot |
2510s | walk it is of course gonna be the waffle |
2512s | idle cannot actually get the block off |
2515s | here so a lot of damage being committed |
2517s | here exactly that's lethal oh my God |
2520s | that's the the washer |
2525s | and shampoo and foresee will take the |
2527s | game loss wow you also Katarina doing |
2530s | what it should be doing in Allen's |
2532s | prediction with the reason why he |
2533s | brought this deck to tournament today to |
2535s | try and feast on these Nami decks a lot |
2538s | of tempo a lot of you know very hard to |
2539s | deal with these early blade trollers |
2541s | coming in we still have very early being |
2543s | developed and we saw why it was such a |
2544s | massive threat |
2546s | yeah so Katarina taking down Nami |
2549s | Twisted Fate was it was it a good lucky |
2552s | game for Alan or was it a |
2556s | evidence essentially of this deck just |
2558s | being |
2558s | um amazing and I haven't been slept on |
2560s | for quite some time and now we're going |
2562s | to be going to round two Alan is |
2564s | bringing any gin I'm a little bit |
2565s | nervous about Annie Jin because I've |
2567s | I've heard the tales that it was quite |
2570s | the underperformer in the qualifiers a |
2573s | lot of people bringing any gin actually |
2575s | dropped out because of the deck it it |
2578s | struggled quite a bit but if Alan is |
2581s | bringing it he must have a good reason |
2583s | for it and we're going to be seeing a |
2585s | really strong opener here Legion regard |
2587s | into boomkar rookie forcing the double |
2590s | trouble from shampoo normally a Nami |
2592s | player wants to win to turn three to |
2594s | play double trouble so they carry over |
2595s | the Spellman and start progressing |
2596s | towards nami's level up but because of |
2599s | the momentum that Allen is trying to |
2601s | jumper with uh they are forced to |
2603s | develop this double trouble early and |
2605s | get a delay nami's level up that you |
2608s | know a price to pay to not take a |
2610s | bazillion damage turn to is uh |
2612s | ultimately worth here as now we can |
2614s | expect an open attack into a pass from |
2615s | shampoo to try to build up that spell |
2617s | minute |
2619s | he's able to survive that first attack |
2621s | that kind of has to attack at this point |
2623s | but in this case able to survive for a |
2625s | second skill proc and a second amount of |
2627s | damage coming in as well that card does |
2630s | not seem play regularly in any gin |
2632s | that's that's that's uh uh what was what |
2634s | was it called the um the student |
2637s | the manusul student I believe the three |
2641s | drop that is a really dope addition |
2643s | that's that that one got cut off early |
2646s | on yeah |
2653s | surprisingly hard to play uh people |
2655s | early on did misplay with it a lot it |
2657s | wasn't just an aggro deck like many |
2659s | people in the beginning and now it's |
2661s | being you know used in a way where It |
2663s | just fits in a very specific goal you're |
2665s | trying to achieve in this lineup for |
2666s | Alan and what the matchup tables are all |
2668s | right now in the current meta |
2672s | this is already becoming a scary attack |
2674s | shampoo and I have to block off most of |
2676s | these units |
2678s | with the hand for Allen |
2680s | not looking great for the next few |
2682s | rounds yeah it's the kind of hand that |
2684s | you want to see when the game is almost |
2686s | uh over like when you've dealt with |
2688s | enough damage but these back-to-back |
2689s | double troubles have allowed chumbo to |
2693s | to stabilize here and control this |
2696s | ridiculous early aggression |
2700s | being able to answer the manisol student |
2702s | as well I believe there's a lot of these |
2704s | Nami backs are running heavy metal as a |
2706s | one-off so if that's the case a shampoo |
2708s | very fortunate to drawing it there |
2710s | because it was an excellent answer to a |
2712s | very threatened unit ionian hook Master |
2714s | being drawn therefore Allen much better |
2716s | talk deck here for shampo with the twist |
2719s | of fate undying main deck undying |
2723s | am I going to see something it's a main |
2725s | deck undying and is that a thing in Nami |
2727s | I don't believe so but Melissa it's the |
2729s | case here for shampoo unless the car was |
2731s | generated the hand though the difference |
2733s | here Mogwai is oh no no no no no no it |
2736s | was the um the wardens prey yeah the |
2738s | warden spray uh generated yeah |
2744s | well comparing the hands my way that's |
2745s | the big thing I want to touch on here |
2746s | yeah |
2747s | infinite draw you have TF as well you |
2749s | have Nami on the board already you have |
2751s | Rusty crosier as well uh coming online |
2753s | so it's I'm not sure if Alan's gonna |
2755s | have a way to to you know in any way |
2757s | fight for this game at this point 16 HP |
2759s | stolen Nexus for shampoo very far away |
2761s | from any kind of surprise lethal at this |
2763s | point |
2764s | and the hand is not really doing element |
2765s | Shavers essentially trading away board |
2767s | for burn which in this case is just not |
2770s | quite effective enough because I mean |
2771s | there is so much HP in the Nexus the |
2773s | back-to-back Double Trouble is really |
2774s | shut uh him down it was a solid opener |
2777s | you know you had Legion rear guard into |
2779s | your boom crew rookie and then the |
2781s | manisol student could have dealt quite a |
2783s | bit as well but |
2786s | shot boys had a very easy time |
2787s | stabilizing and if he's able to continue |
2789s | to not take a bazillion damage this hand |
2792s | will most certainly drown him in value |
2795s | got got Coral creatures you have eye of |
2798s | nagakoporos which was just played right |
2800s | now to spawn another uh potential |
2803s | blocker um I like Coral creatures here a |
2805s | lot it just technically costs one mana |
2807s | and gives you an extra resource or you |
2809s | can just go for double trouble and just |
2811s | go wide completely that also works |
2814s | especially assuming as Alan uh you know |
2816s | you can maybe tell by his hand by the |
2818s | players not being made here that doesn't |
2819s | really have much to work with the hand |
2820s | might be a bit awkward and jumbo wants |
2821s | to take advantage of this one's to try |
2822s | and already uh cement himself on the |
2824s | board get some value here right away |
2826s | with the full Board of attackers ready |
2828s | to go or of units to buff for the next |
2830s | open attack doesn't think about Nami |
2832s | that's why Nami is uh I I would argue |
2835s | the strongest champion in the game right |
2837s | now there's a certain point |
2839s | in the match in which if if you have |
2842s | stabilized and or you have survived and |
2844s | she levels up and all of a sudden you're |
2846s | just going to be |
2848s | generating these monstrous amounts of |
2850s | stats spreading them out throughout your |
2852s | entire board and you don't even need |
2854s | elusives to just overwhelm the opponent |
2856s | really |
2857s | Nami goes down the attune triggers the |
2859s | level up and ladies and gentlemen I |
2861s | think this game is done |
2865s | that's not me we're gonna be seeing a |
2866s | lot of Earth today folks |
2868s | well she will be the target for many |
2870s | bands as she was in the open round so |
2872s | basically took I think you know a whole |
2874s | heap of bands when she was in the lineup |
2876s | for either player and that's gonna be |
2878s | yeah |
2879s | you know the the writing on the wall was |
2882s | quite clear a few times ago even with |
2883s | the opening for Allen the handy hat as |
2885s | well trying to hand it below to get back |
2887s | into the game and for shumpo the exact |
2889s | opposite we saw just all the different |
2891s | types of car that can refuel his hand |
2893s | they can have him fight into a very very |
2895s | long game which is what Nami does so |
2896s | well with pretty much every card either |
2898s | replacing itself or drawing a card or |
2899s | just generating stats as you're |
2900s | mentioning it's a very versatile deck |
2902s | that has also the option to become a |
2905s | threat in so many different ways Lucid |
2907s | was just big boards but also can answer |
2909s | so many different threats from any |
2910s | opponent's lineup because of the tail |
2911s | stones like the if you're playing Ionia |
2914s | the ion Intel Stones if you're playing |
2915s | Shadows the Shadows stuff so those are |
2917s | very good they provide a lot of the |
2920s | shadow Alice one is particularly strong |
2922s | with nami because it can lead to a lot |
2925s | like a lot of damage with the mark of |
2927s | the Alice combo or it can just be used |
2929s | to remove something right to answer a |
2931s | threat it's just extremely flexible and |
2933s | the only issue that the deck has is not |
2935s | dying to early aggression pretty much |
2937s | and with cars like double trouble as you |
2940s | can see there even a deck that's purely |
2941s | designed to end the game quickly can |
2944s | fall short and we're gonna see here |
2946s | beside disciple normally attacks as an |
2948s | opener but in this matchup right here |
2949s | they're preserving it in the back row |
2951s | instead do not have to pay two Mana to |
2953s | redeploy it for the sake of cycling |
2954s | through the deck because value is not |
2957s | the the name of the game here the name |
2959s | of the game here is tempo being able to |
2960s | keep up with what your opponent is doing |
2962s | so use this visa and disciple as a way |
2964s | to block into that Legion Saboteur and |
2967s | uh you if you're shampoo you wish Alan |
2970s | would go for an open attack here but |
2971s | Alan you know this that's a world |
2973s | champion right there he's not going to |
2975s | play into that and he said he's gonna |
2976s | open ionian hook Master gonna get the |
2978s | Shepherds staff thing you know the stick |
2981s | hits him in the head it's really really |
2983s | painful and as you can see it makes her |
2985s | quite beefy a four three four two can't |
2988s | block but you don't really care you |
2990s | wanna you wanna punch damage now action |
2993s | on curve doesn't feel as good because |
2995s | you don't want to be blocking with your |
2996s | action |
2997s | but you may need certain decks having a |
3000s | preference for uh starting attacks on |
3002s | even or on odds obviously for things |
3004s | like lurk attacking on odds attacking on |
3006s | front one is very crucial in the case |
3008s | for auction attacking on turn two so |
3009s | here a little bit of a you know bad luck |
3012s | moment for shampoo without the attack |
3014s | here for Action right away but still |
3016s | next turn you can't do it but now of |
3018s | course there's a can block do the |
3019s | shepherd staff onto the hook Master |
3021s | which means that you will be able to |
3023s | attack right away with option if you |
3024s | choose to and you have the absolver ask |
3026s | some backup but of course you want to |
3027s | use that much much later in the game |
3029s | Lee sin has been drawn this is a problem |
3032s | many times in the past release index not |
3034s | actually drawing release so at least |
3036s | that has been checked out of the way |
3037s | here for shampoo |
3038s | the double deny is a little bit |
3041s | you know it it it's it's gonna hold |
3044s | shampoo back a bit especially in |
3045s | congestion with that absorber there's |
3047s | three cards in hand I mean one deny is |
3049s | good to have you know you're gonna need |
3050s | it eventually two you'd rather have |
3052s | other other resources now now because |
3054s | there's not really much going on in |
3055s | shampoo's hand for the immediate moment |
3057s | you will attack with the Messiah |
3058s | disciple because you have you are going |
3060s | to carry reverse comment you're going to |
3061s | be able to redeploy it and you need to |
3062s | cycle through your deck yeah if he |
3066s | doesn't have a union for this next turn |
3067s | this could be devastating in terms of |
3069s | the hand that Alan's able to put forward |
3070s | now two two units can be dropped here |
3073s | for four Mana I'm imagining the Solari |
3075s | sunhawk will be one of those with |
3076s | Daybreak effect right away can stun |
3078s | action and have one less blocker |
3079s | available and really the only Block in |
3081s | this case or it could just be double |
3082s | touch speaker trying to go he wants he |
3084s | wants that action he wants to force the |
3085s | action to trade but I mean considering |
3087s | you have a boom rookie but the thing is |
3089s | like if you have action you want to be |
3090s | blocking into something a bit beefier so |
3093s | I also like I think swagson Hawk was |
3096s | definitely worth considering but the |
3097s | fact that it stuns Lee sin on curve and |
3100s | and shampo is attacking on odds uh is a |
3104s | good reason to keep it there so I think |
3106s | double |
3107s | Tusk speaker is gonna be the play here |
3110s | at this point after we saw the first one |
3112s | it's easy to assume the second one is |
3113s | coming down as well |
3115s | I have the Dragon Force oh yeah about |
3118s | missing some presents on the board |
3119s | against the deck that can be very |
3121s | aggressive at times I don't think he was |
3122s | bringing here with the Annie gin that |
3124s | will definitely help out in having uh |
3126s | much more of a presence the next few |
3127s | turns especially at least until this the |
3129s | side of the Dragon goes down if it goes |
3130s | down |
3132s | I think we are going to see an absolver |
3134s | I'm surprised we see the dark and blood |
3136s | letters first |
3137s | but now we should see the uh I had the |
3140s | dragon go down and and we're going to be |
3142s | seeing a premature absolver being played |
3144s | here by shenpo you you need to do it |
3146s | because you need the second spell to |
3147s | enable the eye of the Dragon it can also |
3149s | help one of your end to survive and |
3150s | exchange the I would I like either the |
3152s | dragon onto uh sorry uh absolver onto |
3156s | eye of the Dragon it allows you to trade |
3158s | into tough speaker and survive |
3160s | and you're not really expecting cars |
3162s | like ravenous flock in this particular |
3163s | noxious variant of a deck |
3165s | so you trade there you trade them a |
3167s | style and disciple you know you get a |
3169s | little bit confused but he needs to take |
3170s | one for the team and then this I have |
3171s | the Dragon Gets the absolver Boost trays |
3174s | into the tough speaker and you take five |
3177s | damage which you're gonna be able to |
3178s | recover some of next turn talk about |
3180s | decklist we haven't had a chance to see |
3181s | the declus in the asset before this |
3183s | match started off but in the list for |
3185s | lzq despite the Nerf to decimate up to |
3188s | six Mana for all our aggro enjoyers out |
3190s | there three copies of it still being run |
3191s | in this deck for Allen |
3193s | three copies of what decimate of |
3196s | decimator six minute decimate still |
3199s | still alive |
3204s | well at least Sean Paul doesn't have to |
3205s | worry about that he doesn't have to |
3206s | worry about the burn but the maniso |
3208s | student low-key represents a huge threat |
3212s | because it's it's pinging in multiple |
3215s | instances right so the Knight doesn't |
3216s | really work out against it if you have |
3218s | brighter negation that's a different |
3219s | story but |
3221s | it's gonna be stacking up quite a bit of |
3222s | damage here we see momentous Choice |
3224s | they're going to be applied onto the |
3225s | lifesteal |
3227s | with the level a little bit healthier |
3229s | trying to level up yeah well I'll get |
3231s | that extra bit of damage knocks and |
3233s | further though gonna need to keep that |
3235s | Mana for deny |
3237s | as long as he does |
3241s | he a predictor I only tell Stones I |
3244s | really like gives you healing |
3246s | and uh Homecoming in a pinch yep there |
3249s | it is and now an attack very good turn |
3252s | by shumbo here gonna get back together |
3255s | with this Choice online uh for the extra |
3257s | life still just to make sure you're at a |
3259s | further range because you don't know how |
3260s | long this I have dragon survive for you |
3262s | know what exactly your opponent has |
3263s | planned you want to try and get this |
3264s | life stool on the either dragon on the |
3265s | dragon that's currently on the board uh |
3267s | one you can and try and make use of it |
3269s | right now |
3270s | this is not good for Alan |
3272s | this is really bad uh this he he really |
3276s | needs this not action for what to go |
3277s | through and now the double denies that |
3278s | we were you know we're seemed like a bit |
3280s | of a detriment early on are going to |
3282s | come into extremely clutch here |
3283s | gonna get him back to 12. |
3285s | and he does that he still has a a |
3287s | counter not only to a dese but also to |
3290s | like a very key stun for example that |
3292s | could set him back like there's just a |
3294s | lot of stuff |
3295s | shut down he has at least in ready he |
3297s | has the health potion enabled that will |
3299s | enable the eye of the dragon and the |
3301s | palm and once you have this set up for |
3303s | shampoo where you have your auction |
3304s | still alive you have your leasing ready |
3306s | to go when you have the Madison to play |
3308s | him and also still have defensive |
3309s | capabilities alive and you have the eye |
3310s | of the Dragon you're just looking for |
3311s | more utility you're looking for more |
3312s | ways to answer threats to your opponent |
3314s | might developed to try and end this game |
3315s | and because the poem is a perfect thing |
3317s | to draw right here you have denied to |
3319s | stop any big spells from coming in or |
3321s | any spells overall like an option fervor |
3322s | or destiny possibly and you have |
3324s | problems to stop what could be a scary |
3326s | open attack or a scary attack overall |
3328s | from Alan |
3329s | yep I know I'm being a bit of a captain |
3332s | hindsight here but like I was saying |
3334s | earlier I was concerned about the Annie |
3337s | gin being brought uh I've heard a lot uh |
3340s | of of players just recent conclusion |
3342s | that it was uh arguably one of the worst |
3345s | performers in the qualifier you know |
3347s | from who was president a lot of lineups |
3348s | and did not really |
3351s | you know it didn't really succeed too |
3353s | much here and we're seeing Alan uh |
3355s | bringing it against Decks that are |
3357s | supposed to be relatively weak to it and |
3360s | uh they're just having not not too much |
3363s | of a hard time stabilizing against it |
3365s | and once they do you're you're just done |
3367s | it's over |
3369s | like if you have not ended the game by |
3371s | this point it's just |
3373s | it's all downhill or uphill from here |
3376s | what's what's the expression |
3378s | in the opener I was looking for for data |
3379s | from the Apec region and the emea region |
3382s | actually andigen had a 52 win rate so |
3384s | not terrible there are worth performing |
3386s | decks uh Lisa Nami was at 54 or almost |
3389s | okay five uh for reference and it was uh |
3393s | banned quite a bit as well any gin so |
3394s | it's an act that people had on their |
3396s | radar as a possible problem depending on |
3398s | the lineup and didn't perform too badly |
3400s | I mean not obviously a stellar |
3401s | performance but yeah better than I |
3403s | expected maybe at 52 well I'm I'm like |
3406s | the European players that I that I |
3408s | follow like that that's again I don't |
3410s | have the actual data it's just from my |
3412s | own perspective like what people were |
3414s | saying about it from from people who |
3415s | brought it uh there seem to be a lot of |
3418s | discourse revolving around it so maybe |
3421s | it's one of those things right like you |
3422s | can curve out extremely well and just |
3424s | they'll overcome anything but from what |
3426s | have we seen these two games uh it's |
3428s | definitely uh falling a little bit short |
3429s | I love the manisol student Edition |
3432s | but man at this point it's looking |
3435s | pretty done yeah how do you how do you |
3437s | finish this similar to last game just |
3439s | running out of really anything to to try |
3442s | and contest the game plan of his |
3443s | opponent to try and develop his own game |
3444s | plan going to the later rounds just runs |
3446s | out of fuel too too quickly despite the |
3448s | board being okay this fight the |
3450s | demolitionist coming online here |
3452s | it just seems like you're too far away |
3453s | HP is more than enough and you have |
3455s | health potion you have the dragonlings |
3457s | or the ivy dragon is still alive Lee sin |
3458s | levels up now |
3459s | the blue Camis are here for shenpo |
3462s | akshan Lee Stan and I the dragon ah this |
3464s | is this is |
3466s | this is today's tournament where I see a |
3469s | lot of kicks a lot of kicks and a lot of |
3472s | fishes getting huge |
3474s | that's that's the the Ionia way |
3478s | Minnesota student gonna get kicked out |
3481s | of class and this is a rapidly gentlemen |
3484s | the world champion despite a great game |
3487s | one is gonna succumb back to back with |
3490s | the antigen deck to shenpo who you know |
3493s | goes to show that you know this this |
3495s | lineup is here to stay and it's hard to |
3497s | counter Panda because this is this is |
3499s | the world champion attempting to counter |
3501s | the lineup and it did not work out so |
3505s | we'll we'll see if if there's other |
3506s | approaches at that strategy or if we're |
3509s | going to see more of of this particular |
3511s | lineup throughout the tournament but |
3513s | this is going to be series one in which |
3515s | the former world champion will be |
3516s | knocked out run round one and champo |
3519s | will advance |
3521s | to the top 16 |
3526s | this is how Cutthroat these tournaments |
3529s | are 3 HP now on the Nexus for Allen I |
3532s | don't think there's there's really any |
3534s | Miracle draw that can save it here |
3535s | considering the hand considering the |
3537s | health potion coming online now onto the |
3539s | Nexus 11 is |
3541s | deny for anything deep mad to draw even |
3544s | more cards to keep the dragonling |
3546s | activated as well for the next turn this |
3548s | turn you have it as a blocker to heal as |
3549s | well I mean you have a son coming in |
3552s | from Allen but really it's just not not |
3554s | enough and any gin is this exactly you |
3556s | want to put all your eggs into that |
3557s | basket when you're you're trying to go |
3559s | for a world qualifications while trying |
3560s | to advance to those top spots in this in |
3562s | this uh |
3564s | uh it's risky and the risk you know |
3567s | sometimes it pays off |
3569s | sometimes it doesn't and in this case uh |
3572s | any gin falls short |
3574s | and Nami The Meta essentially rain |
3577s | Supreme will take it right here we're |
3580s | gonna see a concede from Alan uh soon |
3582s | because you know he knows well when he's |
3585s | not one to give up uh prematurely like |
3587s | he always uh plays until the very end |
3589s | but when he knows it's the actual end |
3592s | he'll he'll get out of there and at this |
3593s | point without the Knight back up all |
3596s | these combat tricks of a signed disciple |
3598s | being drawn that allows them to continue |
3600s | cycling |
3601s | there's just absolutely nothing that uh |
3604s | Alan can do here he can play the |
3606s | stagehand to stun the Lee sin but that |
3608s | can be denied |
3610s | with one card left in hand I would deny |
3612s | this honestly I want to end the game and |
3613s | I know that yeah |
3615s | like you don't have to worry like oh |
3617s | they have a decimate I have 11 health I |
3620s | spent six Mana for that yep that's all |
3623s | she wrote ladies and gentlemen Allen |
3624s | eliminated and shampo advanced the next |
3626s | round and we're gonna see a lot of this |
3629s | ionian master race just taking down |
3633s | the counter lineups and jumbo also just |
3637s | one of the the strongest players in |
3638s | ladder in terms of win rate in terms of |
3640s | just one of the most dominant players in |
3642s | the past few seasons he's really hit |
3643s | fantastic form coming into this |
3645s | tournament coming to the last few |
3646s | seasonals as well so a tough matchup for |
3648s | Alan but really any matchup in this |
3650s | first round is gonna be yeah as you |
3651s | mentioned it this tournament is so |
3653s | stacked everyone you're facing is pretty |
3655s | much a player that has been to a million |
3657s | top Cuts already or a player that you |
3658s | know as one of those beasts on whatever |
3660s | it's always going to be in those top top |
3662s | positions so this is the thing seasonal |
3664s | top Cuts always going to be cut throat |
3666s | tournaments always going to be |
3667s | disappointing for some viewers that you |
3669s | know are cheering on for a specific |
3670s | player because one bad matchup one bad |
3673s | lineup one you know two games in a row |
3675s | where Allen didn't have maybe the best |
3676s | of hands coming into those games and |
3678s | it's over that's that's the end of the |
3679s | dream for Alex I I think at this point |
3681s | it's safe there's him like with with |
3683s | such a stack top 32 and how these |
3687s | players are all like at the very highest |
3689s | level and they're not really there's not |
3690s | much difference between them in regards |
3692s | to to skills right they have different |
3694s | play Styles preferences is and sure some |
3697s | shine better under pressure than others |
3699s | but ultimately it comes down to two |
3700s | sayings preparation |
3702s | and and also just not not getting too |
3704s | nervous and succumbing and misplaying |
3706s | your sequencing as well uh but the the |
3709s | sequencing from all these boys are going |
3710s | to be top level so a lot of it's going |
3712s | to go down to what they decide to bring |
3714s | sometimes you know you you go a little |
3716s | bit out of your comfort zone sometimes |
3719s | you risk it more sometimes less and |
3721s | ultimately we've seen huge gambles pay |
3724s | off when it comes to lineups in the past |
3725s | but we also seen them fail and today um |
3728s | we've seen any gin to uh up to a a you |
3731s | know a bit of a rough start I don't |
3733s | think any gin is the deck that will |
3735s | perform or or take this tournament I I |
3738s | could be wrong but I from what I've seen |
3740s | I I don't think it is and I do I do feel |
3743s | like it's going to be rough to counter |
3744s | the Nami Lee sin split right the fact |
3748s | I'm not being played together they're |
3749s | going to do different decks uh they're |
3751s | packing in a lot of power from from not |
3755s | only Ione is a region because we're |
3756s | seeing a lot of variants with Shadow |
3757s | owls but also just from the their their |
3759s | nature of their combo and the fact that |
3761s | once the game reaches a certain Point |
3762s | there's very little that beats them so |
3765s | it's going to be going to a very quick |
3767s | break hopefully going to be able to fix |
3769s | up any of these small production and |
3771s | technical issues we've been having |
3772s | throughout this first round we're very |
3773s | sorry to all of yours at home it was |
3775s | confusing for us I imagine for viewers |
3776s | even more so but hopefully everything |
3778s | will get iron out we might have to |
3779s | restart the stream due to some of these |
3781s | technical issues so if that's the case |
3782s | just refresh I'll be right back for |
3784s | round two as you mentioned always going |
3785s | to be on time 2 p.m CET will be the next |
3788s | round and then one hour after that in |
3789s | one hour increments will have every |
3791s | future round then we'll have a chance to |
3792s | see the bracket as well Y and C what |
3795s | players were already eliminated Yeah you |
3796s | mentioned 32 to 16 after Justin I mean |
3798s | we're only like 30 like there's there's |
3800s | still like a lot of games that are going |
3802s | like this is a pretty quick series |
3804s | actually so so but we'll see we'll see |
3807s | who who goes with a break and we'll be |
3808s | right back very soon don't go anywhere |
3812s | to restore this Legacy is my greatest |
3815s | honor |
3817s | [Music] |
3822s | so much to learn how will I know when |
3824s | I'm ready even as a so-called Master |
3827s | there is so much I do not know |
3830s | good good |
3833s | clear mind |
3834s | [Music] |
3836s | blade and mind honed and sharp |
3840s | concentrate tune see this |